function result = cvRsimpls(x,y,kmax,rmsecv,h,k) %CVRIMPLS calculates the robust RMSECV (root mean squared error of cross-validation) curve % for RSIMPLS or the robust RMSEP(root mean squared error of prediction) value in a fast way. % The R-RMSECV curve can be used to make a selection of the optimal number of % components to include in the regression model. The function is used in rsimpls.m. % % Input arguments: % x : the explanatory variables % y : the rsponse variables % kmax : maximal number of variables to include in the model. % rmsecv : Optional. If equal to 1 (default), the rmsecv is computed. % Else, rmsecv = 0 and then the rss and R2 are computed. % h : optional input argument. % k : optional input argument. If k = 0 (default) then RMSECV is calculated. Else the RMSEP wil be computed. % % Output: % if RMSECV is computed: % result.rmsecv : the R-RMSECV values (obtained with the minimum weights). % if RMSEP is computed: % result.rmsep : the R-RMSEP values % result.rss : the RSS values for every k. % result.R2 : the coefficient of determination for every k. % result.residu : the residuals for every k = 1,...,kmax % result.outWeights : the weights used to compute the robust R-RMSEP values. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Sanne Engelen % Last Update: 08/10/2004, 03/07/2006 % Last Revision: 03/07/2006 % some initialisations n = size(x,1); p = size(x,2); q = size(y,2); r = rank(x); rz = rank([x,y]); teller_if_lus = 0; cutoffWeights = sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,q)); if nargin < 4 alfa = 0.75; kmaxr=min([kmax+q,rz]); h=floor(2*floor((n+kmaxr+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmaxr+1)/2))*alfa); k = 0; rmsecv = 1; elseif nargin == 4 alfa = 0.75; kmaxr=min([kmax+q,rz]); h=floor(2*floor((n+kmaxr+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmaxr+1)/2))*alfa); k = 0; elseif nargin == 5 k = 0; end outWeights = weightcvRsimpls(x,y,kmax,h,k,cutoffWeights); if rmsecv if k == 0 w_min = outWeights.w_min; end rob = outWeights.ResRob; % Assigning the input variables if size(rob.Hsubsets.H0,2)==1 rob.Hsubsets.H0=rob.Hsubsets.H0'; end Hsets = [rob.Hsubsets.H0;rob.Hsubsets.H1;rob.Hsubsets.Hfreq]; same.value = 0; data = [x,y]; for i = 1:n disp(['observation ',num2str(i),' is left out']) X_min_i = removal(x,i,0); Y_min_i = removal(y,i,0); data_min_i = removal(data,i,0); same.value = 0; if isempty(find(rob.Hsubsets.H0 == i)) if teller_if_lus >= 1 same.value = 1; end teller_if_lus = teller_if_lus + 1; end % constructing Hsets of right size: h - 1. Hsets_min_i = RemoveObsHsets(Hsets,i); if k == 0 res = removeObsRobpca(data,i,kmax + q,Hsets_min_i,same,1); else res = removeObsRobpca(data,i,k + q,Hsets_min_i,same); end if isempty(find(rob.Hsubsets.H0 == i)) same.res = res; end Prob_min_i = res.Pk_min_i; Lrob_min_i = res.Lk_min_i; murob_min_i = res.muk_min_i; Trob_min_i = (data_min_i - repmat(murob_min_i,n-1,1))*Prob_min_i; % Computing weights corresponding