function [FQRSout,m1,m2] = guess_fqrs(FQRS,rMQRS,fs) % this function is used to guess what the FHR can be or completely guess % it when the extraction completely failed. It then generate a corresponding % sensible RR time series. % % inputs: % FQRS: FQRS time series in ms % rMQRS: referene mother QRS % fs: sampling frequency % % output: % m: representative HR mode (in bpm) % % Author: Joachim Behar - IPMG Oxford ( % Last updated: 01-09-2013 % == cut into first 30 and second 30 sec FQRSp1 = FQRS(FQRS<30*fs); FQRSp2 = FQRS(FQRS>=30*fs); m1 = select_mode(FQRSp1,rMQRS,fs); m2 = select_mode(FQRSp2,rMQRS,fs); rMQRSp1 = rMQRS(rMQRS<30*fs); rMQRSp2 = rMQRS(rMQRS>=30*fs); rm1 = mode(60./diff(rMQRSp1./fs)); rm2 = mode(60./diff(rMQRSp2./fs)); if abs(rm1-m1)>15 && m1~=0 FQRSpart1 = 0.1:60/m1:30; else FQRSpart1 = 0.1:0.42:60; m1 = 142.8571; end if abs(rm2-m2)>15 && m2~=0 FQRSpart2 = max(FQRSpart1):60/m2:60; else if abs(rm1-m1)>15 && m1~=0 % if the first mode is ok then keep it for the other half of the % seg FQRSpart2 = max(FQRSpart1):60/m1:60; m2=m1; else FQRSpart2 = max(FQRSpart1):0.42:60; m2 = 142.8571; end end FQRSout = [FQRSpart1 FQRSpart2(2:end)]; end function mout = select_mode(FQRS,rMQRS,fs) % select mode corresponding to FQRS time series. The assumption behind this % function is that when a certain number or estimated HR following each % other are the same +/- some physiological variation then it is likely % that this HR is representative of the FHR on the corresponding segment. % This is better than taking the mode (most representative HR % probabilistically speaking) because it takes into consideration the fact % that following HR datapoints should not differ substrantially from each % other. % NOTE: this is not to be used for a practical application! % % inputs: % FQRS: FQRS time series in ms % rMQRS: MQRS reference- to make sure we are not catching that % fs: sampling frequency % % output: % m: representative HR mode (in bpm) % % Author: Joachim Behar - IPMG Oxford ( % Last updated: 02-09-2013 mHR = 60./diff(rMQRS./fs); medmHR = median(mHR); HR = 60./diff(FQRS./fs); HRV = diff(HR); N = length(HRV); MASK_SIZE = 5; TOL = 10; % in bpm m = []; compt = 0; for ii=1:N-MASK_SIZE if HRV(ii:ii+MASK_SIZE-1)10 compt=compt+1; m(compt) = medfHR; fprintf('Extracting mode at %f \n',m(compt)); end end end if isempty(m) mout = 0; else mout = median(m); end end