function putlabel(x,y,names,z,znames) %PUTLABEL plots user-specified labels to the observations in a two- or % a three-dimensional figure. % If no labels are given, the indices are plotted. % % Required input arguments: % x : x-coordinates of the data % y : y-coordinates of the data % % Optional input arguments: % names : labels to be added on the plot. They must be listed in a % column vector. % z : z-coordinates of the data % znames : labels to be added on the 3D-plot. They must be listed in a % columnvector. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % I/O: putlabel(x,y,names,z,znames) % % Written by S. Verboven on 01/10/2002 % Last update on 18/02/2004 xrange=get(gca,'Xlim'); range=xrange(2)-xrange(1); if nargin<3 for i=1:length(x) text(x(i)+range/50,y(i),num2str(i)); end else if nargin<4 for i=1:length(x) text(x(i)+range/50,y(i),names(i,:)); end else if nargin<5 for i=1:length(x) text(x(i)+range/50,y(i),z(i),num2str(i)); end else for i=1:length(x) text(x(i)+range/50,y(i),z(i),znames(i,:)); end end end end