The 470 numbered articles listed below, published before September 2004,
cite one or both of the original DFA articles:
Peng C-K, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S, Simons M, Stanley HE, Goldberger AL.
Mosaic organization of DNA nucleotides.
Phys Rev E 49: 1685-1689, 1994.
Peng C-K, Havlin S, Stanley HE, Goldberger AL.
Quantification of scaling
exponents and crossover phenomena in nonstationary heartbeat time series.
Chaos 5: 82-87, 1995.
Use Google Scholar to find citations of these articles from
2005 and later, or from
1994 and later..
As of August 2012, the second search returned about 1500 results.
[Return to the DFA home page]
1. Borovk AS, Frankkamenetskii MD and Grosberg AY. Fractality of DNA Texts. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 12: 655-669, 1994.
2. Li WT, Marr TG and Kaneko K. Understanding Long-Range Correlations in DNA-Sequences. Physica D 75: 392-416, 1994.
3. Ossadnik SM, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Peng CK, Simons M and Stanley HE. Correlation Approach to Identify Coding Regions in DNA-Sequences. Biophysical Journal 67: 64-70, 1994.
4. Stanley HE, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Peng CK and Simons M. Statistical and Linguistic Features of Noncoding DNA - a Heterogeneous [[Complex System]]. Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica D-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular and Chemical Physics Fluids Plasmas Biophysics 16: 1339-1356, 1994.
5. Stanley HE, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Goldberger ZD, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Ossadnik SM, Peng CK and Simons M. Statistical-Mechanics in Biology - How Ubiquitous Are Long-Range Correlations. Physica A 205: 214-253, 1994.
6. Arneodo A, Bacry E, Graves PV and Muzy JF. Characterizing Long-Range Correlations in DNA-Sequences from Wavelet Analysis. Physical Review Letters 74: 3293-3296, 1995.
7. Azbel MY. Universality in a DNA Statistical Structure. Physical Review Letters 75: 168-171, 1995.
8. Belair J, Glass L, Heiden UAD and Milton J. Dynamical Disease - Identification, Temporal Aspects and Treatment Strategies of Human Illness. Chaos 5: 1-7, 1995.
9. Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Matsa ME, Peng CK, Simons M and Stanley HE. Long-Range Correlation-Properties of Coding and Noncoding DNA-Sequences - Genbank Analysis. Physical Review E 51: 5084-5091, 1995.
10. Czirok A, Mantegna RN, Havlin S and Stanley HE. Correlations in Binary Sequences and a Generalized Zipf Analysis. Physical Review E 52: 446-452, 1995.
11. Ebeling W and Neiman A. Long-Range Correlations between Letters and Sentences in Texts. Physica A 215: 233-241, 1995.
12. Goldberger AL. Fractals, DNA and the Evolution of Biologie Complexity. Protein Engineering 8: 97-97, 1995.
13. Hausdorff JM, Peng CK, Ladin Z, Wei JY and Goldberger AL. Is Walking a Random-Walk - Evidence for Long-Range Correlations in Stride Interval of Human Gait. Journal of Applied Physiology 78: 349-358, 1995.
14. Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Mantegna RN, Ossadnik SM, Peng CK, Simon M and Stanley HE. Fractals in Biology and Medicine. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 6: 171-201, 1995.
15. Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Mantegna RN, Peng CK, Simons M and Stanley HE. Statistical and Linguistic Features of DNA-Sequences. Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society 3: 269-284, 1995.
16. Peng CK, Havlin S, Hausdorff JM, Mietus JE, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL. Fractal mechanisms and heart rate dynamics - Long-range correlations and their breakdown with disease. Journal of Electrocardiology 28: 59-65, 1995.
17. Peng CK, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Simons M and Stanley HE. Statistical Properties of DNA-Sequences. Physica A 221: 180-192, 1995.
18. Peng CK, Havlin S, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL. Quantification of Scaling Exponents and Crossover Phenomena in Nonstationary Heartbeat Time-Series. Chaos 5: 82-87, 1995.
19. Stanley HE. Phase-Transitions - Power Laws and Universality. Nature 378: 554-554, 1995.
20. Strait BJ and Dewey TG. Multifractals and Decoded Walks - Applications to Protein-Sequence Correlations. Physical Review E 52: 6588-6592, 1995.
