PhysioNet/CinC 2004 Challenge - Event A For further details please see the following paper in the Proceedings of Computers in Cardiology 2004: "Predicting the end of an Atrial Fibrillation Episode: The PhysioNet Challenge" F. Cantini (1), F. Conforti (1), M. Varanini (1), F. Chiarugi (2), G. Vrouchos (3) (1) CNR, Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy (2) ICS-FORTH, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (3) ICU-CCU Departement, Venizeleio-Pananeio Hospital, Heraklion, Crete, Greece --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These programs are free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You can find the GNU General Public Licence in the site or in the file "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.pdf" attached to this package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start "Matlab" (Signal processing Toolbox is required) environment and execute "eventA.m" to elaborate the whole aftdb database. Input parameters: mainPath_in -> Atrial fibrillation database main directory (example: '..\..\\physiobank\database\aftdb') mainPath -> Main data directory (example: '..\..\') The "eventA.m" procedure executes the following routines: - "QrsAvgCancelAll.m" ("QrsAvgCancelTestClPcan.m": QRST canceling) - "StftSpettriMedianAll.m" ("StftSpettriMedian.m": spectrum estimation) - "ResultTest.m" (classification) - - - Input files: mainPath_in\caseDir\cname.dat where: "caseDir" is one of the following: "learning-set", "test-set-a", "test-set-b"; "cname" the name of one case (example: '..\..\\physiobank\database\aftdb\learning-set\n01.dat') Output files of "QrsAvgCancelTestClPcan.m" routine: directory mainPath\DatiQc\caseDir (example: '..\..\DatiQc\learning-set') 'cname.dat' containing signals after QRST canceling (example: '..\..\DatiQc\learning-set\n01.dat') 'cname.mat' containing some parameters (RR interval series, the mean RR, ...) (example: '..\..\DatiQc\learning-set\n01.mat') Output files of "StftSpettriMedian.m" routine: directory mainPath\DatiQc\caseDir\SptRes (example: '..\..\DatiQc\learning-set\SptRes') 'cname.mat' containing the parameters of the previuos parameter file (cname.mat) updated with spectral measures: 'fPmaxb', 'Pdmaxb' directory mainPath\DatiQc\caseDir\SptRes\figure (example: '..\..\DatiQc\learning-set\SptRes\figure') 'cname.jpg' containing the figure of Power Density Spectrum Output files of "ResultTest.m" routine: directory mainPath\DatiQc (example: '..\..\DatiQc') 'ResultTab.txt' containing the classification results of all the cases of all the set.