function cMQRS = adjust_mqrs_location(ecg,MQRS,fs,debug) % the point of this function is to adjust the MQRS location since % MQRS are not at the exact same location from a lead to another % due to conduction delay and/or quantification limitation. % This can cause the template substraction technique to be % imprecise (a small lack of alignement can cause poor results) if not % performed. This function showed to improve the results of the PCinC2013. % % inputs % ecg: the ecg signals % MQRS: MQRS location (in ms) % fs: sampling frequency % % outputs % cMQRS: corrected MQRS location % (if nargout is empty then plot the initial and corrected time series) % % % FECG extraction toolbox, version 1.0, Sept 2013 % Released under the GNU General Public License % % Copyright (C) 2013 Joachim Behar % Oxford university, Intelligent Patient Monitoring Group - Oxford 2013 % % % Last updated : 28-08-2013 % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. % == managing inputs if nargin<2; error('adjust_mqrs_location: wrong number of input arguments \n'); end; if nargin<3; fs=1000; end; if nargin<4; debug=0; end; if size(ecg,2)>size(ecg,1); ecg=ecg'; end; % == general cMQRS = zeros(length(MQRS),1); % corrected MQRS vector NB_MQRS = length(MQRS); WINDOW = ceil(fs*0.030); % allow a maximum of 30ms shift NB_SAMPLES = length(ecg); signVec = zeros(30,1); % == core function try % == estimates if we are looking for local max or min on the first few % peaks for i=1:30 startLooking = MQRS(i)-WINDOW; stopLooking = MQRS(i)+WINDOW; if startLooking<=0; startLooking=1; end; if stopLooking>=NB_SAMPLES; stopLooking=NB_SAMPLES; end; [~,indm] = max(abs(ecg(startLooking:stopLooking))); if startLooking==1; signVec(i) = MQRS(i)+indm-1; else signVec(i) = MQRS(i)+indm-WINDOW; end; end SIGN = sign(median(ecg(signVec))); % == local refinement to correct for sampling freq resolution for i=1:NB_MQRS if MQRS(i)>WINDOW && MQRS(i)+WINDOW0 [~,indm] = max(ecg(MQRS(i)-WINDOW:MQRS(i)+WINDOW)); cMQRS(i) = MQRS(i)+indm-WINDOW-1; else [~,indm] = min(ecg(MQRS(i)-WINDOW:MQRS(i)+WINDOW)); cMQRS(i) = MQRS(i)+indm-WINDOW-1; end elseif MQRS(i)0 [~,indm] = max(ecg(1:MQRS(i)+WINDOW)); cMQRS(i) = MQRS(i)+indm-1; else [~,indm] = min(ecg(1:MQRS(i)+WINDOW)); cMQRS(i) = MQRS(i)+indm-1; end elseif MQRS(i)+WINDOW>NB_SAMPLES % managing right border if SIGN>0 [~,indm] = max(ecg(MQRS(i)-WINDOW:end)); cMQRS(i) = MQRS(i)+indm-WINDOW-1; else [~,indm] = min(ecg(MQRS(i)-WINDOW:end)); cMQRS(i) = MQRS(i)+indm-WINDOW-1; end else cMQRS(i) = MQRS(i); end end catch ME for enb=1:length(ME.stack); disp(ME.stack(enb)); end; cMQRS = MQRS; end % == plots if debug || isempty(nargout) plot(ecg); hold on, plot(MQRS, ecg(MQRS),'ok'); hold on, plot(cMQRS, ecg(cMQRS),'or'); legend('ecg','MQRS initial','MQRS adjusted'); set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'fontSize',14,'fontWeight','bold'); end end