function Xd=FecgDetrFilt(X,fs,cName,graph,dbFlag) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ECG detrending % % A baseline signal is estimated applying a low pass Butterworth filter % in forward and backward direction. The filter cut frequency is 3.17Hz. % Each detrended signal is obtained as difference between the original signal % and the estimated baseline. % In case of residual artifacts due to fast baseline movements, median filtering is used. % % function Xd=FecgDetrFilt(X,fs,cName,graph,dbFlag) % % X : signal matrix (one signal per column) % fs : sampling frequency % cName : record name % graf : flag enabling figure drawing % dbFlag : flag enabling figure drawing for tuning and debugging % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Maurizio Varanini, Clinical Physiology Institute, CNR, Pisa, Italy % For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to: % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms % of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either % version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed "as is" and "as available" in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY % or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(nargin<3), cName=''; end if(nargin<4), graph=0; end if(nargin<5), dbFlag=0; end graphD= graph &dbFlag ; graphSpt= graph &dbFlag ; fprintf('\n --------------------------------------------------------- \n'); [progpath, progname] = fileparts(which(mfilename)); fprintf('Program: %s, record name: %s\n', progname, cName); %------------------------------------------------------------- % recording duration [ndt, ns]=size(X); vtime= [1:ndt]/fs; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fmaxd=5; % --> 3.17 Hz = filtfilt 3dB cut frequency fmaxn = fmaxd/(fs/2); [b,a]= butter(1,fmaxn,'low'); Xb=filtfilt(b,a,X); % estimated baseline % remove baseline from original ecg Xd=X-Xb; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RRpmean=1.; ww=fix(RRpmean*1.5*fs); % wide windows (many contain at least one QRS) for is=1:ns x=Xd(:,is); n=length(x); [xmeaMi,xmeaMa] = meanMiMaSc(x,ww,8,8); thmima=1.3; xthmi=xmeaMi*thmima; xthma=xmeaMa*thmima; if(graphD) figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); hold on; plot(x,'b.-'); plot(xmeaMi*ones(n,1),'m'); plot(xmeaMa*ones(n,1),'m'); plot(xthmi*ones(n,1),'r'); plot(xthma*ones(n,1),'r'); title(['EcgBaseline_atest:',' x(b), mi&ma (m), th (r)']); end iibadDetr=find(x1*fs)); if(length(iibadDetr)>1.3*fs) fprintf('Switching to median filtering,rec=%s, is=%d, bads=%d\n',cName, is, length(iibadDetr)); wm=fix(0.26*fs); wm=2*floor(wm/2)+1; % window width Xb(:,is) = medfilt1mit(X(:,is),wm,1); x=X(:,is)-Xb(:,is); % remove baseline from original ECG [xmeaMi,xmeaMa] = meanMiMaSc(x,ww,8,8); thmima=1.3; xthmi=xmeaMi*thmima; xthma=xmeaMa*thmima; iinf=find(xxthma); x(isup)=xthma; fmaxd=150; fmaxn=fmaxd/(fs/2); % Normalized cut-off frequency [b,a]= butter(1,fmaxn,'low'); x=filtfilt(b,a,x); % low-pass filtered signal Xd(:,is)=x; if(graphSpt) figure; freqz(conv(b,b(end:-1:1)),conv(a,a(end:-1:1)),[0:0.005:2],fs); end end end if(graphSpt) for is=1:ns, figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); pwelch(X(:,is),[],[],[],fs); title('Original ECG Welch spectrum'); shg end end if(graphSpt) for is=1:ns, figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); pwelch(Xd(:,is),[],[],[],fs); title('Detrended ECG Welch spectrum'); shg end end if(graphD) figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); for is=1:ns, subplot(ns,1,is), hold on, plot(vtime,X(:,is),'r'), plot(vtime,Xb(:,is),'b'); wgmimaV=mimaxscG(X(:,is),0,0,.1); ylim(wgmimaV); if(is~=ns), set(gca,'XTickLabel',''); end if(is==1), title('Original ECG (r) & estimated baseline(b)'); end end shg end if(graph) figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); for is=1:ns, subplot(ns,1,is), hold on, plot(vtime,X(:,is),'r'), plot(vtime,Xd(:,is),'b'); wgmimaV=mimaxscG(Xd(:,is),0,0,.4); ylim(wgmimaV); if(is~=ns), set(gca,'XTickLabel',''); end if(is==1), title([cName,': original(r) & detrended(b) ECG']); end end end %if(dbFlag & learning) PlotSgnMrkNc(X', QRSa, fs, cName); end end %== function ================================================================ %