function [qrs_pos,sign,en_thres] = qrs_detect(ecg,varargin) % QRS detector based on the P&T method. This is an offline implementation % of the detector. % % inputs % ecg: one ecg channel on which to run the detector (required) % varargin % THRES: energy threshold of the detector (default: 0.6) % REF_PERIOD: refractory period in sec between two R-peaks (default: 0.250) % fs: sampling frequency (default: 1KHz) % fid_vec: if some subsegments should not be used for finding the % optimal threshold of the P&Tthen input the indices of % the corresponding points here % SIGN_FORCE: force sign of peaks (positive value/negative value). % Particularly usefull if we do window by window detection and want to % unsure the sign of the peaks to be the same accross % windows (which is necessary to build an FECG template) % debug: 1: plot to bebug, 0: do not plot % % outputs % qrs_pos: indexes of detected peak (in samples) % sign: sign of the peaks (a pos or neg number) % en_thres: energy threshold used % % % % FECG extraction toolbox, version 1.0, Sept 2013 % Released under the GNU General Public License % % Copyright (C) 2013 Joachim Behar % Oxford university, Intelligent Patient Monitoring Group - Oxford 2013 % % % Last updated : 02-08-2013 % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. % == managing inputs REF_PERIOD = 0.250; THRES = 0.6; fs = 1000; fid_vec = []; SIGN_FORCE = []; debug = 0; switch nargin case 2 REF_PERIOD=varargin{1}; case 3 REF_PERIOD=varargin{1}; THRES=varargin{2}; case 4 REF_PERIOD=varargin{1}; THRES=varargin{2}; fs=varargin{3}; case 5 REF_PERIOD=varargin{1}; THRES=varargin{2}; fs=varargin{3}; fid_vec=varargin{4}; case 6 REF_PERIOD=varargin{1}; THRES=varargin{2}; fs=varargin{3}; fid_vec=varargin{4}; SIGN_FORCE=varargin{5}; case 7 REF_PERIOD=varargin{1}; THRES=varargin{2}; fs=varargin{3}; fid_vec=varargin{4}; SIGN_FORCE=varargin{5}; debug=varargin{6}; otherwise error('qrs_detect: wrong number of input arguments \n'); end [a b] = size(ecg); if(a>b); NB_SAMP=a; elseif(b>a); NB_SAMP=b; ecg=ecg'; end; tm = 1/fs:1/fs:ceil(NB_SAMP/fs); % == constants MED_SMOOTH_NB_COEFF = fs/100; INT_NB_COEFF = round(7*fs/256); % length is 7 for fs=256Hz LOW_CUT_FREQ = 5; HIGH_CUT_FREQ = 45; SEARCH_BACK = 1; % perform search back (FIXME: should be in function param) MAX_FORCE = []; % if you want to force the energy threshold value (FIXME: should be in function param) try % == prefiltering [b_lp,a_lp] = butter(5,HIGH_CUT_FREQ/(fs/2),'high'); [b_bas,a_bas] = butter(2,LOW_CUT_FREQ/(fs/2),'high'); % FIXME: use more coefficients? ecg = ecg-mean(ecg); % (1) centre bpfecg = ecg'-filtfilt(b_lp,a_lp,ecg'); % (2) remove higher freq (zero phase) bpfecg = filtfilt(b_bas,a_bas,bpfecg); % (3) remove baseline (zero phase) % == P&T operations dffecg = diff(bpfecg'); % (4) differentiate (one datum shorter) sqrecg = dffecg.*dffecg; % (5) square ecg intecg = filter(ones(1,INT_NB_COEFF),1,sqrecg); % (6) integrate mdfint = medfilt1(intecg,MED_SMOOTH_NB_COEFF); % (7) smooth delay = ceil(INT_NB_COEFF/2); mdfint = circshift(mdfint,-delay); % remove filter delay for scanning back through ECG % look for some measure of signal quality with signal fid_vec? (FIXME) if isempty(fid_vec); mdfintFidel = mdfint; else mdfintFidel(fid_vec>2) = 0; end; % == P&T threshold if NB_SAMP/fs>90; xs=sort(mdfintFidel(fs:fs*90)); else xs = sort(mdfintFidel(fs:end)); end; if isempty(MAX_FORCE) if NB_SAMP/fs>10 ind_xs = ceil(98/100*length(xs)); en_thres = xs(ind_xs); % if more than ten seconds of ecg then 98% CI else ind_xs = ceil(99/100*length(xs)); en_thres = xs(ind_xs); % else 99% CI end else en_thres = MAX_FORCE; end % build an array of segments to look into poss_reg = mdfint>(THRES*en_thres); % in case empty because force threshold and crap in the