function xmf = medfilt1mit(x,m,nit) % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % medfilt1mit.m: median filter % median of the first/last m values are assumed to the left and right of v % nit - number of iteration of the filter % Version 1.00, Date: 07/04/2010 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Maurizio Varanini, Clinical Physiology Institute, CNR, Pisa, Italy % For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to: % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(nargin<3), nit=1; end if(nargin<2), m=3; end if(size(x,2)>size(x,1)), x=x'; colV=0; else colV=1; end n=length(x); m2=floor(m/2); xi=median(x(1:min(n,m))); xf=median(x(end-min(n,m)+1:end)); xt=[xi+zeros(m2,1); x; xf+zeros(m2,1)]; for it=1:nit xx=xt; xt=medfilt1(xx,m); if(all(~(xt-xx))), break, end end if(colV), xmf=xt(m2+1:end-m2); else xmf=xt(m2+1:end-m2)'; end end %== function ================================================================ %