21. Taqqu MS, Teverovsky V and Willinger W. Estimators for long-range dependence: An empirical study. Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature 3: 785-798, 1995.
22. Arneodo A, dAubentonCarafa Y, Bacry E, Graves PV, Muzy JF and Thermes C. Wavelet based fractal analysis of DNA sequences. Physica D 96: 291-320, 1996.
23. Attard GS, Hurworth AC and Jack JP. Language-like features in DNA: Transposable element footprints in the genome. Europhysics Letters 36: 391-396, 1996.
24. BernaolaGalvan P, RomanRoldan R and Oliver JL. Compositional segmentation and long-range fractal correlations in DNA sequences. Physical Review E 53: 5181-5189, 1996.
25. Chechetkin VR and Turygin AY. Study of correlations in DNA sequences. Journal of Theoretical Biology 178: 205-217, 1996.
26. Goldberger AL. Fractals and the birth of Gothic: Reflections on the biologic basis of creativity. Molecular Psychiatry 1: 99-104, 1996.
27. Goldberger AL. Non-linear dynamics for clinicians: Chaos theory, fractals, and complexity at the bedside. Lancet 347: 1312-1314, 1996.
28. Hausdorff JM and Peng CK. Multiscaled randomness: A possible source of 1/f noise in biology. Physical Review E 54: 2154-2157, 1996.
29. Hausdorff JM, Purdon PL, Peng CK, Ladin Z, Wei JY and Goldberger AL. Fractal dynamics of human gait: Stability of long-range correlations in stride interval fluctuations. Journal of Applied Physiology 80: 1448-1457, 1996.
30. Ivanov PC, Rosenblum MG, Peng CK, Mietus J, Havlin S, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL. Scaling behaviour of heartbeat intervals obtained by wavelet-based time-series analysis. Nature 383: 323-327, 1996.
31. Iyengar N, Peng CK, Morin R, Goldberger AL and Lipsitz LA. Age-related alterations in the fractal scaling of cardiac interbeat interval dynamics. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 40: R1078-R1084, 1996.
32. KoscielnyBunde E, Bunde A, Havlin S and Goldreich Y. Analysis of daily temperature fluctuations. Physica A 231: 393-396, 1996.
33. Kubstrup C and Mosekilde E. Bifurcation structure of an optical ring cavity. Physica Scripta T67: 167-175, 1996.
34. KutnjakUrbanc B, Havlin S and Stanley HE. Temporal correlations in a one-dimensional sandpile model. Physical Review E 54: 6109-6113, 1996.
35. Makikallio TH, Seppanen T, Niemela M, Airaksinen KEJ, Tulppo M and Huikuri HV. Abnormalities in beat to beat complexity of heart rate dynamics in patients with a previous myocardial infarction. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 28: 1005-1011, 1996.
36. Makse HA, Havlin S, Ivanov PC, King PR, Prakash S and Stanley HE. Pattern formation in sedimentary rocks: Connectivity, permeability, and spatial correlations. Physica A 233: 587-605, 1996.
37. Makse HA, Davies GW, Havlin S, Ivanov PC, King PR and Stanley HE. Long-range correlations in permeability fluctuations in porous rock. Physical Review E 54: 3129-3134, 1996.
38. RomanRoldan R, BernaolaGalvan P and Oliver JL. Application of information theory to DNA sequence analysis: A review. Pattern Recognition 29: 1187-1194, 1996.
39. Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Hyman BT, Leschhorn H, Maass P, Makse HA, Peng CK, Salinger MA, Stanley MHR and Viswanathan GM. Scaling and universality in living systems. Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature 4: 427-451, 1996.
40. Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Leschhorn H, Maass P, Makse HA, Peng CK, Salinger MA, Stanley MHR and Viswanathan GM. Scaling and universality in animate and inanimate systems. Physica A 231: 20-48, 1996.
41. Stanley HE, Afanasyev V, Amaral LAN, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Leschhorn H, Maass P, Mantegna RN, Peng CK, Prince PA, Salinger MA, Stanley MHR and Viswanathan GM. Anomalous fluctuations in the dynamics of complex systems: From DNA and physiology to econophysics. Physica A 224: 302-321, 1996.
42. Tiwari S, Bhattacharya A, Bhattacharya S and Ramaswamy R. Gene identification in silico. Current Science 71: 12-24, 1996.
