function [ecgf] = preprocessing(ecg,paramStruct,varargin) % this function preprocess the ecg prior applying any source separation % technique. % % inputs % ecg: 4x60000 (4 channels and 1min of signal at 1000Hz) matrix of % abdominal ecg channels. % paramStruct: the following parameters needs to be specified % paramStruct.fs % paramStruct.NotchCheck % paramStruct.fhigh % paramStruct.fbas % paramStruct.fhighNbCoeff % paramStruct.fbasNbCoeff % varargin % createFilters: recreate the filter coefficients? % path2filtersCoeff: path to where to save the filter % coefficients or load them from. % debug: enter debug mode % % outputs % ecgf: normalized and filtered ecg. Filtering % includes Notch, high frequency, baseline wander removal % and notmalisation in range [-1 1]. A non linear step is % applied with the tanh so this might note be suited for % morphological analysis but is usefull for FQRS detection. % % IMPORTANT NOTE: too many coefficients for the IIR filters resulted in % ringing. So need to use as few as possible and avoid any useless filtering % step which is why I am looking whether there is a peak at 50/60Hz i.e. % whether or not to perform a Notch filtering step. % % % FECG extraction toolbox, version 1.0, Sept 2013 % Released under the GNU General Public License % % Copyright (C) 2013 Joachim Behar % Oxford university, Intelligent Patient Monitoring Group - Oxford 2013 % % % Last updated : 02-08-2013 % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. createFilters = 0; path2filtersCoeff = 'subfunctions/FiltersCoeff/'; debug = 0; % == manage inputs switch nargin case 2 case 3 createFilters=varargin{1}; case 4 createFilters=varargin{1}; path2filtersCoeff=varargin{2}; case 5 createFilters=varargin{1}; path2filtersCoeff=varargin{2}; debug=varargin{3}; otherwise error('preprocessing: wrong number of input arguments \n'); end if size(ecg,2)>size(ecg,1); ecg = ecg'; end; if ~exist(path2filtersCoeff,'dir'); mkdir(path2filtersCoeff); end; currFold = pwd; % == core function try % some AECG (the artificial ones) saturate sometimes. Because they were % rescaled (after being saved in WFDB format) then this leads to weird % disptoportionated saturation. The lines below are aimed at solving % this problem. (If I open the records in physical units and run the % filters, I am gettnig some NaN..) % - manage saturation for wfdb records % NOTE: this is wrong but works by luck somehow- will need to be fixed % at some point! [ind_t,ind_ch] = find(ecg>32750); ecg(ind_t,ind_ch) = median(ecg(ind_t-5:ind_t-5,ind_ch)); [ind_t,ind_ch] = find(ecg<-32750); ecg(ind_t,ind_ch) = median(ecg(ind_t-5:ind_t-5,ind_ch)); % should be -32767 but they have rescaled the artificial signals % - manage NaN for .cvs files ind_nan = isnan(ecg); for ind_ch_nan=1:4 if sum(ind_nan(:,ind_ch_nan))>0 nan_ch_pos = find(ind_nan(:,ind_ch_nan)); % position of the NaN if ~isempty(nan_ch_pos) for jj=1:length(nan_ch_pos) start = nan_ch_pos(jj)-5; stop = nan_ch_pos(jj)+5; if start<0; start=0; end; if stop>length(ecg); stop=length(ecg); end; vecTrans = ecg(start:stop,ind_ch_nan); vecTrans(isnan(vecTrans)) = []; if ~isempty(vecTrans) ecg(nan_ch_pos(jj),ind_ch_nan) = median(vecTrans); end end end end end % == Filtering if createFilters % == 60Hz Notch wo = 60/(paramStruct.fs/2); bw = wo/35; [bn_60Hz,an_60Hz] = iirnotch(wo,bw); dlmwrite(strcat(path2filtersCoeff,'bn_60Hz.txt'),bn_60Hz,'precision',20); dlmwrite(strcat(path2filtersCoeff,'an_60Hz.txt'),an_60Hz,'precision',20); % == 50Hz Notch wo = 50/(paramStruct.fs/2); bw = wo/35; [bn_50Hz,an_50Hz] = iirnotch(wo,bw); dlmwrite(strcat(path2filtersCoeff,'bn_50Hz.txt'),bn_50Hz,'precision',20); dlmwrite(strcat(path2filtersCoeff,'an_50Hz.txt'),an_50Hz,'precision',20); % == high freq [b_lp,a_lp] = butter(paramStruct.fhighNbCoeff,paramStruct.fhigh/(paramStruct.fs/2),'high'); dlmwrite(strcat(path2filtersCoeff,'b_lp.txt'),b_lp,'precision',20); dlmwrite(strcat(path2filtersCoeff,'a_lp.txt'),a_lp,'precision',20); % == baseline [b_bas,a_bas] = butter(paramStruct.fbasNbCoeff,paramStruct.fbas/(paramStruct.fs/2),'high'); dlmwrite(strcat(path2filtersCoeff,'b_bas.txt'),b_bas,'precision',20); dlmwrite(strcat(path2filtersCoeff,'a_bas.txt'),a_bas,'precision',20); %fvtool(b,a); else cd(path2filtersCoeff); an_60Hz = importdata('an_60Hz.txt'); bn_60Hz = importdata('bn_60Hz.txt'); an_50Hz = importdata('an_50Hz.txt'); bn_50Hz = importdata('bn_50Hz.txt'); b_lp = importdata('b_lp.txt'); a_lp = importdata('a_lp.txt'); b_bas = importdata('b_bas.txt'); a_bas = importdata('a_bas.txt'); cd(currFold) end % == Notch fileting if paramStruct.NotchCheck % == remove 60Hz? NeedFiltering = check_notch(ecg(:,1),60); if NeedFiltering ecgn = filtfilt(bn_60Hz,an_60Hz,ecg); else ecgn = ecg; end % == remove 50Hz? NeedFiltering = check_notch(ecg(:,1),50); if NeedFiltering ecgn = filtfilt(bn_50Hz,an_50Hz,ecgn); end else % == Notch fileter at 50Hz AND 60Hz ecgn = filtfilt(bn_60Hz,an_60Hz,ecg); ecgn = filtfilt(bn_50Hz,an_50Hz,ecgn); end % == remove high freq and baseline ecgnb = ecgn-filtfilt(b_lp,a_lp,ecgn); ecgnbh = filtfilt(b_bas,a_bas,ecgnb); % == normalize the data [ecgf,~] = normalise_ecg(ecgnbh,1*paramStruct.fs,5*paramStruct.fs); % reason for starting at 1sec is because of filtering initialisation at the % border which takes some datapoints ecgf(isnan(ecgf))=0; %FIXME catch ME for enb=1:length(ME.stack); disp(ME.stack(enb)); end; ecgf = ecg; end % == plots if debug % plot first channel before and after preprocessing tm = 1/paramStruct.fs:1/paramStruct.fs:length(ecg)/paramStruct.fs; figure(1); ax(1) = subplot(211); plot(tm,ecg(:,1)); legend('before filtering'); ax(2) = subplot(212); plot(tm,ecgf(:,1),'r','LineWidth',2); legend('after filtering'); linkaxes(ax,'x'); xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('Amplitude (NU)'); set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'fontSize',14,'fontWeight','bold'); end end %%Plot PSD % plot_psd(ecg(:,1),ecgnbh(:,1),paramStruct.fs,'welch'); % global NameCurrent % saveas(gcf,NameCurrent(1:3));