function result = clara(x,kclus,vtype,stdize,metric,nsamp,sampsize) %CLARA is the 'Clustering Large Applications' clustering algorithm. % It returns a list representing a clustering of the data % into kclus clusters following the clara algorithm which is % designed for large data sets. % %The algorithm is fully described in: % Kaufman, L. and Rousseeuw, P.J. (1990), % "Finding groups in data: An introduction to cluster analysis", % Wiley-Interscience: New York (Series in Applied Probability and % Statistics), ISBN 0-471-87876-6. % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix (rows = observations, columns = variables) % kclus : The number of desired clusters % vtype : Variable type vector (length equals number of variables) % Possible values are 1 Asymmetric binary variable (0/1) % 2 Nominal variable (includes symmetric binary) % 3 Ordinal variable % 4 Interval variable % % Optional input arguments: % stdize : standardise the variables given by the x-matrix % Possible values are 0 : no standardisation (default) % 1 : standardisation by the mean % 2 : standardisation by the median % metric : Metric to be used % Possible values are 'eucli' Euclidian (all interval variables, default) % 'manha' Manhattan % 'mixed' Mixed (not all interval variables, default) % nsamp : Number of samples to be drawn from the data set % sampsize : Number of observations in each sample (should be higher % than the number of clusters and lower than the number of % observations) % % I/O: % result=clara(x,kclus,vtype,'eucli',5,40+2*kclus) % % Example (subtracted from the referenced book) % load obj200.mat % result=clara(obj200,3,[4 4]); % % The output of CLARA is a structure containing: % result.dysobs : dissimilarities for each observation with the medoids % result.metric : metric used % result.number : number of observations % result.idmed : Id of medoid observations % result.ncluv : A vector with length equal to the number of observations, % giving for each observation the number of the cluster to % which it belongs % result.obj : Objective function for the best subsample % result.clusinf : Matrix, each row gives numerical information for % one cluster. These are the cardinality of the cluster % (number of observations), the maximal and average % dissimilarity between the observations in the cluster % and the cluster's medoid, the diameter of the cluster % (maximal dissimilarity between two observations of the % cluster), and the separation of the cluster (minimal % dissimilarity between an observation of the cluster % and an observation of another cluster). % result.sylinf : Matrix based on the best subsample, with for each % observation i of this subsample the cluster to % which i belongs, as well as the neighbor cluster of i % (the cluster, not containing i, for which the average % dissimilarity between its observations and i is minimal), % and the silhouette width of i. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Guy Brys (May 2006) %Checking and filling out the inputs if (nargin<3) error('Three input arguments required') elseif (nargin<4) stdize = 0; if (sum(vtype)~=4*size(x,2)) metric = 'mixed'; else metric = 'eucli'; end nsamp=5; sampsize=40+2*kclus; elseif (nargin<5) if (sum(vtype)~=4*size(x,2)) metric = 'mixed'; else metric = 'eucli'; end nsamp=5; sampsize=40+2*kclus; elseif (nargin<6) nsamp=5; sampsize=40+2*kclus; elseif (nargin<7) sampsize=40+2*kclus; end %Standardization if (stdize==1) x = ((x - repmat(mean(x),size(x,1),1))./(repmat(std(x),size(x,1),1))); elseif (stdize==2) x = ((x - repmat(median(x),size(x,1),1))./(repmat(mad(x),size(x,1),1))); end %Actual calculations obj = Inf; for i=1:nsamp sampindex = randperm(size(x,1)); restemp = pam(x(sampindex(1:sampsize),:),kclus,vtype,metric); if (restemp.obj(1)