43. Turcott RG and Teich MC. Fractal character of the electrocardiogram: Distinguishing heart-failure and normal patients. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 24: 269-293, 1996.
44. Vieira MD and Herrmann HJ. A growth model for DNA evolution. Europhysics Letters 33: 409-414, 1996.
45. Vilensky B. Can analysis of word frequency distinguish between writings of different authors? Physica A 231: 705-711, 1996.
46. Viswanathan GM, Afanasyev V, Buldyrev SV, Murphy EJ, Prince PA and Stanley HE. Levy flight search patterns of wandering albatrosses. Nature 381: 413-415, 1996.
47. Behrman A and Baken RJ. Correlation dimension of electroglottographic data from healthy and pathologic subjects. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 102: 2371-2379, 1997.
48. Cannon MJ, Percival DB, Caccia DC, Raymond GM and Bassingthwaighte JB. Evaluating scaled windowed variance methods for estimating the Hurst coefficient of time series. Physica A 241: 606-626, 1997.
49. Cizeau P, Liu YH, Meyer M, Peng CK and Stanley HE. Volatility distribution in the S&P500 stock index. Physica A 245: 441-445, 1997.
50. DishonBerkovits M and Berkovits R. Work-related tardiness: Lateness incident distribution and long-range correlations. Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature 5: 321-324, 1997.
51. Goldberger AL. Fractal variability versus pathologic periodicity: Complexity loss and stereotypy in disease. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 40: 543-561, 1997.
52. Hausdorff JM, Mitchell SL, Firtion R, Peng CK, Cudkowicz ME, Wei JY and Goldberger AL. Altered fractal dynamics of gait: Reduced stride-interval correlations with aging and Huntington's disease. Journal of Applied Physiology 82: 262-269, 1997.
53. Ho KKL, Moody GB, Peng CK, Mietus JE, Larson MG, Levy D and Goldberger AL. Predicting survival in heart failure case and control subjects by use of fully automated methods for deriving nonlinear and conventional indices of heart rate dynamics. Circulation 96: 842-848, 1997.
54. Liu YH, Cizeau P, Meyer M, Peng CK and Stanley HE. Correlations in economic time series. Physica A 245: 437-440, 1997.
55. Makikallio TH, Seppanen T, Airaksinen KEJ, Koistinen J, Tulppo MP, Peng CK, Goldberger AL and Huikuri HV. Dynamic analysis of heart rate may predict subsequent ventricular tachycardia after myocardial infarction. American Journal of Cardiology 80: 779-&, 1997.
56. Paulus MP. Long-range interactions in sequences of human behavior. Physical Review E 55: 3249-3256, 1997.
57. Poon CS and Merrill CK. Decrease of cardiac chaos in congestive heart failure. Nature 389: 492-495, 1997.
58. Ragosta M, Serio C, Lanfredi MT and Macchiato M. Dynamical degrees of freedom of DNA sequences by local and global short-range prediction. Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature 5: 1-10, 1997.
59. Vandewalle N and Ausloos M. Coherent and random sequences in financial fluctuations. Physica A 246: 454-459, 1997.
60. Viswanatha GM, Peng CK, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL. Deviations from uniform power law scaling in nonstationary time series. Physical Review E 55: 845-849, 1997.
61. Viswanathan GM, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S and Stanley HE. Quantification of DNA patchiness using long-range correlation measures. Biophysical Journal 72: 866-875, 1997.
62. Zhang XS, Zhu YS and Zhang XJ. New approach to studies on ECG dynamics: extraction and analyses of QRS complex irregularity time series. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 35: 467-473, 1997.
63. Zik O, Moses E, Olami Z and Webman I. Scaling of propagating capillary fronts. Europhysics Letters 38: 509-514, 1997.
64. Zochowski M, WinkowskaNowak K, Nowak A, Karpinski G and Budaj A. Autocorrelations of R-R distributions as a measure of heart variability. Physical Review E 56: 3725-3727, 1997.
65. Allegrini P, Buiatti M, Grigolini P and West BJ. Fractional Brownian motion as a nonstationary process: An alternative paradigm for DNA sequences. Physical Review E 57: 4558-4567, 1998.
