function cmpRes=QRSdet_ann_cmp(qrsD,qrsA, diffMax, debug) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Routine to compare QRS detection annotations % % --- Input parameters: % qrsD estimated time position for QRS complex % qrsA reference time position for QRS complex % diffMax max difference to accept annotation matching % --- Output parameters: % cmpRes.nTP number of True Positives (TP) (matching annotations) % cmpRes.nFP number of False Positives (FP) % cmpRes.nFN number of False Negatives (FN) % cmpRes.meanDiff mean of differences between TP annotations % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Author: Maurizio Varanini, Clinical Physiology Institute, CNR, Pisa, Italy % For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to: % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms % of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either % version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed "as is" and "as available" in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY % or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(nargin<3), diffMax=0.075; end % qrsD and qrsA are supposed to be in seconds if(nargin<4), debug=0; end nqrsA=length(qrsA); nqrsD=length(qrsD); qrsA_TP=zeros(1,nqrsA); qrsA_diff=zeros(1,nqrsA); nTP = 0; % number of matching (TP) nFN = 0; % number of False Positive for i = 1:nqrsA TP=0; qrsAi=qrsA(i); iQs = min(find(qrsD > qrsAi)); iQp = max(find(qrsD <= qrsAi)); if(~isempty(iQs)) qrsDis = qrsD(iQs); diffQPs= qrsDis - qrsAi; if(diffQPs <= diffMax) TP=1; qrsA_TP(i) = qrsDis; qrsA_diff(i) = diffQPs; end end if(~isempty(iQp)) qrsDip = qrsD(iQp); diffQPp= qrsAi - qrsDip; if(diffQPp <= diffMax && diffQPp<=diffQPs) TP=1; qrsA_TP(i) = qrsDip; qrsA_diff(i) = -diffQPp; end end if (TP) nTP = nTP + 1; else nFN = nFN + 1; end end nFP = max(0, nqrsD - nTP); indTP=find(qrsA_TP>0); if(~isempty(indTP)) qrsA_diffTP=qrsA_diff(indTP); meanDiff=mean(qrsA_diffTP); else meanDiff=0; % patch end if(debug) fprintf('Number of mother QRSs= %d\n', nqrsA); fprintf('Number of fetal QRSs= %d\n', nqrsD); fprintf('Number of true positives= %d\n', nTP); fprintf('Number of false positives= %d\n', nFP); fprintf('Number of false negatives= %d\n', nFN); end cmpRes.nTP=nTP; cmpRes.nFP=nFP; cmpRes.nFN=nFN; cmpRes.meanDiff=meanDiff; end %== function ================================================================ %