function result=mcdregres(x,y,varargin) %MCDREGRES is a robust multivariate regression method. It can handle multiple % response variables. The estimates are based on the robust MCD estimator of % location and scatter (see mcdcov.m). The explanatory variables should be % low-dimensional, otherwise robust principal component regression (rpcr.m) % or robust partial least squares (rsimpls.m) should be applied. % % The MCD regression method is described in % Rousseeuw, P.J., Van Aelst, S., Van Driessen, K, Agullo, J. (2004), % "Robust multivariate regression", Technometrics, 46, pp 293-305. % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix of the explanatory variables % (n observations in rows, p variables in columns) % y : Data matrix of the response variables % (n observations in rows, q variables in columns) % % Optional input arguments: % alpha : (1-alpha) measures the amount of contamination the algorithm should % resist. Any value between 0.5 and 1 may be specified. (default = 0.75) % h : The quantile of observations whose covariance determinant will % be minimized. Any value between n/2 and n may be specified. % The default value is 0.75*n. % ntrial : The number of random trial subsamples that are drawn for % large datasets. (default = 500) % plots : If equal to one, a menu is shown which allows to draw a regression % outlier map. (default) % If the input argument 'classic' is equal to one, the classical % plot is drawn as well. % If 'plots' is equal to zero, all plots are suppressed. % See also makeplot.m % classic : If equal to one, classical multivariate linear regression % is performed as well, see mlr.m. (default = 0) % % Input arguments for advanced users: % Hsets : Instead of random trial h-subsets (default, Hsets = []), Hsets makes it possible to give certain % h-subsets as input. Hsets is a matrix that contains the indices of the observations of one % h-subset as a row. % % I/O: result=mcdregres(x,y,'alpha',0.75,'ntrial',500,'plots',1,'classic',0); % The user should only give the input arguments that have to change their default value. % The name of the input arguments needs to be followed by their value. % The order of the input arguments is of no importance. % % Example: result=mcdregres(x,y,'plots',0,'alpha',0.70) % % The output is a structure which contains % result.slope : Robust slope (matrix) % : Robust intercept (vector) % result.fitted : Robust prediction matrix % result.res : Robust residuals % result.cov : Estimated variance-covariance matrix of the residuals % result.rsquared : Robust R-squared value % result.h : The quantile h used throughout the algorithm % result.Hsubsets : A structure that contains Hopt and Hfreq: % Hopt : The subset of h points whose covariance matrix has minimal determinant, % ordered following increasing robust distances. % Hfreq : The subset of h points which are the most frequently selected during the whole % algorithm. % result.rd : Robust scores distances in x-space % result.resd : Residual distances (when there are several response variables). % If univariate regression is performed, it contains the standardized residuals. % result.cutoff : Cutoff values for the score and residual distances % result.weights : The observations with weight one are used in the reweighting, % the other observations have zero weight. % result.flag : The observations whose residual distance is larger than result.cutoff.resd % (bad leverage points/vertical outliers) can be considered as outliers and receive % a