66. Ashkenazy Y, Lewkowicz M, Levitan J, Moelgaard H, Thomsen PEB and Saermark K. Discrimination of the healthy and sick cardiac autonomic nervous system by a new wavelet analysis of heartbeat intervals. Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature 6: 197-203, 1998.
67. Barbi M, Chillemi S, Di Garbo A, Balocchi R, Carpeggiani C, Emdin M, Michelassi C and Santarcangelo E. Predictability and nonlinearity of the heart rhythm. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 9: 507-515, 1998.
68. Bickel DR, Verklan MT and Moon J. Detection of anomalous diffusion using confidence intervals of the scaling exponent with application to preterm neonatal heart rate variability. Physical Review E 58: 6440-6448, 1998.
69. Buldyrev SV, Dokholyan NV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Peng CK, Stanley HE and Viswanathan GM. Analysis of DNA sequences using methods of statistical physics. Physica A 249: 430-438, 1998.
70. Chechetkin VR and Lobzin VV. Study of correlations in segmented DNA sequences: Application to structural coupling between exons and introns. Journal of Theoretical Biology 190: 69-83, 1998.
71. Ebeling W and Frommel C. Entropy and predictability of information carriers. Biosystems 46: 47-55, 1998.
72. Goldstein B and Buchman TG. Heart rate variability in intensive care. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 13: 252-265, 1998.
73. Herzel H, Trifonov EN, Weiss O and Grosse I. Interpreting correlations in biosequences. Physica A 249: 449-459, 1998.
74. Hoop B, Krause WL and Kazemi H. Temporal correlation in phrenic neural activity. In: Advances in Modeling and Control of Ventilation, 1998, p. 111-118.
75. Ivanov PC, Rosenblum MG, Peng CK, Mietus JE, Havlin S, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL. Scaling and universality in heart rate variability distributions. Physica A 249: 587-593, 1998.
76. Koscielny-Bunde E, Bunde A, Havlin S, Roman HE, Goldreich Y and Schellnhuber HJ. Indication of a universal persistence law governing atmospheric variability. Physical Review Letters 81: 729-732, 1998.
77. Koscielny-Bunde E, Roman HE, Bunde A, Havlin S and Schellnhuber HJ. Long-range power-law correlations in local daily temperature fluctuations. Philosophical Magazine B-Physics of Condensed Matter Statistical Mechanics Electronic Optical and Magnetic Properties 77: 1331-1340, 1998.
78. Lu X, Sun ZR, Chen HM and Li YD. Characterizing self-similarity in bacteria DNA sequences. Physical Review E 58: 3578-3584, 1998.
79. Makikallio TH, Ristimae T, Airaksinen J, Peng CK, Goldberger AL and Huikuri HV. Heart rate dynamics in patients with stable angina pectoris and utility of fractal and complexity measures. American Journal of Cardiology 81: 27-31, 1998.
80. Meyer M, Rahmel A, Marconi C, Grassi B, Cerretelli P and Skinner JE. Stability of heartbeat interval distributions in chronic high altitude hypoxia. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 33: 344-362, 1998.
81. Meyer M, Rahmel A, Marconi C, Grassi B, Skinner JE and Cerretelli P. Is the heart preadapted to hypoxia? Evidence from fractal dynamics of heartbeat interval fluctuations at high altitude (5,050 m). Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 33: 9-40, 1998.
82. Peng CK, Hausdorff JM, Havlin S, Mietus JE, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL. Multiple-time scales analysis of physiological time series under neural control. Physica A 249: 491-500, 1998.
83. Pilgram B and Kaplan DT. A comparison of estimators for 1/f noise. Physica D 114: 108-122, 1998.
84. Posiewnik A and Dabkowski J. A new tool for nonlinear dynamical analysis of heart rate variability. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences 53: 112-116, 1998.
85. Roman-Roldan R, Bernaola-Galvan P and Oliver JL. Sequence compositional complexity of DNA through an entropic segmentation method. Physical Review Letters 80: 1344-1347, 1998.
86. Rosu H. Why DNA? Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica D-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular and Chemical Physics Fluids Plasmas Biophysics 20: 73-77, 1998.
87. Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Andrade JS, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S, Makse HA, Peng CK, Suki B and Viswanathan G. Scale-invariant correlations in the biological and social sciences. Philosophical Magazine B-Physics of Condensed Matter Statistical Mechanics Electronic Optical and Magnetic Properties 77: 1373-1388, 1998.
