function x= cg (X1,X2,x0,s1,s2,S1,S2) x=x0; % 2010 % conjugate gardient algorithm implented for two toy problems - it is % possible to experiment with different line searching techniques and % updates of search directions % % example : mb_cg (function does not take input arguments) % quadratic 9.3.1 % A = [6 1 2;1 1 -2;2 -2 8]; % b = [2;-1;-2]; % objFunc = @(x) .5*x'*A*x + x'*b; % gradFunc = @(x) A*x + b; % x = [0;0;0]; % % rosenbrock 9.3.2 % f = @(x) (1-x(1)).^2 + 100*(x(2)-x(1).^2).^2; % gradf = @(x) [-2*(1-x(1))-200*x(1).*(x(2)-x(1).^2);200*(x(2)-x(1).^2)]; % x_0 = [-1;-1]; % % % objFunc = @(x) (1-x(1)).^2 + 100*(x(2)-x(1).^2).^2; % % % gradFunc = @(x) [-2*(1-x(1))-200*x(1).*(x(2)-x(1).^2);200*(x(2)-x(1).^2)]; % % % x = [0;0]; % % % % % % % % % % objFunc = f; % gradFunc = gradf; % x=x_0; visLineSearch = 0; % note in rasmussen uses uses polak update with inaxact line search for % minimize -> mode = 'fletcher'; % 'fletcher', 'hestenes' or 'polak' linesearch = 'exact'; % 'armijo', 'quadratic' or 'exact' if numel(x) == 2 % optional visualization for the roenbrock problem close all figure hold on limits = 2*[-1 1]; n = 100; Z = NaN*ones(n); [X Y] = meshgrid(linspace(limits(1),limits(2),n)); for i = 1:n for j = 1:n Z(i,j) = objFunc([X((i-1)*100+1);Y(j)]); end end contour(X,Y,Z,[1:3:20 50:30:300]) plot(x(1),x(2),'k.','MarkerSize',25) end objFuncValue = objFunc(x); oldObjFuncValue = objFuncValue*0.1; % implementation according to nocedal 5.2 algorithm 5.4 (FR-CG) % polak and hestenes updates for beta can be found in the same section dx = gradFunc(x); dir = -dx; % iterate iter = 0; numOfIter = 100; prec = 1e-5; % convergence if gradient smaller than prec, change in objective function % smaller than prec or maximum number of iteration reached... while iter < numOfIter && abs((oldObjFuncValue-objFuncValue)/objFuncValue)>prec && norm(dx)>prec % iteration counter iter = iter + 1; if strcmp(linesearch,'armijo') alpha = mb_backtrackingLineSearch(objFunc,objFuncValue,x,dx,dir); elseif strcmp(linesearch,'exact') maxStepLength = 2; linesearchFunc = @(delta) objFunc(x+delta*dir); alpha = fminbnd(linesearchFunc,0,maxStepLength); % matlab inherent function to find 1d min elseif strcmp(linesearch,'quadratic') alpha = mb_quadraticApproximationLineSearch(objFunc,objFuncValue,x,dx,dir); end % visualize the line search (optional) used for debugging % if visLineSearch % figure % hold on % alphas = linspace(0,2*alpha,100); % alphaVis = NaN*alphas; % for i = 1:100 % alphaVis(i) = objFunc(x+alphas(i)*dir); % end % plot(alphas,alphaVis,'b') % function in direction of line search % plot(alpha,objFunc(x+alpha*dir),'r.') % the steplength found % plot(alphas,objFuncValue + 1e-1*alphas*(dir'*dx),'g') % constraint % pause(.5) % close % end % update x x = x + alpha*dir; % update obj func values oldObjFuncValue = objFuncValue; objFuncValue = objFunc(x); % update dx oldDx = dx; dx = gradFunc(x); if strcmp(mode,'fletcher') beta = (dx'*dx)/(oldDx'*oldDx); elseif strcmp(mode,'hestenes') beta = (dx'*(dx-oldDx))/((dx-oldDx)'*dir); elseif strcmp(mode,'polak') beta = (dx'*(dx-oldDx))/(oldDx'*oldDx); end % update search direction dir = -dx + beta*dir; % visualization for rosenbrock problem % if numel(x) == 2 % plot(x(1),x(2),'k.','MarkerSize',25) % drawnow; % end fprintf(['Iteration ' num2str(iter) ' - Obj Func = ' num2str(objFuncValue) ' @ x = [' num2str(x') ']\n']); end function value=objFunc(a) N1=size(X1,1); N2=size(X2,1); % p=var(X1*a); % value=-((1/N1)*s1'*a-(1/N2)*s2'*a)^2+(1/N1)*((a'*X1')*(X1*a)-(2/N1)*(S1*a)'*(X1*a)+(1/N1)*(a'*s1)*(s1'*a))+(1/N2)*(a'*X2'*X2*a-(2/N2)*(S2*a)'*X2*a+(1/N2)*a'*s2*s2'*a); % value=-(var(X1*a)+var(X2*a)); mu1=(1/N1)*s1'*a; mu2=(1/N2)*s2'*a; value=(mu1-mu2)^2; end function value=gradFunc(a) N1=size(X1,1); N2=size(X2,1); % value= -2*((1/N1)*s1'*a-(1/N2)*s2'*a)*((1/N1)*s1-(1/N2)*s2)+(1/N1)*(2*X1'*X1*a-(2/N1)*(S1'*(X1*a)+X1'*(S1*a)) +(2/N1)*(s1'*a)*s1)+(1/N2)*(2*X2'*X2*a-(2/N2)*(S2'*(X2*a)+X2'*(S2*a)) +(2/N2)*(s2'*a)*s2); mu1=(1/N1)*s1'*a; mu2=(1/N2)*s2'*a; value=2*((1/N1)*s1'*a-(1/N2)*s2'*a)*((1/N1)*s1-(1/N2)*s2); %value=2e5*a-2*((1/N1)*s1'*a-(1/N2)*s2'*a)*((1/N1)*s1-(1/N2)*s2)+(1/N1)*X1'*(X1*a-mu1)+(1/N2)*X2'*(X2*a-mu2); % value=-((1/N1)*X1'*(X1*a-mu1)+(1/N2)*X2'*(X2*a-mu2)); % value= [-2*(1-x(1))-200*x(1).*(x(2)-x(1).^2);200*(x(2)-x(1).^2)]; end % % % function value=objFunc(x) % % % % % % value=(1-x(1)).^2 + 100*(x(2)-x(1).^2).^2; % % % % % % end % % % % % % % % % function value=gradFunc(x) % % % % % % value= [-2*(1-x(1))-200*x(1).*(x(2)-x(1).^2);200*(x(2)-x(1).^2)]; % % % % % % end end