with the ROBPCA results. sdrob_min_i = sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(Trob_min_i,zeros(1,size(Trob_min_i,2)),'invcov',1./Lrob_min_i))'; if k == 0,kmax)); else = sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,k)); end % Orthogonal distances to robust PCA subspace XRc=data_min_i-repmat(murob_min_i,n-1,1); Xtilde=Trob_min_i*Prob_min_i'; Rdiff=XRc-Xtilde; for j=1:(n-1) odrob_min_i(j,:)=norm(Rdiff(j,:)); end % Robust cutoff-value for the orthogonal distance if k == 0 test_k = kmax; else test_k = k; end if test_k~=r [m,s]=unimcd(odrob_min_i.^(2/3),h); cutoff.od = sqrt(norminv(0.975,m,s).^3); wrob_min_i = (odrob_min_i<=cutoff.od)&(sdrob_min_i<; else cutoff.od=0; wrob_min_i = (sdrob_min_i<; end % start the deflation: xycentr_min_i = []; sigmax_min_i = []; xcentr_min_i = []; sigmaxy_min_i = []; sigmayx_min_i = []; xycentr_min_i = murob_min_i; sigmax_min_i = Prob_min_i(1:p,:)*diag(Lrob_min_i)*Prob_min_i(1:p,:)'; xcentr_min_i = X_min_i - repmat(murob_min_i(1:p),n-1,1); sigmaxy_min_i = Prob_min_i(1:p,:)*diag(Lrob_min_i)*Prob_min_i(p+1:p+q,:)'; sigmayx_min_i = sigmaxy_min_i'; % calculation of the scores. nScores = 1; R_min_i = []; T_min_i = []; P_min_i = []; V_min_i = []; if k == 0 countScores = kmax; else countScores = k; end while nScores <= countScores if q == 1 qq_min_i = 1; else [QQ,LL] = eig(sigmayx_min_i*sigmaxy_min_i); [LL,I] = greatsort(diag(LL)); qq_min_i = QQ(:,I(1)); end rr_min_i = sigmaxy_min_i*qq_min_i; rr_min_i = rr_min_i/norm(rr_min_i); tt_min_i = xcentr_min_i*rr_min_i; pp_min_i = sigmax_min_i*rr_min_i/(rr_min_i'*sigmax_min_i*rr_min_i); vv_min_i = pp_min_i; if nScores > 1 vv_min_i = vv_min_i - V_min_i*(V_min_i'*pp_min_i); end vv_min_i = vv_min_i./norm(vv_min_i); sigmaxy_min_i = sigmaxy_min_i - vv_min_i*(vv_min_i'*sigmaxy_min_i); V_min_i(:,nScores) = vv_min_i; T_min_i(:,nScores) = tt_min_i; R_min_i(:,nScores) = rr_min_i; P_min_i(:,nScores) = pp_min_i; nScores = nScores + 1; end if k == 0 outRegr = runRegr(x,y,i,T_min_i,Y_min_i,R_min_i,murob_min_i,wrob_min_i,kmax,cutoffWeights); for j = 1:kmax Tk_min_i = T_min_i(:,1:j); geg = [Tk_min_i,Y_min_i]; outRegr.Mu ='; outRegr.Sigma = outRegr.sigma; [Bk,intk,sigmayykmaxrew_k,sigmattkmaxrew_k] = extractmcdregres(outRegr,Tk_min_i,Y_min_i,kmax,n-1,q,j,h-1,cutoffWeights); coeffk = [Bk;intk]; b_min_i = R_min_i(:,1:j)*coeffk(1:j,:); int_min_i = coeffk(j+1,:) - murob_min_i(1:p)*R_min_i(:,1:j)*coeffk(1:j,:); Yhat_min_i = x(i,:)*b_min_i + int_min_i; resid_min_i(i,(j-1)*q + 1:j*q) = y(i,:) - Yhat_min_i; % calculation of the resd: rewE2=sigmayykmaxrew_k- coeffk(1:j,1:q)'*sigmattkmaxrew_k*coeffk(1:j,1:q); if q > 1 cov = rewE2; cen=zeros(q,1); resd(i,j)=sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(resid_min_i(i,(j-1)*q + 1:j*q),cen','cov',cov))'; %robust distances of residuals else scale = sqrt(rewE2); resd(i,j) = resid_min_i(i,(j-1)*q + 1:j*q)/scale; end end else outRegr = runRegr(x,y,i,T_min_i,Y_min_i,R_min_i,murob_min_i,wrob_min_i,k,cutoffWeights); resid_min_i(i,:) = outRegr.resid_min_i; resd(i,:) = outRegr.resd'; end end if k == 0 for j = 1:kmax resk = resid_min_i(:,(j-1)*q + 1:j*q); if q == 1 rmsecv(j) = sqrt(1/sum(w_min)*w_min*(resk).