function out = performICA(in) % ICA computation and component selection function % (c) Jakub Kuzilek, Lenka Lhotska % E-mail: % Version: 1.0 Last update: 07/01/2013. % (Version: 1.0, 07/01/2013) % %====================================================== % % PURPOSE: This function deploys JADE ICA algorithm and selects % components containing ECG. % % MANDATORY INPUT ARGUMENTS % in ..... input data MxN, M - length of data, N - number of leads % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS % none % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS % out .... selected components MxO, where O<=N %========================================================= % % Related Bibliography: % % [1] Kuzilek J, Lhotska L. Electrocardiogram beat detection % enhancement using independent component analysis. Medical % Engineering and Physics. 2012. % %========================================================= M = size(in,2); % input ecg data size % if there is small number of mixtures perform trick % to double them (widely used in ICA) - move signals % by one sample and append them to original data if M < 4 in = [in, [in(2:end,:);zeros(1,M)]]; end % perform JADE ICA algorithm in = real((jadeR(in')*in')'); % compute kurtosis of components x0 = in - ones(size(in,1),1)*mean(in); s2 = mean(x0.^2); % this is the biased variance estimator m4 = mean(x0.^4); kurt = m4 ./ s2.^2; % kurt = kurtosis(in); % sort and normalize them [skurt, order] = sort(kurt, 'descend'); skurt = cumsum(skurt); skurt = skurt/skurt(end); % choose componets whose sum of kurt is larger than 75 percents of sum(kurt) order = order(1:find(skurt >= 0.76)); % output data out = in(:,order);