ì€QXôCüid=785 t0=-11100 el=0 cg=1663 cu=1 v1=42 n1=42 rs=Final st=NotStopdì(XôGüid=1286 t0=-2700 el=0 cg=1663 cu=1 v1=74.3 n1=74.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüid=824 t0=-2700 el=0 cg=1663 cu=1 v1=74.3 n1=74.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdìXôø6üid=1125 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=MICU st=NotStopdXôø:üid=128 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôøBüid=1337 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø5üid=1484 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üid=154 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Diabetic st=NotStopdXôø5üid=159 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø6üid=161 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=PAC's st=NotStopdXôø4üid=1622 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=ON st=NotStopdXôø5üid=1623 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø5üid=165 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø:üid=166 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Not Given st=NotStopdXô ø8üid=167 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Patient st=NotStopdXô ø<üid=168 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 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C st=NotStopdXôJøGüid=678 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=97.8 n1=97.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôKøAüid=680 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=AtmosAir Mattres st=NotStopdXôLø=üid=704 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdXôMø?üid=706 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôNø@üid=707 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôOø;üid=723 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôPø=üid=742 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=1 n1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôQø7üid=80 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôRø7üid=82 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôSø>üid=83 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôTø;üid=84 t0=-4980 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Sl. 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t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üid=159 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üid=161 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø@üid=211 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=84 n1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üid=212 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø>üid=467 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø>üid=470 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=2 n1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô øVüid=51 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=121 n1=121 u1=mmHg v2=52 n2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø@üid=52 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=76 n1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üid=550 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô øVüid=5815 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=50 n1=50 u1=BPM v2=120 n2=120 u2=BPM st=NotStopdXô øXüid=5817 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=90 n1=90 u1=mmHg v2=160 n2=160 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøRüid=5819 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=8 n1=8 u1=BPM v2=30 n2=30 u2=BPM st=NotStopdXôøCüid=581 t0=-1440 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=89.1 n1=89.1 u1=kg 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C st=NotStopdXô%øLüid=677 t0=-600 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=36.6667 n1=36.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô&øGüid=678 t0=-4200 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=97.4 n1=97.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô'øBüid=678 t0=-600 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=98 n1=98 u1=Deg. 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n1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üid=550 t0=-240 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôøUüid=5815 t0=-240 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=50 n1=50 u1=BPM v2=120 n2=120 u2=BPM st=NotStopdXôøWüid=5817 t0=-240 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=90 n1=90 u1=mmHg v2=160 n2=160 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøQüid=5819 t0=-240 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=8 n1=8 u1=BPM v2=30 n2=30 u2=BPM st=NotStopdXôøBüid=581 t0=-240 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=89.1 n1=89.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôøQüid=5820 t0=-240 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=90 n1=90 u1=% v2=100 n2=100 u2=% st=NotStopdXôø?üid=618 t0=-240 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=26 n1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø?üid=646 t0=-240 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=100 n1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üid=742 t0=-240 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=1 n1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdüid=52 t0=120 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=81 n1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üid=550 t0=120 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôøTüid=5815 t0=120 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=50 n1=50 u1=BPM v2=120 n2=120 u2=BPM st=NotStopdXôøVüid=5817 t0=120 el=0 cg=2750 cu=1 v1=90 n1=90 u1=mmHg v2=160 n2=160 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fr=Q24H ds=18 dn=1 dt=5 di=Days xv=36 xu=Hours