^2); else rmsecv(j) = sqrt(1/sum(w_min)*w_min*(mean((resk').^2))'); end end result.rmsecv = rmsecv; result.residu = resid_min_i; else weights = outWeights.weightsk; if q == 1 rmsep = sqrt(1/sum(weights)*weights'*(resid_min_i).^2); else rmsep = sqrt(1/sum(weights)*weights'*(mean((resid_min_i').^2))'); end result.rmsep = rmsep; result.residu = resid_min_i; end end result.outWeights = outWeights; result.rss = outWeights.rss; result.R2 = outWeights.R2; %------------------------------------------------------------------ function out = runRegr(x,y,i,T_min_i,Y_min_i,R_min_i,mukmax_min_i,wkmax_min_i,k,cutoffWeights) [n,p] = size(x); [n,q] = size(y); % perform the robpca regression: breg = []; b_min_i = []; int_min_i= []; Yhat_min_i = []; robpcareg = robpcaregres(T_min_i(:,1:k),Y_min_i,wkmax_min_i',cutoffWeights); =; out.sigma = robpcareg.sigma; breg = robpcareg.coeffs(1:k,:); b_min_i = R_min_i(:,1:k)*breg; int_min_i = robpcareg.coeffs(k+1,:) - mukmax_min_i(1:p)*R_min_i(:,1:k)*breg; Yhat_min_i = x(i,:)*b_min_i + int_min_i; resid_min_i = y(i,:) - Yhat_min_i; % calculation of the resd: if q > 1 cov = robpcareg.cov; cen=zeros(q,1); resd=sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(resid_min_i,cen','cov',cov))'; %robust distances of residuals else scale = sqrt(robpcareg.cov); resd = resid_min_i/scale; end out.resid_min_i = resid_min_i; out.resd = resd; %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function out = weightcvRsimpls(x,y,kmax,h,k,cutoffWeights) % Computes the weights for the robust RMSECV/RMSEP values. % % input: % x : the independent variables. % y : the response variables. % kmax : the maximal number of components to be considered. % h : the number of observations on which the calculations are based. % k : if equal to zero, robpca is performed on kmax components (case RMSECV). (default). % Else, robpca is performed for a certain number of components (case RMSEP) % % output: % out.w_min : the weights obtained by taking the minimum over all k % out.weightsk : the weights for all observations and all k (n x kmax) % out.resrob : the results of robpca on [x,y]. % out.R2 : the weighted Rsquared for each value of k % out.rss : the weighted rss for each value of k n = size(x,1); p = size(x,2); q = size(y,2); r = rank(x); if nargin < 5 k = 0; end if k == 0 ResRob = robpca([x,y],'plots',0,'k',kmax + q,'kmax',kmax + q,'h',h); else ResRob = robpca([x,y],'plots',0,'k',k + q,'kmax',kmax + q,'h',h); end Trob = ResRob.T; Prob = ResRob.P; Lrob = ResRob.L; murob = ResRob.M; wrob = ResRob.flag.all; %deflation xycentr = []; sigmax = []; xcentr = []; sigmaxy = []; sigmayx = []; xycentr = murob; sigmax = Prob(1:p,:)*diag(Lrob)*Prob(1:p,:)'; xcentr = x - repmat(murob(1:p),n,1); sigmaxy = Prob(1:p,:)*diag(Lrob)*Prob(p+1:p+q,:)'; sigmayx = sigmaxy'; % calculation of the scores. nScores = 1; R = []; T = []; P = []; V = []; if k == 0 countScores = kmax; else countScores = k; end while nScores <= countScores if q == 1 qq = 1; else [QQ,LL] = eig(sigmayx*sigmaxy); [LL,I] = greatsort(diag(LL)); qq = QQ(:,I(1)); end rr = sigmaxy*qq; rr = rr/norm(rr); tt = xcentr*rr; pp = sigmax*rr/(rr'*sigmax*rr); vv = pp; if nScores > 1 vv = vv - V*(V'*pp); end vv = vv./norm(vv); sigmaxy = sigmaxy - vv*(vv'*sigmaxy); V(:,nScores) = vv; T(:,nScores) = tt; R(:,nScores) = rr; P(:,nScores) = pp; nScores = nScores + 1; end if k == 0 outRobRegr = robpcaregres(T(:,1:kmax),y,wrob'); for j = 1:kmax outRobRegr.Mu ='; outRobRegr.Sigma = outRobRegr.sigma; [Bk,intk,sigmayykmaxrew_k,sigmattkmaxrew_k] = extractmcdregres(outRobRegr,T(:,1:j),y,kmax,n,q,j,h,cutoffWeights); coeffk = [Bk;intk]; finalB = R(:,1:j)*coeffk(1:j,:); finalInt = coeffk(j+1,:) - murob(1:p)*R(:,1:j)*coeffk(1:j,:); Yhat = x*finalB + repmat(finalInt,n,1); resid(:,(j-1)*q+1:j*q) = y - Yhat; % calculation of the rd: rewE2=sigmayykmaxrew_k- coeffk(1:j,1:q)'*sigmattkmaxrew_k*coeffk(1:j,1:q); if q > 1 cov = rewE2; cen=zeros(q,1); resd = sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(resid(:,(j-1)*q+1:j*q),cen','cov',cov))'; %robust distances of residuals weightsk(:,j) = (abs(resd)<=cutoffWeights); else scale = sqrt(rewE2); resd = resid(:,(j-1)*q+1:j*q)/scale; weightsk(:,j) = (abs(resd)<=cutoffWeights); end end else outRobRegr = robpcaregres(T(:,1:k),y,wrob'); % robust residual distance: if q==1 resd=outRobRegr.resids/sqrt(outRobRegr.cov); else resd=sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(outRobRegr.resids,zeros(1,q),'cov',outRobRegr.cov))'; end weightsk = (abs(resd)<=cutoffWeights); end if k == 0 if kmax == 1 w_min = weightsk'; else w_min = min(weightsk'); end out.w_min = w_min; out.weightsk = weightsk; yw = mean(y(w_min == 1,:)); y2=(y-repmat(yw,n,1)).^2; R = resid.^2; D=sum(y2(w_min==1,:)); for j = 1:kmax R1=R(w_min==1,(j-1)*q+1:j*q); rss(j) = sum(sum(R1)); R2(j)=1-rss(j)/sum(D); end out.rss = 1/(q*sum(w_min))*rss; out.R2 = R2; else out.weightsk = weightsk; s=sum(weightsk); yw=sum(y(weightsk==1,:))/s; y2=(y-repmat(yw,n,1)).^2; R = outRobRegr.resids.^2; D=sum(y2(weightsk==1,:)); R1=R(weightsk==1,:); rss = sum(sum(R1)); R2=1-rss/sum(D); out.rss = 1/(q*sum(weightsk))*rss; out.R2 = R2; end out.ResRob = ResRob; %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Hsets_min_i = RemoveObsHsets(Hsets,i) % removes the right index from the $h$-subsets in Hsets to % obtain (h - 1)-subsets. % every h-set is put as a row in Hsets. % i is the index of the observation that is removed from the whole data. for r = 1:size(Hsets,1) if ~isempty(find(Hsets(r,:)== i)) Hsets_min_i(r,:) = removal(Hsets(r,:),0,find(Hsets(r,:) == i)); else Hsets_min_i(r,:) = Hsets(r,1:(end-1)); end for j = 1:length(Hsets_min_i(r,:)) if Hsets_min_i(r,j) > i Hsets_min_i(r,j) = Hsets_min_i(r,j) - 1; end end end