function [fetal_QRSAnn_est,QT_Interval] = physionet2013(tm,ECG) % Template algorithm for Physionet/CinC competition 2013. This function can % be used for events 1 and 2. Participants are free to modify any % components of the code. However the function prototype must stay the % same: % % [fetal_QRSAnn_est,QT_Interval] = physionet2013(tm,ECG) where the inputs and outputs are specified % below. % % inputs: % ECG: 4x60000 (4 channels and 1min of signal at 1000Hz) matrix of % abdominal ECG channels. % tm : Nx1 vector of time in milliseconds % output: % FQRS: FQRS markers in seconds. Each marker indicates the position of one % of the FQRS detected by the algorithm. % QT_Interval: 1x1 estimated fetal QT duration (enter NaN or 0 if you do wish to calculate) % % % Author: Joachim Behar - IPMG Oxford ( % Last updated: March 3, 2013 Ikaro Silva % April 15, 2013 Joachim Behar % April 28, 2013 Akshay Dhawan try % ---- check size of ECG ---- if size(ECG,2)>size(ECG,1) ECG = ECG'; end fs = 1000; % sampling frequency N = size(ECG,2); % number of abdominal channels % ---- preprocessing ---- [FilteredECG] = preprocessing(ECG,fs); MQRS = PeakDetectionAkshay(FilteredECG(:,1),500); % ---- MECG cancellation ---- for i=1:N % run algorithm for each channel FECG(:,i) = MECGcancellationAkshay(MQRS,FilteredECG(:,i)',fs,20); end FQRS=PanTompkinsAkshay(FECG); for i=1:4 std_FQRS(i)=std(diff(FQRS{i})); mean_FQRS(i)=1000/mean(diff(FQRS{i}))*60; end [~,ind]=sort(std_FQRS,1,'ascend'); for i=1:4 if (mean_FQRS(ind(i))>80 && mean_FQRS(ind(i))<200) break; end end fetal_QRSAnn_est = FQRS{i}; QT_Interval = 0; catch ex %if something goes wrong then use a random interval fetal_QRSAnn_est = sort(randi(60000,[1,140]),'ascend'); QT_Interval = 0; end end function [FilteredECG] = preprocessing(ECG,fs) % ---- preprocess the data ---- FilteredECG = ECG; end function residual = MECGcancellation(peaks,ECG,fs,nbCycles) % MECG cancellation algorithm inspired from [1]. % % inputs: % fs: sampling frequency % nbCycles: number of cycles on which to build the mean MECG template % ECG: matrix of abdominal ECG channels. % peaks: MQRS markers in seconds. Each marker corresponds to the % position of a MQRS. % % output: % residual: residual containing the FECG. % % Author: Joachim Behar - IPMG Oxford ( % Last updated: 03_02_2013 % % [1] Martens S et al. A robust fetal ECG detection method for % abdominal recordings. Physiol. Meas. (2007) 28(4) 373�388 % ---- constants ---- r = nbCycles; ECG_last_r_cycles = zeros(0.7*fs,r); Pstart = 0.25*fs-1; Tstop = 0.45*fs; N = length(peaks); % number of MECG QRS ECG_temp = zeros(1,length(ECG)); % ---- ECG template ---- for i=1:r peak_nb = peaks(i+1); % +1 to unsure full cycles ECG_last_r_cycles(:,i) = ECG(peak_nb-Pstart:peak_nb+Tstop)'; end ECG_mean = mean(ECG_last_r_cycles,2); % ---- MECG cancellation ---- for i=1:N if peaks(i)>Pstart && length(ECG)-peaks(i)>Tstop M = zeros (0.7*fs,3); M(1:0.2*fs,1) = ECG_mean(1:Pstart-0.05*fs+1); M(0.2*fs+1:0.3*fs,2) = ECG_mean(Pstart-0.05*fs+2:Pstart+0.05*fs+1); M(0.3*fs+1:end,3) = ECG_mean(Pstart+2+0.05*fs:Pstart+1+Tstop); a = (M'*M)\M'*ECG(peaks(i)-Pstart:peaks(i)+Tstop)'; ECG_temp(peaks(i)-Pstart:peaks(i)+Tstop) = a(1)*M(:,1)'+a(2)*M(:,2)'+a(3)*M(:,3)'; end end % compute residual residual = ECG - ECG_temp; end function residual = MECGcancellationAkshay(peaks,ECG,fs,nbCycles) % MECG cancellation algorithm inspired from [1]. % % inputs: % fs: sampling frequency % nbCycles: number of cycles on which to build the mean MECG template % ECG: matrix of abdominal ECG channels. % peaks: MQRS markers in seconds. Each marker corresponds to the % position of a MQRS. % % output: % residual: residual containing the FECG. % % Author: Joachim Behar - IPMG Oxford ( % Last updated: 03_02_2013 % % [1] Martens S et al. A robust fetal ECG detection method for % abdominal recordings. Physiol. Meas. (2007) 28(4) 373�388 % % Akshay Dhawan added in an adaptive mean feature % ---- constants ---- r = nbCycles; ECG_last_r_cycles = zeros(0.7*fs,r); Pstart = 0.25*fs-1; Tstop = 0.45*fs; N = length(peaks); % number of MECG QRS ECG_temp = zeros(1,length(ECG)); % ---- ECG template ---- for i=1:r peak_nb = peaks(i+1); % +1 to unsure full cycles ECG_last_r_cycles(:,i) = ECG(peak_nb-Pstart:peak_nb+Tstop)'; end ECG_mean = mean(ECG_last_r_cycles,2); % ---- MECG cancellation ---- for i=1:N if peaks(i)>Pstart && length(ECG)-peaks(i)>Tstop if (i<=10) range=i:i+19; elseif (i>10 && i<(N-10)) range=i-9:i+10; else range=i-19:i; end