flag equal to zero. % The regular observations, including the good leverage points, % receive a flag 1. % result.class : 'MCDREG' % result.classic : If the input argument 'classic' is equal to one, this structure % contains results of classical multivariate regression (see also mlr.m). % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Original S-PLUS code by Katrien Vandriessen, implemented in MATLAB by Sabine Verboven % Version date : 12/02/2004 % Last update: 04/08/2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % INITIALIZATION % intercept=ones(length(x),1); geg=[x,y]; [n,m]=size(geg); alfa=0.75; hdefault=min(floor(2*floor((n+m+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+m+1)/2))*alfa),n); if nargin < 3 options.alpha=alfa; options.h=hdefault; options.ntrial=500; options.plots=1; options.classic=0; options.Hsets=[]; else default=struct('alpha',alfa,'h',hdefault,'ntrial',500,'plots',1,'classic',0,'Hsets',[]); list=fieldnames(default); options=default; IN=length(list); i=1; counter=1; % if nargin>2 % %placing inputfields in array of strings % for j=1:nargin-2 if rem(j,2)~=0 chklist{i}=varargin{j}; i=i+1; end end dummy=sum(strcmp(chklist,'h')+2*strcmp(chklist,'alpha')); switch dummy case 0 %no input for alpha or h so take on the default values options.alpha=0.75; options.h=floor(options.alpha*n); case 3 error('Both input arguments alpha and h are provided. Only one is required.') end % %Checking which default parameters have to be changed % and keep them in the structure 'options'. % while counter<=IN index=strmatch(list(counter,:),chklist,'exact'); if ~isempty(index) %in case of similarity for j=1:nargin-2 %searching the index of the accompanying field if rem(j,2)~=0 %fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp(chklist{index},varargin{j}) I=j; end end end options=setfield(options,chklist{index},varargin{I+1}); index=[]; end counter=counter+1; end if dummy==1 options.alpha=options.h/n; elseif dummy==2 options.h=floor(options.alpha*n); end Hsets = options.Hsets; end end %%%%%%%% % MAIN % [mcd_res, mcd_raw]=mcdcov(geg,'h',options.h,'plots',0,'Hsets',options.Hsets); options.h = mcd_res.h; %in case of an exact fit, the calculations stop at this point. if ~isempty(mcd_res.plane) disp('Warning (mcdregres): The MCD covariance matrix is singular. See also mcdcov.m.') result=mcd_res; return end mcdreg.Hsubsets.Hopt = mcd_res.Hsubsets.Hopt; mcdreg.Hsubsets.Hfreq = mcd_res.Hsubsets.Hfreq; rewcovmcd=mcd_res.cov; %one-step reweighted covariance matrix; %one-step reweighted location q=size(y,2); p=size(x,2); %initializing reweighted location and reweighted scatter (paragraph 5.1 of paper) rewtmcdx=rewcenmcd(1:p)'; %column vectors!!! rewtmcdy=rewcenmcd((p+1):m)'; rewsmcdx=rewcovmcd(1:p,1:p); rewsmcdxy=rewcovmcd(1:p,(p+1):m); rewsmcdyx=rewsmcdxy'; rewsmcdy=rewcovmcd((p+1):m,(p+1):m); covyy=rewsmcdy; covxx = rewsmcdx; covxy = rewsmcdxy; covyx = rewsmcdyx; mcdreg.Sigma = [covxx, covxy ; covyx, covyy]; mcdreg.Mu = [rewtmcdx;rewtmcdy]; %reweighted beta and alpha (the columnvector [\beta^L ; \alpha^L]) rewbetamcd=[inv(rewsmcdx)*rewsmcdxy; (rewtmcdy-(rewsmcdyx*inv(rewsmcdx)*rewtmcdx))']; %calculation of the reweighted weights based on %the residuals calculated with the reweighted beta-coefficients rewweights=zeros(n,1); weights=zeros(n,1); rewfitted=[x,intercept]*rewbetamcd(1:(p+1),:); rewresid=y-rewfitted; %(r_i^L) rewE=rewsmcdy-rewbetamcd(1:p,1:q)'*rewsmcdx*rewbetamcd(1:p,1:q); %reweighted scatter (\Sigma_eps^L) for j=1:n if (sqrt(rewresid(j,1:q)*inv(rewE)*rewresid(j,1:q)')) <= sqrt(chi2inv(0.99,q)) rewweights(j)=1; end end %regression reweighting part based on the reweighted observations. (paragraph 5.3 of paper) rewclasscov=cov(geg(rewweights==1,:)); rewclasscenter=mean(geg(rewweights==1,:)); rewtmcdx=rewclasscenter(1:p)'; rewtmcdy=rewclasscenter((p+1):m)'; rewsmcdx=rewclasscov(1:p,1:p); rewsmcdxy=rewclasscov(1:p,(p+1):m); rewsmcdyx=rewsmcdxy'; rewsmcdy=rewclasscov((p+1):m,(p+1):m); %regression reweighted coefficients beta and alpha ([\beta^{RL} \alpha^{RL}]) rewbetamcdrew=[inv(rewsmcdx)*rewsmcdxy; (rewtmcdy-(rewsmcdyx*inv(rewsmcdx)*rewtmcdx))']; %regression reweighted scatter (\Sigma_eps^{RL}]) rewE2=rewsmcdy-rewbetamcdrew(1:p,1:q)'*rewsmcdx*rewbetamcdrew(1:p,1:q); rewfittedrew=[x,intercept]*rewbetamcdrew(1:(p+1),:); rewresidrew=y-rewfittedrew; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %OUTPUT STRUCTURE % mcdreg.covyy=rewsmcdy; %regression and location reweighted covariance matrix of responses mcdreg.covxx = rewsmcdx; mcdreg.covxy = rewsmcdxy; mcdreg.covyx = rewsmcdyx; mcdreg.Sigmarew = [mcdreg.covxx, mcdreg.covxy ; mcdreg.covyx, mcdreg.covyy]; mcdreg.Murew = [rewtmcdx;rewtmcdy]; mcdreg.x=x; mcdreg.y=y; mcdreg.coeffs=rewbetamcdrew; %regression and location reweighted coefficients mcdreg.cov=rewE2; %scatter matrix based on location and regression reweighting mcdreg.fitted=rewfittedrew; %estimated respons(es); mcdreg.res=rewresidrew; %regression and location reweighted residuals if(intercept) mcdreg.interc=1; else mcdreg.interc=0; end % Robust distances in x-space = x-distances (rd) needed in diagnostic regression plot if (-log(det(mcd_res.cov))/m) > 50 mcdreg.rd='singularity'; else mcdreg.rd=sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(mcdreg.x,rewcenmcd(1:p),'cov',rewcovmcd(1:p,1:p)))'; end % Robust residual distances (resd) needed in diagnostic regression plot if q>1 if (-log(det(mcd_res.cov))/m)>50 mcdreg.resd='singularity'; disp('Warning (mcdregres): A singularity ') else cen=zeros(q,1)'; [nn,pp]=size(rewresidrew); mcdreg.resd=sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(rewresidrew,cen,'cov',mcdreg.cov))'; %robust distances of residuals end else mcdreg.covarRes=sqrt(mcdreg.cov); mcdreg.resd=rewresidrew(:,1)/mcdreg.covarRes; %standardized residuals end % cutoff values mcdreg.cutoff.rd=sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,p)); mcdreg.cutoff.resd=sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,q)); mcdreg.flag=(abs(mcdreg.resd)<=mcdreg.cutoff.resd); % robust multivariate Rsquared mcdreg.weights=rewweights; Yw=y(mcdreg.weights==1,:); cYw=mcenter(Yw); res=rewresidrew(mcdreg.weights==1,:); mcdreg.rsquared=1-(det(res'*res)/det(cYw'*cYw)); mcdreg.class='MCDREG'; if options.classic mcdreg.classic=mlr(x,y,'plots',0); else mcdreg.classic=0; end result=struct('slope',{mcdreg.coeffs(1:p,:)}, 'int',{mcdreg.coeffs(p+1,:)}, ... 'fitted',{mcdreg.fitted},'res',{mcdreg.res},'cov',{mcdreg.cov},'rsquared',{mcdreg.rsquared},... 'h',{options.h},'Hsubsets',{mcdreg.Hsubsets},'rd', {mcdreg.rd},'resd',{mcdreg.resd},'cutoff',{mcdreg.cutoff},... 'weights',{mcdreg.weights},'flag',{mcdreg.flag'},'class',{mcdreg.class},'classic',{mcdreg.classic},... 'Mu',{mcdreg.Mu},'Sigma',{mcdreg.Sigma},'Murew',{mcdreg.Murew},'Sigmarew',{mcdreg.Sigmarew}); try if options.plots & options.classic makeplot(result,'classic',1) elseif options.plots makeplot(result) end catch %output must be given even if plots are interrupted %> delete(gcf) to get rid of the menu end