function [sQRS,chNb] = select_channel(ecg,ecgType,varargin) % this function automates the channel selection onto % which to perform sQRS detection for whether to get MQRS or FQRS. % In the case of FQRS extraction, the key ideas are to to use the regularity % of the extracted HR to decide what FECG channel to choose and to use bxb % (proportion of matching sQRS btw two sQRS time series) to check that we % are not picking up the MECG. % % inputs % ecg: the preprocessed FECG matrix % ecgType: 'FECG' or 'MECG' % varargin % MQRS: MQRS position (in ms) % paramStruct: structure containing challenge parameters % outputs % sQRS: selected QRS location (in ms) % chNb: selected ABD channel % % FECG extraction toolbox, version 1.0, Sept 2013 % Released under the GNU General Public License % % Copyright (C) 2013 Joachim Behar % Oxford university, Intelligent Patient Monitoring Group - Oxford 2013 % % % Last updated : 02-08-2013 % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. % == managing inputs MQRS = []; paramStruct.detThres = 0.5; paramStruct.fs = 1000; paramStruct.qrsdet_wind = 15; debug = 0; switch nargin case 3 MQRS = varargin{1}; case 4 MQRS = varargin{1}; paramStruct = varargin{2}; case 5 MQRS = varargin{1}; paramStruct = varargin{2}; debug = varargin{3}; otherwise error('select_channel: wrong number of input arguments \n'); end if size(ecg,2)>size(ecg,1) ecg = ecg'; end NB_AECG = size(ecg,2); % nb of ABD ecg QRSce = cell(NB_AECG,1); % sQRS cell sQRS = cell(1,1); SMI = zeros(NB_AECG,1); % smoothness indices bxb = zeros(NB_AECG,1); % matching btw MQRS and another QRS time series try % == core function if strcmp(ecgType,'FECG') % == FECG channel selection for ch=1:NB_AECG % Normalize residuals to avoid big bumps that crashed the FQRS detector (this showed improvement) [ecgn,~] = normalise_ecg(ecg(:,ch),1,5*paramStruct.fs); % sQRS detection QRSce{ch} = run_qrsdet_by_seg(ecgn,paramStruct.fs,paramStruct.qrsdet_wind,paramStruct.detThres,ecgType); % smooth the time series (physiological) if paramStruct.smoothRR QRSce{ch} = smooth_rr(QRSce{ch}); end % compute smoothness indice [SMI(ch),~] = assess_regularity(QRSce{ch},1); % check that the FQRSs are not matching the MQRSs bxb(ch) = bsqi(MQRS/paramStruct.fs,QRSce{ch}/paramStruct.fs); end % if time series too similar to the one from the mother then we are % probably picking up the mother residuals. Then put SMI to inf to % not select this channel SMI(bxb>0.4) = Inf; % in order to select the ABD channel onto which the FQRS will be % identified we look at SMI (lower SMI -> most likely to be a good detection) [~,ind_std_trans] = sort(SMI); chNb = ind_std_trans(1); sQRS = QRSce{chNb}; % == plots if debug || isempty(nargout) tm = 1/paramStruct.fs:1/fs:length(ecg)/paramStruct.fs; [m,n] = size(ecg); ax = zeros(m,1); for pp=1:n ax(pp) = subplot(ceil(n/2),2,pp); plot(tm,ecg(:,pp)); legend(strcat('SMI:',num2str(SMI(pp)),' bxb:',num2str(bxb(pp)))); linkaxes(ax,'x'); end end elseif strcmp(ecgType,'MECG') % == MECG channel selection % this step is performed to get more robust MQRS detection. % This is aimed at finding the MQRS with the best accuracy but % ALSO to distinguish between MQRS and FQRS time series since % in some instances the FECG is of higher or similar amplitude % that the MECG. In practice a chest electrode should be used % to avoid this to happen as the chest signal will be of % better quality and will ensure that there is no confusion % between MQRS and FQRS time series. [~,icaECG] = jade(ecg); ecg = [ecg';icaECG]'; NB_AECG = 2*NB_AECG; lengthQRS = zeros(4,1); for i=1:NB_AECG % run sQRS detector sQRS{i} = run_qrsdet_by_seg(ecg(:,i),paramStruct.fs,10,0.6,ecgType); lengthQRS(i) = length(sQRS{i}); % compute SMI of MHR at 96% CI [SMI(i),~] = assess_regularity(sQRS{i}); end if isempty(find(SMI~=inf,1)) [~,chNb] = min(lengthQRS); sQRS = sQRS{chNb}; else % this set of rules is specific to the PCinC2013 % challenge and should not be kept for practical % applications indLowSMI = find(SMI<10); if length(indLowSMI)>1 [mi,indMin] = min(lengthQRS(indLowSMI)); [ma,indMax] = max(lengthQRS(indLowSMI)); if ma-mi>7 % if there is no big gap in length btw the 'good' % time series then take the most regular chNb = indLowSMI(indMin); else % if there is the gap then we might be detecting % both the MQRS and FQRS in which case it is safer % to assume that the MQRS is the shortest time % series so take the longuest for the foetus chNb = indLowSMI(indMax); end else [~,chNb] = min(SMI); end sQRS = sQRS{chNb}; end else disp('Wrong entry \n'); end catch ME for enb=1:length(ME.stack); disp(ME.stack(enb)); end; sQRS = [20 400 600 1000]; chNb=1; end end % alternative to bSQI is to use the Physionet bxb function but this requires converting % .mat annotations to WFDB format. This is unfortunately taking a lot of computational time!! % (0.116627sec) % % mat2wfdbanns('qrs','fqrs',QRSce{ch},paramStruct.fs); % mat2wfdbanns('qrs','mqrs',MQRS,paramStruct.fs); % bxb('qrs','mqrs','fqrs','bxbReport.txt','00:00:00','00:01:00'); % testFil = importdata('bxbReport.txt'); % delete('bxbReport.txt'); % bxb(ch) =,1)/(,1),1));