ECG_last_r_cycles=zeros(0.7*fs,length(range)); for j=1:length(range) try peak_nb = peaks(range(j)); % +1 to unsure full cycles ECG_last_r_cycles(:,j) = ECG(peak_nb-Pstart:peak_nb+Tstop)'; catch ex ECG_last_r_cycles(:,j) = NaN; end end ECG_mean = nanmean(ECG_last_r_cycles,2); M = zeros (0.7*fs,3); M(1:0.2*fs,1) = ECG_mean(1:Pstart-0.05*fs+1); M(0.2*fs+1:0.3*fs,2) = ECG_mean(Pstart-0.05*fs+2:Pstart+0.05*fs+1); M(0.3*fs+1:end,3) = ECG_mean(Pstart+2+0.05*fs:Pstart+1+Tstop); a = (M'*M)\M'*ECG(peaks(i)-Pstart:peaks(i)+Tstop)'; ECG_temp(peaks(i)-Pstart:peaks(i)+Tstop) = a(1)*M(:,1)'+a(2)*M(:,2)'+a(3)*M(:,3)'; end end % compute residual residual = ECG - ECG_temp; end function [SelectedResidual,ChannelNb] = ChannelSelectionOrCombination(FECG) % This function is used to select one of the four abdominal channels % that are available or to combine information from these channels % (e.g. using PCA) before FQRS detection ChannelNb = 1; SelectedResidual = FECG(:,ChannelNb); % channel 1 is arbitrarily selected here end function FECG = ResidualPostProcessing(FECG) % if postprocessing is performed on the residuals. end function peaks = PeakDetection(x,ff,varargin) % % peaks = PeakDetection(x,f,flag), % R-peak detector based on max search % % inputs: % x: vector of input data % f: approximate ECG beat-rate in Hertz, normalized by the sampling frequency % flag: search for positive (flag=1) or negative (flag=0) peaks. By default % the maximum absolute value of the signal, determines the peak sign. % % output: % peaks: vector of R-peak impulse train % % Notes: % - The R-peaks are found from a peak search in windows of length N; where % N corresponds to the R-peak period calculated from the given f. R-peaks % with periods smaller than N/2 or greater than N are not detected. % - The signal baseline wander is recommended to be removed before the % R-peak detection % % % Open Source ECG Toolbox, version 1.0, November 2006 % Released under the GNU General Public License % Copyright (C) 2006 Reza Sameni % Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran -- GIPSA-Lab, INPG, Grenoble, France % % Last modified 03_02_2013: Joachim Behar, IPMG Oxford. % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. N = length(x); peaks = zeros(1,N); th = .5; rng = floor(th/ff); if(nargin==3), flag = varargin{1}; else flag = abs(max(x))>abs(min(x)); end if(flag) for j = 1:N, % index = max(j-rng,1):min(j+rng,N); if(j>rng && jrng) index = N-2*rng:N; else index = 1:2*rng; end if(max(x(index))==x(j)) peaks(j) = 1; end end else for j = 1:N, % index = max(j-rng,1):min(j+rng,N); if(j>rng && jrng) index = N-2*rng:N; else index = 1:2*rng; end if(min(x(index))==x(j)) peaks(j) = 1; end end end % remove fake peaks I = find(peaks); d = diff(I); % z = find(dabs(min(x)); if (~flag) x=-1*x; end %get threshold using maternal peaks for i=1:ff:(N-ff) max_ecgs(counter)=max(x(i:(i+ff))); counter=counter+1; end thres=0.6*mean(max_ecgs); refractory=300; %300ms = 300 samples (BPM ~ 180) very conservative approach [~,peaks]=findpeaks(x, 'MINPEAKHEIGHT', thres, 'MINPEAKDISTANCE', refractory ); %if #peaks seems wrong, then try again with inverted signal if (length(peaks)<40 || length(peaks)>200) x=-1*x; %get threshold using maternal peaks for i=1:ff:(N-ff) max_ecgs(counter)=max(x(i:(i+ff))); counter=counter+1; end thres=0.6*mean(max_ecgs); refractory=300; %300ms = 300 samples (BPM ~ 180) very conservative approach [~,peaks]=findpeaks(x, 'MINPEAKHEIGHT', thres, 'MINPEAKDISTANCE', refractory ); end end function peaks=PanTompkinsAkshay(FECG) %Apply algorithm to each signal and see which has the highest probability %of correctness %integration window N=100; fs=1000; window=(1/N).*ones(1,N); %Butterworth filters, 15-25 Hz bandpass hlow=fdesign.lowpass('N,F3dB',12,25,fs); dlow=design(hlow,'butter'); hhigh=fdesign.highpass('N,F3dB',12,15,fs); dhigh=design(hhigh,'butter'); filtered=FECG; %Apply algorithm for i=1:size(FECG,2) filtered(:,i)=filtfilt(dhigh.sosMatrix,dhigh.ScaleValues,filtfilt(dlow.sosMatrix,dlow.ScaleValues,FECG(:,i))); filtered(:,i)=conv(filtered(:,i).^2,window,'same'); max_ecgs=zeros(1,1); counter=1; ff=500; %approx one QRS per window %get threshold using QRS peaks for j=1:ff:(N-ff) max_ecgs(counter)=max(filtered(j:(j+ff),i)); counter=counter+1; end thres=0.6*mean(max_ecgs); refractory=250; %250ms = 250 samples (BPM ~ 240) very conservative approach [~,peaks{i}]=findpeaks(filtered(:,i), 'MINPEAKHEIGHT', thres, 'MINPEAKDISTANCE', refractory ); end end