function [necg,scalings] = normalise_ecg(ecg,start,stop) % normalisation function. See STEP 1-3 in the code below to understand % what it does. % % inputs: % ecg: ecg before normalization % start/stop: starting and ending points (in samples) defining % representative ecg segments on which to compute scalings and shifts. % The whole ecg is not used for that otherwise the scaling would be % dependant on the local artefacts etc. % % outputs: % necg: the normalized ecg which values will be within [0 1]. % scalings: scaling factor by which the ecg(s) have been multiplied % (NOTE: that it does not take the detrand or tanh operations into account). % % % FECG extraction toolbox, version 1.0, Sept 2013 % Released under the GNU General Public License % % Copyright (C) 2013 Joachim Behar % Oxford university, Intelligent Patient Monitoring Group - Oxford 2013 % % % Last updated : 28-08-2013 % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. % == manage inputs if size(ecg,2)>size(ecg,1) ecg = ecg'; end % == core function try % STEP 1: Normalizes a multivariate dataset data (where each data vector is a row in data) % by scaling and shifting such that in each column the min/max becomes 0/1. % If the min and the max in some column coincide, this column is not % changed. [~,scalings,~] = normalizeData01(ecg(start:stop,:)); % STEP 2: detrend the ecg detrendedInput = detrend(bsxfun(@times,ecg,scalings),'constant'); % STEP 3: take the tanh of the sigal . This step is applied in order to % avoid outliers whih could result in the reservoir state or LMS % weights to take unexpected values that are not covered by the normal % trajectory given the optimized global parameters or output learned. necg = tanh(detrendedInput); catch ME for enb=1:length(ME.stack); disp(ME.stack(enb)); end; necg = ecg; end end function [normData, scalings, shifts] = normalizeData01(data) % Normalizes a multivariate dataset data (where each data vector is a row in data) % by scaling and shifting such that in each column the min/max becomes 0/1. % If the min and the max in some column coincide, this column is not % changed. % % Input arg: % data: a dataset, either real-valued array of size N by dim or a cell array of size % [nrSamples, 1], where the i-th cell is a real-valued array of size N_i by dim % % Outputs: % normData: the dataset normalized to columns with min/max = 0/1. Each % column in normData is computed from the corresponding column in data by % normalizedColumn = scalefactor * (originalColum + shiftconstant). If % the input is a cell structure, the same scalefactors and shiftconstants are % applied across all cells, such that the *global* min/max of normData % becomes 0/1. % scalings: a row vector of lenght dim giving the scalefactors % shifts: a row vector of lenght dim giving the shiftconstants % % Created by H. Jaeger, June 21, 2006 if isnumeric(data) dim = size(data,2); mins = min(data); maxs = max(data); scalingsInv = maxs - mins; scalings = ones(1,dim); shifts = zeros(1,dim); normData = data; for d = 1:dim if scalingsInv(1,d) > 0 scalings(1,d) = 1/scalingsInv(1,d); shifts(1,d) = -mins(1,d); normData(:,d) = (data(:,d) + shifts(1,d)) * scalings(1,d); end end elseif iscell(data) dim = size(data{1,1},2); nrSamples = size(data,1); %check if all cells have same dim for n = 1:nrSamples if size(data{n,1},2) ~= dim error('all cells must have same row dim'); end end mins = min(data{1,1}); maxs = max(data{1,1}); for n = 1:nrSamples mins = min(mins, min(data{n,1})); maxs = max(maxs, max(data{n,1})); end scalingsInv = maxs - mins; scalings = ones(1,dim); shifts = zeros(1,dim); normData = data; for d = 1:dim if scalingsInv(1,d) > 0 scalings(1,d) = 1/scalingsInv(1,d); shifts(1,d) = -mins(1,d); for n = 1:nrSamples normData{n,1}(:,d) = (data{n,1}(:,d) + shifts(1,d)) * scalings(1,d); end end end else error('input data must be array or cell structure'); end end