88. Thurner S, Feurstein MC, Lowen SB and Teich MC. Receiver-operating-characteristic analysis reveals superiority of scale-dependent wavelet and spectral measures for assessing cardiac dysfunction. Physical Review Letters 81: 5688-5691, 1998.
89. Thurner S, Feurstein MC and Teich MC. Multiresolution wavelet analysis of heartbeat intervals discriminates healthy patients from those with cardiac pathology. Physical Review Letters 80: 1544-1547, 1998.
90. Toweill DL and Goldstein B. Linear and nonlinear dynamics and the pathophysiology of shock. New Horizons-the Science and Practice of Acute Medicine 6: 155-168, 1998.
91. Viswanathan GM, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S and Stanley HE. Long-range correlation measures for quantifying patchiness: Deviations from uniform power-law scaling in genomic DNA. Physica A 249: 581-586, 1998.
92. Absil PA, Sepulchre R, Bilge A and Gerard P. Nonlinear analysis of cardiac rhythm fluctuations using DFA method. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 272: 235-244, 1999.
93. Alados CL and Weber DN. Lead effects on the predictability of reproductive behavior in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): A mathematical model. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18: 2392-2399, 1999.
94. Amaral LAN, Cizeau P, Gopikrishnan P, Liu Y, Meyer M, Peng CK and Stanley HE. Econophysics: can statistical physics contribute to the science of economics? Computer Physics Communications 122: 145-152, 1999.
95. Ashkenazy Y, Lewkowicz M, Levitan J, Havlin S, Saermark K, Moelgaard H and Thomsen PEB. Discrimination between healthy and sick cardiac autonomic nervous system by detrended heart rate variability analysis. Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society 7: 85-91, 1999.
96. Behrman A. Global and local dimensions of vocal dynamics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105: 432-443, 1999.
97. Blesic S, Milosevic S, Stratimirovic D and Ljubisavljevic M. Detrended fluctuation analysis of time series of a firing fusimotor neuron. Physica A 268: 275-282, 1999.
98. Costa RN, Almeida MP, Andrade JS and Moreira JE. Scaling behavior in a proportional voting process. Physical Review E 60: 1067-1068, 1999.
99. Deng J, He YF, Ye F, Long QY and Lung CW. Accurate assessment of the roughness exponent of a fracture surface via scanning tunnelling microscopy. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 32: L45-L48, 1999.
100. Hausdorff JM, Zemany L, Peng CK and Goldberger AL. Maturation of gait dynamics: stride-to-stride variability and its temporal organization in children. Journal of Applied Physiology 86: 1040-1047, 1999.
101. Havlin S, Amaral LAN, Ashkenazy Y, Goldberger AL, Ivanov PC, Peng CK and Stanley HE. Application of statistical physics to heartbeat diagnosis. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 274: 99-110, 1999.
102. Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Bunde A, Goldberger AL, Ivanov PC, Peng CK and Stanley HE. Scaling in nature: from DNA through heartbeats to weather. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 273: 46-69, 1999.
103. Huikuri HV, Poutiainen AM, Makikallio TH, Koistinen MJ, Airaksinen KEJ, Mitrani RD, Myerburg RJ and Castellanos A. Dynamic behavior and autonomic regulation of ectopic atrial pacemakers. Circulation 100: 1416-1422, 1999.
104. Ivanov VA, Chertovich AV, Lazutin AA, Shusharina NP, Khalatur PG and Khokhlov AR. Computer simulation of globules with microstructure. Macromolecular Symposia 146: 259-265, 1999.
105. Ivanov PC, Bunde A, Amaral LAN, Havlin S, Fritsch-Yelle J, Baevsky RM, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL. Sleep-wake differences in scaling behavior of the human heartbeat: Analysis of terrestrial and long-term space flight data. Europhysics Letters 48: 594-600, 1999.
106. Ivanov PC, Amaral LAN, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Rosenblum MG, Struzik ZR and Stanley HE. Multifractality in human heartbeat dynamics. Nature 399: 461-465, 1999.
107. Ivanova K and Ausloos M. Application of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) method for describing cloud breaking. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 274: 349-354, 1999.
