function [class] = PredictAHE(ABPMeanSignal,freq) % function [class] = PredictAHE(ABPMeanSignal,freq) % % Input Variables % ABPMeanSignal- mean ABP signal % freq- sampling frequency of the mean ABP signal % % Output Variables % class - Classficiation whether 'Class C' (no episode of acute % hypotension) or 'Class H' (episode of acute hypotension is probable) % % Description % Predicts based on a twenty minute history whether a patient will have % an episode of acute hypotension. % Created % 8/31/2009, Mohamed A Mneimneh, % % This software is released under the terms of the GNU General % Public License ( % Modified sec2min = 60; if (nargin < 2) error 'Please input ABP mean signal, and sampling frequency' end if (length(ABPMeanSignal)/(freq*sec2min) > 20 ) avgABPMean = average(ABPMeanSignal(end-20*(freq*sec2min):end)); if (avgABPMean > 71) class = 'Class C'; else class = 'Class H'; end else error 'Atleast 20 minutes of ABP mean is required' end end function avg = average(timeseries) % function avg = average(timeseries) % % Input Variables % timeseries- timeseries % % Output Variables % avg - the average without taking into consideration nan and zeroes % % Description % Calculates the average of the time series without taking into % consideration zeroes or nan. % Created % 8/31/2009, Mohamed A Mneimneh, % % This software is released under the terms of the GNU General % Public License ( % Modified count = 0; total = 0; for i = 1:length(timeseries) if isnan(timeseries(i)) || timeseries(i) == 0 continue; end total = total + timeseries(i); count = count + 1; end avg = total/count; end