function [P,T,L,r,centerX,cX]=classSVD(x) %CLASSSVD performs the singular value decomposition of a matrix with more % rows than columns (uses svd.m) % % Required input: % x : data matrix of size n by p where n>p % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Sabine Verboven, Mia Hubert % Last Update: 06/07/2004 [n,p]=size(x); if n==1 error('The sample size is 1. No SVD can be performed.') end cX=mean(x); centerX=x-repmat(cX,n,1); [U,S,loadings]=svd(centerX./sqrt(n-1),0); eigenvalues=diag(S).^2; tol = max([n p])*eigenvalues(1)*eps; r= sum(eigenvalues>tol); L=eigenvalues(1:r); P=loadings(:,1:r); T=centerX*P;