108. Ivanova K. Toward a phase diagram for stocks. Physica A 270: 567-577, 1999.
109. Ivanova K and Ausloos M. Low-order variability diagrams for short-range correlation evidence in financial data: BGL-USD exchange rate, Dow Jones industrial average, gold ounce price. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 265: 279-291, 1999.
110. Janosi IM, Janecsko B and Kondor I. Statistical analysis of 5 s index data of the Budapest Stock Exchange. Physica A 269: 111-124, 1999.
111. Kantelhardt JW, Berkovits R, Havlin S and Bunde A. Are the phases in the Anderson model long-range correlated? Physica A 266: 461-464, 1999.
112. Koorpelainen JT, Sotaniemi KA, Makikallio A, Huikuri HV and Myllyla VV. Dynamic behavior of heart rate in ischemic stroke. Stroke 30: 1008-1013, 1999.
113. Liebovitch LS, Todorov AT, Zochowski M, Scheurle D, Colgin L, Wood MA, Ellenbogen KA, Herre JM and Bernstein RC. Nonlinear properties of cardiac rhythm abnormalities. Physical Review E 59: 3312-3319, 1999.
114. Liu YH, Gopikrishnan P, Cizeau P, Meyer M, Peng CK and Stanley HE. Statistical properties of the volatility of price fluctuations. Physical Review E 60: 1390-1400, 1999.
115. Lux T and Marchesi M. Scaling and criticality in a stochastic multi-agent model of a financial market. Nature 397: 498-500, 1999.
116. Makikallio TH, Hoiber S, Kober L, Torp-Pedersen C, Peng CK, Goldberger AL and Huikuri HV. Fractal analysis of heart rate dynamics as a predictor of mortality in patients with depressed left ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction. American Journal of Cardiology 83: 836-839, 1999.
117. Makikallio TH, Koistinen J, Jordaens L, Tulppo MP, Wood N, Golosarsky B, Peng CK, Goldberger AL and Huikuri HV. Heart rate dynamics before spontaneous onset of ventricular fibrillation in patients with healed myocardial infarcts. American Journal of Cardiology 83: 880-884, 1999.
118. Makowiec D, Dabkowski J and Groth M. The Eve effect in the Penna model of biological ageing. Physica A 273: 169-181, 1999.
119. Montanari A, Taqqu MS and Teverovsky V. Estimating long-range dependence in the presence of periodicity: An empirical study. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 29: 217-228, 1999.
120. Pikkujamsa SM, Makikallio TH, Sourander LB, Raiha IJ, Puukka P, Skytta J, Peng CK, Goldberger AL and Huikuri HV. Cardiac interbeat interval dynamics from childhood to senescence - Comparison of conventional and new measures based on fractals and chaos theory. Circulation 100: 393-399, 1999.
121. Pilgram B and Kaplan DT. Nonstationarity and 1/f noise characteristics in heart rate. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 276: R1-R9, 1999.
122. Popivanov D and Mineva A. Testing procedures for non-stationarity and non-linearity in physiological signals. Mathematical Biosciences 157: 303-320, 1999.
123. Raymond GM and Bassingthwaighte JB. Deriving dispersional and scaled windowed variance analyses using the correlation function of discrete fractional Gaussian noise. Physica A 265: 85-96, 1999.
124. Stanley HE, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Peng CK and Simons M. Scaling features of noncoding DNA. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 273: 1-18, 1999.
125. Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Ivanov PC and Peng CK. Statistical physics and physiology: Monofractal and multifractal approaches. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 270: 309-324, 1999.
126. Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Canning D, Gopikrishnan P, Lee Y and Liu Y. Econophysics: Can physicists contribute to the science of economics? Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 269: 156-169, 1999.
127. Stanley HE. Econophysics: Can physicists contribute to the science of economics? Computing in Science & Engineering 1: 74-77, 1999.
128. Treffner PJ and Kelso JAS. Dynamic encounters: Long memory during functional stabilization. Ecological Psychology 11: 103-137, 1999.
129. Vandewalle N, Ausloos M and Boveroux P. The moving averages demystified. Physica A 269: 170-176, 1999.
130. Vandewalle N, Ausloos M, Houssa M, Mertens PW and Heyns MM. Non-Gaussian behavior and anticorrelations in ultrathin gate oxides after soft breakdown. Applied Physics Letters 74: 1579-1581, 1999.
