(2,445 bytes)
// File: I. Henry February 18 2005
// Java translation of example5.c from the WFDB Programmer's Guide
// Copyright (C) 2005 Isaac C. Henry (
import wfdb.*;
public class example5 {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
int i, nsig;
if (argv.length < 1) {
System.out.println("usage: example5 record");
// Unlike C programs, Java programs do not have any foolproof way
// to discover their own names, so the name is given as a constant
// above. The usage statement is correct if this file has been
// compiled. The command needed to run this program within a JVM
// is platform-dependent and likely to be more complex.
nsig = wfdb.isigopen(argv[0], null, 0);
if (nsig < 1) System.exit(2);
WFDB_SiginfoArray s = new WFDB_SiginfoArray(nsig);
if (wfdb.isigopen(argv[0], s.cast(), nsig) != nsig) System.exit(2);
System.out.println("Record " + argv[0]);
System.out.println("Starting time: " + wfdb.timstr(0));
System.out.println("Sampling frequency: " +
wfdb.sampfreq(argv[0]) + " Hz");
System.out.println(nsig + " signals");
for (i = 0; i < nsig; i++) {
WFDB_Siginfo s_i_ = s.getitem(i);
System.out.println("Group " + s_i_.getGroup() +
", Signal " + i + ":");
System.out.println(" File: " + s_i_.getFname());
System.out.println(" Description: " + s_i_.getDesc());
System.out.print(" Gain: ");
if (s_i_.getGain() == 0.)
System.out.print("uncalibrated; assume " + wfdb.WFDB_DEFGAIN);
else System.out.print(s_i_.getGain());
System.out.println(" adu/" +
(s_i_.getUnits() != null ? s_i_.getUnits() : "mV"));
System.out.println(" Initial value: " + s_i_.getInitval());
System.out.println(" Storage format: " + s_i_.getFmt());
System.out.print(" I/O: ");
if (s_i_.getBsize() == 0) System.out.println("can be unbuffered");
else System.out.println(s_i_.getBsize() + "-byte blocks");
System.out.println(" ADC resolution: " + s_i_.getAdcres() +
" bits");
System.out.println(" ADC zero: " + s_i_.getAdczero());
if (s_i_.getNsamp() > 0) {
System.out.println(" Length: " + wfdb.timstr(s_i_.getNsamp()) +
" (" + s_i_.getNsamp() + " sample intervals)");
System.out.println(" Checksum: " + s_i_.getCksum());
else System.out.println(" Length undefined");