function residual = MECGcancellation(peaks,ECG,fs) %,nbCycles) % MECG cancellation algorithm inspired from [1]. % % inputs: % fs: sampling frequency % nbCycles: number of cycles on which to build the mean MECG template % ECG: matrix of abdominal ECG channels. % peaks: MQRS markers in seconds. Each marker corresponds to the % position of a MQRS. % % output: % residual: residual containing the FECG. % % Author: Joachim Behar - IPMG Oxford ( % Last updated: 03_02_2013 % % [1] Martens S et al. A robust fetal ECG detection method for % abdominal recordings. Physiol. Meas. (2007) 28(4) 373�388 % % Last updated 2013.04.27 by Mantas Lukosevicius % ---- constants ---- %if nargin < 4 % r = size(peaks,2); % else % r = nbCycles; % end Pstart = 0.25*fs-1; Tstop = 0.45*fs; N = length(peaks); % number of MECG QRS ecgLength = length(ECG); ECG_temp = zeros(1,ecgLength); % ---- ECG template ---- templateStart = 1; while templateStart < N && peaks(templateStart)-Pstart < 1 templateStart = templateStart+1; end templateEnd = N; while templateEnd >= templateStart && peaks(templateEnd)+Tstop > ecgLength templateEnd = templateEnd-1; end ECG_last_r_cycles = zeros(0.7*fs,templateEnd-templateStart+1); for i=templateStart:templateEnd peak_nb = peaks(i); ECG_last_r_cycles(:,i) = ECG(peak_nb-Pstart:peak_nb+Tstop)'; end ECG_mean = mean(ECG_last_r_cycles,2); % ---- MECG cancellation ---- % ---- MECG cancellation ---- M = zeros (0.7*fs,3); M(1:0.2*fs,1) = ECG_mean(1:Pstart-0.05*fs+1); M(0.2*fs+1:0.3*fs,2) = ECG_mean(Pstart-0.05*fs+2:Pstart+0.05*fs+1); M(0.3*fs+1:end,3) = ECG_mean(Pstart+2+0.05*fs:Pstart+1+Tstop); for i=1:N %TODO: handle end cases if peaks(i)>Pstart Pstart_ = Pstart; if ecgLength-peaks(i) >= Tstop Tstop_ = Tstop; M_ = M; else Tstop_ = ecgLength-peaks(i); M_ = M(1:0.7*fs-(Tstop-Tstop_),:); if all(M_(:,3)==0) M_ = M_(:,1:2); end end else Pstart_ = peaks(i)-1; Tstop_ = Tstop; M_ = M(Pstart-Pstart_+1:end,:); if all(M_(:,1)==0) M_ = M_(:,2:3); end end %M_ = M(Pstart-Pstart_+1:0.7*fs-(Tstop-Tstop_),:); a = (M_'*M_)\M_'*ECG(peaks(i)-Pstart_:peaks(i)+Tstop_)'; % if ~any(isnan(a)) % ECG_temp(peaks(i)-Pstart_:peaks(i)+Tstop_) = ... % a(1)*M_(:,1)'+a(2)*M_(:,2)'+a(3)*M_(:,3)'; % end if length(a) == 3 ECG_temp(peaks(i)-Pstart_:peaks(i)+Tstop_) = a(1)*M_(:,1)'+a(2)*M_(:,2)'+a(3)*M_(:,3)'; else ECG_temp(peaks(i)-Pstart_:peaks(i)+Tstop_) = a(1)*M_(:,1)'+a(2)*M_(:,2)'; end end % compute residual residual = ECG - ECG_temp; end