131. Vikman S, Makikallio TH, Yli-Mayry S, Pikkujamsa S, Koivisto AM, Reinikainen P, Airaksinen KEJ and Huikuri HV. Altered complexity and correlation properties of R-R interval dynamics before the spontaneous onset of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Circulation 100: 2079-2084, 1999.
132. Yulmetyev RM and Gafarov FM. Dynamics of the information entropy in random processes. Physica A 273: 416-438, 1999.
133. Yulmetyev RM and Yulmetyeva DG. Kinetics of the dynamical information Shannon entropy for complex systems. Acta Physica Polonica B 30: 2511-2531, 1999.
134. Alados CL and Huffman MA. Fractal long-range correlations in behavioural sequences of wild chimpanzees: A non-invasive analytical tool for the evaluation of health. Ethology 106: 105-116, 2000.
135. Arnedo A, Decoster N and Roux SG. A wavelet-based method for multifractal image analysis. I. Methodology and test applications on isotropic and anisotropic random rough surfaces. European Physical Journal B 15: 567-600, 2000.
136. Ausloos M and Ivanova K. Introducing False EUR and False EUR exchange rates. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 286: 353-366, 2000.
137. Be'er A, Lereah Y and Taitelbaum H. The dynamics and geometry of solid-liquid reaction interface. Physica A 285: 156-165, 2000.
138. Bunde A, Havlin S, Kantelhardt JW, Penzel T, Peter JH and Voigt K. Correlated and uncorrelated regions in heart-rate fluctuations during sleep. Physical Review Letters 85: 3736-3739, 2000.
139. Eke A, Herman P, Bassingthwaighte JB, Raymond GM, Percival DB, Cannon M, Balla I and Ikrenyi C. Physiological time series: distinguishing fractal noises from motions. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 439: 403-415, 2000.
140. Gopikrishnan P, Plerou V, Liu Y, Amaral LAN, Gabaix X and Stanley HE. Scaling and correlation in financial time series. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 287: 362-373, 2000.
141. Gopikrishnan P, Plerou V, Gabaix X and Stanley HE. Statistical properties of share volume traded in financial markets. Physical Review E 62: R4493-R4496, 2000.
142. Grau-Carles P. Empirical evidence of long-range correlations in stock returns. Physica A 287: 396-404, 2000.
143. Heneghan C and McDarby G. Establishing the relation between detrended fluctuation analysis and power spectral density analysis for stochastic processes. Physical Review E 62: 6103-6110, 2000.
144. Hoop B and Peng CK. Fluctuations and fractal noise in biological membranes. Journal of Membrane Biology 177: 177-185, 2000.
145. Huikuri HV, Makikallio TH, Peng CK, Goldberger AL, Hintze U and Moller M. Fractal correlation properties of R-R interval dynamics and mortality in patients with depressed left ventricular function after an acute myocardial infarction. Circulation 101: 47-53, 2000.
146. Ivanova K, Ausloos M, Clothiaux EE and Ackerman TP. Break-up of stratus cloud structure predicted from non-Brownian motion liquid water and brightness temperature fluctuations. Europhysics Letters 52: 40-46, 2000.
147. Laitio TT, Huikuri HV, Kentala ESH, Makikallio TH, Jalonen JR, Helenius H, Sariola-Heinonen K, Yli-Mayry S and Scheinin H. Correlation properties and complexity of perioperative RR-interval dynamics in coronary artery bypass surgery patients. Anesthesiology 93: 69-80, 2000.
148. Lombardi F. Chaos theory, heart rate variability, and arrhythmic mortality. Circulation 101: 8-10, 2000.
149. Lopera G, Huikuri HV, Makikallio TH, Castellanos A and Myerburg RJ. Ischemic sudden cardiac death: Critical analysis of risk markers. Revista Espanola De Cardiologia 53: 568-578, 2000.
150. Matsoukas C, Islam S and Rodriguez-Iturbe I. Detrended fluctuation analysis of rainfall and streamflow time series. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 105: 29165-29172, 2000.
151. Mercik S, Siwy Z and Weron K. What can be learnt from the analysis of short time series of ion channel recordings. Physica A 276: 376-390, 2000.
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