WFDB Software Package 10.7.0
(2,333 bytes)
# file: url_view G. Moody 16 April 1997
# Last revised: 4 May 2006
# Use this script to view an HTML document or any other URL (specified by
# the command-line argument to this script). Set the environment variable
# URLV to specify your favorite web browser; if you have not done so,
# url_view will attempt to use Firefox.
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo usage: url_view URL; exit
if [ "x$URLV" = "x" ]; then
case $URLV in
Fir*) URLV=firefox ;;
Gal*) URLV=galeon ;;
Kfm*) URLV=konqueror ;;
Kon*) URLV=konqueror ;;
Moz*) URLV=mozilla ;;
Net*) URLV=netscape ;;
Ope*) URLV=opera ;;
case $URLV in
gal*) $URLV -x $1 2>/dev/null & ;;
konq*|kfm*) kfmclient openURL 2>/dev/null $1 ;;
fir*|moz*|net*|ope*) ( $URLV -remote "openURL($1)" 2>/dev/null || $URLV $1 ) & ;;
*) $URLV $1 & ;;
# For supported browsers (Galeon, Konqueror (kfm), Mozilla, Netscape, and
# Opera), url_view avoids launching a new instance of the browser if one
# is already running. For all of these except Konqueror, url_view reuses
# an already-open browser window if possible.
# Note that early versions of these browsers may not support the remote
# control features of current versions. All versions of Netscape since 1.1
# will work properly, but remote control was added to Mozilla and Galeon
# relatively recently. It is likely that all versions of Konqueror will
# work, but only Konqueror 2.2.2 has been tested. Opera has not been tested.
# If URLVIEWER specifies an unsupported browser, url_view invokes it in the
# background, passing the URL as the first (and only) command-line argument.
# If you are still using Mosaic, you are invited to add Mosaic support (see
# If you want to port url_view to MS-Windows, you may be able to use IE with
# the command "rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler $1" (where $1 is the
# URL, as above). According to,
# you will need to convert .htm to .ht%6D (and presumably .html to .ht%6D%6C)
# if $1 ends in .htm or .html, because rundll32 chokes otherwise. Note that
# the remote control features of the other browsers may work differently or
# may be unsupported under MS-Windows.