function qrsRef=FecgQRSmDet(Se,fs,cName,graph,dbFlag,saveFig,qrsAf) % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Fecg: "Mother" QRS detection % - Best mother ECG selection based on a priori information on mother ECG pseudo-periodicity. % A raw derivative filter signal obtained as the difference between % the average values on two intervals of 7ms far off 9ms) % - The absolute value of the raw derivative signal was filtered by a forward backward % Butterworth bandpass filter (6.3-16.Hz). % - mother QRS detection based on this absolute derivative % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Author: Maurizio Varanini, Clinical Physiology Institute, CNR, Pisa, Italy % For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to: % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms % of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either % version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed "as is" and "as available" in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY % or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(nargin<3), cName=''; end if(nargin<4), graph=1; end if(nargin<5), dbFlag=0; end if(nargin<6), saveFig=0; end if(nargin<7), qrsAf=[]; end fprintf('\n --------------------------------------------------------- \n'); [progpath, progname] = fileparts(which(mfilename)); fprintf('Program: %s, record name: %s\n', progname, cName); if(isempty(qrsAf)); learning=0; % test set, fetal annotations are not available else learning=1; % learning set, fetal annotations are available end %------------------------------------------------------------- % recording duration [ndt, ns]=size(Se); vtime= [1:ndt]/fs; if(dbFlag && learning), PlotSgnMrkNc(Se, qrsAf*fs, fs, cName); end for is=1:ns, X(:,is)= (Se(:,is)-mean(Se(:,is)))/std(Se(:,is)); end if(graph) figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); for is=1:ns, subplot(ns,1,is), plot(vtime,X(:,is)); wgmi1= min(X(:,is)) -2; wgma1= max(X(:,is)) +2; ylim([wgmi1, wgma1]); set(gca,'YTick',[-5 0 5]) % if(is~=ns), set(gca,'XTickLabel',''); end if(is==1), title([cName,': ECG signals']); end end end % ---- ecg=X; ecgf=ecg; % raw derivative filter coefficients (7ms before and after, 9ms in the middle) nu=ceil(0.0070 * fs); nz=floor(0.0090*fs /2)*2 +1; % nz=nearest odd value B=[ones(nu,1);zeros(nz,1);-ones(nu,1)]; delay=floor(length(B)/2); % compute the derivative signal ecgfx=[repmat(ecgf(1,:),delay,1);ecgf;repmat(ecgf(end,:),delay,1)]; decgr=filter(B,1,ecgfx); decgr= decgr(2*delay+1:end,:); adecg=abs(decgr); % absolute ECG derivative % ----------- chose the best mother ecg channel w8=fix(8*fs); % window of 8 s w2=fix(2*fs); % window of 2 s w02=fix(0.2*fs); % window of 0.2 s mD8=zeros(ns,1); mD2=zeros(ns,1); mD02=zeros(ns,1); for is=1:ns, % compute the average of maximum derivatives on windows of 8s (5% of maxima are discarted) mD8(is)=meanMaxSc(adecg(:,is), w8, 0,5); % compute the average of maximum derivatives on windows of 2s (5% of maxima are discarted) mD2(is)=meanMaxSc(adecg(:,is), w2, 0,5); % compute the average of maximum derivatives on windows of 0.2s (1% of maxima are discarted) mD02(is)=meanMaxSc(adecg(:,is), w02, 0,1); end qualFact=mD2./(mD02+mD8); [dummy,ics]=sort(-qualFact); % ------------ Ses=Se(:,ics); ecgs=ecg(:,ics); decgs=decgr(:,ics); adecgs=adecg(:,ics); % ---- if(graph || saveFig) figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); for is=1:ns, subplot(ns,1,is), plot(vtime, Ses(:,is)); wgmi1= min(Ses(:,is)) -2; wgma1= max(Ses(:,is)) +2; ylim([wgmi1, wgma1]); set(gca,'YTick',[-5 0 5]) % if(is~=ns), set(gca,'XTickLabel',''); end if(is==1), title([cName,': sorted mother ECG']); end shg end if(saveFig), figFmt='png'; figPath=fullfile('../Figure/',progname); if(~exist(figPath,'dir')), mkdir(figPath); end figName=fullfile(figPath,[cName,'_mother']); print(gcf, ['-d',figFmt],figName); end end if(dbFlag && learning), PlotSgnMrkNc(Ses', qrsAf*fs, fs, [cName,' - eS']); end % ---- ecg1=ecgs(:,1); decg1=decgs(:,1); adecg1=adecgs(:,1); % The absolute value of the raw derivative signal was filtered by % a forward-backward Butterworth bandpass filter (6.3-16.Hz). fmind=5; fmaxd=20; Wn = [fmind, fmaxd]/(fs/2); % normalized cut-off frequency [b,a]= butter(1,Wn); adecg1=filtfilt(b,a,adecg1); npx=fix(1*fs); decg1x=[zeros(npx,1);decg1;zeros(npx,1)]; adecg1x=[zeros(npx,1);adecg1;zeros(npx,1)]; % --- QRS detection ----- % QRSref (reference point, max signed derivative ) pth=0.45; qrsRef=QRSdetectorM(adecg1x,decg1x,fs,pth,0.85,1); qrsRef=qrsRef-npx; nQRS=length(qrsRef); fprintf('Number of detected mother QRSs= %d\n', nQRS); RRc= diff(qrsRef); RRs= RRc/fs; if(learning), RRafs= diff(qrsAf); end % annotated fetal qrs [nb,vp]=hist(RRs,[0.4:0.05:1.9]); if(graph) figure, bar(vp,nb,1); title([cName,': detected RR hist']); end % [nbm,ibm]=max(nb); RRst=vp(ibm); % most frequent value % iqrsiT=find(RRst-0.05