The Cardiovascular Simulator, otherwise
known as CVSim, is a hemodynamic simulation developed by the MIT Laboratory
for Computational Physiology.
CVSim has been tested on the following
• Windows XP
• Mac OS X PPC
• Mac OS X i386
• Fedora Core 4
• Fedora Core 5
• Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 4
CVSim is not supported on the following
• Solaris
2.2 Installing
Java Web Start In order to run CVSim, you need to install
Java Web Start. Java Web Start is part of the Java Runtime Engine
(JRE). If you are using Windows or Linux, follow the instructions on the Sun website to install JRE 6. If you are using Linux,
you need to perform an extra step and manually install the Java Plugin in your
web browser. If you are using Mac OS X, run Software Update from the
System Preferences. Install Java for Mac OS X 10.4, Release 5. The first time you run CVSim, you will
see a security warning that asks you, "The application’s
digital signature cannot be verified. Do you want to run the application?".
Click "Run". If you want to avoid that warning in the future,
check the "Always trust content from this publisher" box.
If you are using Internet Explorer, the security warning may be displayed
behind your browser.
3 CVSim Window Components The CVSim window is divided into four sections,
a Simulation Parameters pane, a Graphics pane, a Strip Chart, and
a Plot. There is also a toolbar with simulation controls.
The Simulation Controls toolbar allows
the user to stop and start the simulation and turn the control systems
on and off. The Simulation Parameters pane displays the simulation
variables and outputs. The Graphics pane displays an anatomical and
circuit representation of the simulation model. The strip chart allows
the user to plot simulation outputs versus time. The strip chart behavior
is based on an electrocardiogram (ECG) strip chart recorder. Like
an ECG signal, the strip chart data scrolls from right to left. The
plot allows the user to plot simulation outputs versus one another.