function [out,out1] = findMeanHigh(x,limit) % FHR outliers detection % (c) Lukas Hnizdo, Jakub Kuzilek % E-mail: % Version: 1.0 Last update: 24/08/2013. % (Version: 1.0, 23/08/2013) % %====================================================== % % PURPOSE: This function detects outliers in RR data. Developed for % purpose of Physionet Challenge 2013. % % MANDATORY INPUT ARGUMENTS % RR ...... fetal HRV Mx1, M - length of data (one lead) % limit ... detection limit in % % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS % none % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS % out .... positions of outliers %========================================================= lim = 1+limit/100; N = length(x); out = zeros(N,1); for n = 2:N-1 %OZNACENI HIGH POINTS mean = (x(n-1)+x(n+1))/2; if((x(n) > mean*lim)) out(n) = 1; end end out1 = find(out); n = []; t = []; time = cumsum(x); for i=1:length(out1) n = [n; x(out1(i))]; t = [t; time(out1(i))]; end % figure % plot(time,x); % hold on % stem(t,n,'r'); % xlabel('time [ms] -->'); % ylabel('time [ms] -->'); % legend('original RR', 'cleaned RR');