signal if isempty(poss_reg); poss_reg(10) = 1; end; % == P&T QRS detection & search back if SEARCH_BACK indAboveThreshold = find(poss_reg); % ind of samples above threshold RRv = diff(tm(indAboveThreshold)); % compute RRv medRRv = median(RRv(RRv>0.01)); indMissedBeat = find(RRv>1.5*medRRv); % missed a peak? % find interval onto which a beat might have been missed indStart = indAboveThreshold(indMissedBeat); indEnd = indAboveThreshold(indMissedBeat+1); for i=1:length(indStart) % look for a peak on this interval by lowering the energy threshold poss_reg(indStart(i):indEnd(i)) = mdfint(indStart(i):indEnd(i))>(0.5*THRES*en_thres); end end % find indices into boudaries of each segment left = find(diff([0 poss_reg'])==1); % remember to zero pad at start right = find(diff([poss_reg' 0])==-1); % remember to zero pad at end % looking for max/min? if SIGN_FORCE sign = SIGN_FORCE; else nb_s = length(left<30*fs); loc = zeros(1,nb_s); for j=1:nb_s [~,loc(j)] = max(abs(bpfecg(left(j):right(j)))); loc(j) = loc(j)-1+left(j); end sign = mean(ecg(loc)); % FIXME: change to median? end % loop through all possibilities compt=1; NB_PEAKS = length(left); maxval = zeros(1,NB_PEAKS); maxloc = zeros(1,NB_PEAKS); for i=1:NB_PEAKS if sign>0 % if sign is positive then look for positive peaks [maxval(compt) maxloc(compt)] = max(ecg(left(i):right(i))); else % if sign is negative then look for negative peaks [maxval(compt) maxloc(compt)] = min(ecg(left(i):right(i))); end maxloc(compt) = maxloc(compt)-1+left(i); % add offset of present location % refractory period - has proved to improve results if compt>1 if maxloc(compt)-maxloc(compt-1)abs(maxval(compt-1)) maxloc(compt-1)=[]; maxval(compt-1)=[]; else compt=compt+1; end else % if first peak then increment compt=compt+1; end end qrs_pos = maxloc; % datapoints QRS positions R_t = tm(maxloc); % timestamps QRS positions R_amp = maxval; % amplitude at QRS positions hrv = 60./diff(R_t); % heart rate catch ME for enb=1:length(ME.stack); disp(ME.stack(enb)); end; qrs_pos = [1 10 20]; sign = 1; en_thres = 0.5; end % == plots if debug figure(1); ax(1) = subplot(4,1,1); plot(tm,ecg); hold on;plot(tm,bpfecg,'r') title('raw ECG (blue) and zero-pahse FIR filtered ECG (red)'); ylabel('ECG'); xlim([0 tm(end)]); hold off; ax(2) = subplot(4,1,2); plot(tm(1:length(mdfint)),mdfint);hold on; plot(tm,max(mdfint)*bpfecg/(2*max(bpfecg)),'r',tm(left),mdfint(left),'og',tm(right),mdfint(right),'om'); title('Integrated ecg with scan boundaries over scaled ECG'); ylabel('Int ECG'); xlim([0 tm(end)]); hold off; ax(3) = subplot(4,1,3); plot(tm,bpfecg,'r');hold on; plot(R_t,R_amp,'+k'); title('ECG with R-peaks (black) and S-points (green) over ECG') ylabel('ECG+R+S'); xlim([0 tm(end)]); hold off; ax(4) = subplot(4,1,4); hold off; plot(R_t(1:length(hrv)),hrv,'r+') hold on, title('HR') ylabel('RR (s)'); xlim([0 tm(end)]); linkaxes(ax,'x'); set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'fontSize',14,'fontWeight','bold'); end % NOTES % Finding the P&T energy threshold: in order to avoid crash due to local % huge bumps, threshold is choosen at 98-99% of amplitude distribution. % first sec removed for choosing the thres because of filter init lag. % % Search back: look for missed peaks by lowering the threshold in area where the % RR interval variability (RRv) is higher than 1.5*medianRRv % % Sign of the QRS (signForce): look for the mean sign of the R-peak over the % first 30sec when looking for max of abs value. Then look for the % R-peaks over the whole record that have this given sign. This allows to % not alternate between positive and negative detections which might % happen in some occasion depending on the ECG morphology. It is also % better than forcing to look for a max or min systematically.