function [out, MFRh] = QRSdetection(in, fs, mode) % QRS detection based on Christov algorithm published in [1] % (c) Jakub Kuzilek, Lenka Lhotska % E-mail: % Version: 1.0 Last update: 07/01/2013. % (Version: 1.0, 07/01/2013) % %====================================================== % % PURPOSE: This is main function of QRS detection algorithm based % on Christovs detection algoritm and Independent Component % Analysis. % % MANDATORY INPUT ARGUMENTS % in ..... input data MxN, M - length of data, N - number of leads % fs ..... sampling frequency in Hz % mode ... 0 - Christov, 1 - Christov + ICA % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS % none % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS % out .... time in samples of detected peaks %========================================================= % % Related Bibliography: % % [1] Kuzilek J, Lhotska L. Electrocardiogram beat detection % enhancement using independent component analysis. Medical % Engineering and Physics. 2012. % %========================================================= oin = in; in = preprocessingQRSdetection(in, fs, mode); % preprocessing N = length(in); % length of data % help variables MS200 = round(0.2*fs); MS1000 = fs; MS50 = round(0.05*fs); MS350 = round(0.35*fs); % constants K1 = 0.36/MS1000; K2 = -0.47/1.4/MS1000; % init M = 0.6*max(in(1:min([length(in),5*fs]))); MM = ones(1,5)*M; mMM = M; % F threshold, it does not depend on detected beats F = zeros(1,N); F(1:MS350) = mean(in(1:min([length(in),MS350]))); pom = zeros(MS50+1,N-MS50); for m = 1:(N-MS50) pom(:,m) = in(m:m+MS50); end pom = max(pom); if(mode) F(MS350:N-MS50) = cumsum([F(MS350),(pom(MS350+1:end)-pom(1:end-MS350))/290]); %500 else F(MS350:N-MS50) = cumsum([F(MS350),(pom(MS350+1:end)-pom(1:end-MS350))/500]); end F(end-MS50:end) = F(end-MS50); R = 0; RR = []; Rm = 0; Rm23 = 0; C = 1; % detected QRS and help vars QRS = zeros(1,1000); iQRS = 1; RRl = 0; % last detected QRS time tQRS = -200; m = 0; % history help MFRh = zeros(1,N); % Mh = zeros(1,N); % Fh = zeros(1,N); % Rh = zeros(1,N); while m <= N-1 m = m+1; % update weights tdiff = m - tQRS; if (tQRS > 0) if(tdiff > MS200 && tdiff < MS1000+MS200) M = mMM - K1*mMM*(tdiff-MS200); elseif(tdiff > MS1000+MS200) M = 0.6*mMM; end end if(RRl && tdiff > Rm23 && tdiff < Rm) R = K2*mMM*(tdiff-Rm23); end MFR = (M+F(m)+R)/C; MFRh(m) = MFR; % Mh(m) = M; % Fh(m) = F(m); % Rh(m) = R; % decide if QRS found + update weights if(m > tQRS + MS200 && in(m) > ((M+F(m)+R)/C)) % if sample is larger than threshold - QRS detected [ampl, time] = max(in(m:min([m+MS200, N]))); % find peak amplitude dQRS = m+time; if(0.6*ampl > 1.5*MM(end)) % update MM and reset M threshold MM = [MM, 1.1*MM(end)]; else MM = [MM, 0.6*ampl]; end MM = MM(2:end); mMM = mean(MM); M = mMM; if(iQRS>=2) % if first RR interval can be calculated, start R calculation if(RRl && (dQRS-tQRS)<0.4*RR(end) && (dQRS-tQRS)>1.2*RR(end)) % if detected RR is small or large than previous one RR(end+1) = RR(end); RR = RR(2:end); elseif(RRl) % if RR is ok RR(end+1) = dQRS-tQRS; RR = RR(2:end); else % add RR into storage RR(end+1) = dQRS-tQRS; if length(RR)==7 RRl=1; end end R = 0; Rm = sum(RR)/7; Rm23 = Rm*0.6667; end % store QRS position QRS(iQRS) = dQRS; iQRS = iQRS + 1; tQRS = dQRS; C = 1; end % if QRS not detected for long period change coefficient C if(C == 1 && RRl && tdiff > Rm*1.5) m = max([tQRS 1]); if mode C = 1.3; else C = 2; end elseif(tdiff > MS1000 && C == 1) m = max([tQRS 1]); if mode C = 1.3; else C = 2; end end end out = QRS(1:iQRS-1); % detected QRS peaks for m = 1:length(out) [~,t] = max(abs(oin(max([1,out(m)-60]):min([length(oin),out(m)+60])))); out(m) = out(m)+ t -61; end d = diff(out); % z = find(d