function result=rapca(data,varargin); %RAPCA is a 'Reflection-based Algorithm for Principal Components Analysis'. % It is resistant to outliers in the data. The robust loadings are computed % using projection-pursuit techniques and reflections. % Therefore RAPCA can be applied to both low and high-dimensional data sets. % In low dimensions (at most 15), we recommend to use the MCD method instead % (see mcdcov.m). % % The RAPCA algorithm is described in % Hubert, M., Rousseeuw, P.J., Verboven, S. (2002), % "A fast method for robust principal components with applications to chemometrics", % Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 60, 101-111. % % Required input arguments: % data : data matrix (observations in the rows, variables in the % columns) % % Optional input arguments: % k : number of principal components to compute % plots 0/1 : if equal to 1 a screeplot and an outlier map are drawn (default = 1) % else plots are suppressed % labsd : the 'labsd' observations with largest score distance are % labeled on the outlier map (default = 3) % labod : the 'labod' observations with largest orthogonal distance are % labeled on the outlier map (default = 3) % center 0/1 : if equal to 1 the data are centered around the L1-median (default = 1) % else the data are centered around the coordinatewise median % (not orthogonally equivariant, but faster) % classic : If equal to one, the classical PCA analysis will be performed % (see also cpca.m). (default = 0) % % If k is missing, or k = 0, a screeplot is drawn which allows you to select % the number of principal components. If k = 0 and plots = 0, the algorithm itself % will determine the number of components. This is not recommended. % % I/O: result=rapca(x,'k',k,'plots',1,'labsd',3,'labod',3,'center',1,'classic',0); % The user should only give the input arguments that have to change their default value. % The name of the input arguments needs to be followed by their value. % The order of the input arguments is of no importance. % % Examples: % result=rapca(x,'k',3,'plots',0) % result=rapca(x,'labsd',5,'center',0) % % The output of RAPCA is a structure containing % % result.P : Robust loadings (eigenvectors) % result.L : Robust eigenvalues % result.M : Robust center of the data % result.T : Robust scores % result.k : Number of (chosen) principal components % : Robust score distances within the robust PCA subspace % result.od : Orthogonal distances to the robust PCA subspace % result.cutoff : Cutoff values for the robust score and orthogonal distances % result.flag : The observations whose score distance is larger than (==> % or whose orthogonal distance is larger than result.cutoff.od (==> result.flag.od) % can be considered as outliers and receive a flag equal to zero (result.flag.all). % The regular observations receive a flag 1. % result.class : 'RAPCA' % result.classic : If the input argument 'classic' is equal to one, this structure % contains results of the classical PCA analysis (see also cpca.m). % % Let n denote the number of observations, and p the number of original variables, % then RAPCA finds a robust center (p x 1) of the data and a loading matrix P which % is (p x k) dimensional. Its columns are orthogonal and define a new coordinate % system. The scores (n x k) are the coordinates of the centered observations with % respect to the loadings. The eigenvalues are the squared robust scales of the % observations projected on each of the loadings. % Note that RAPCA also yields a robust covariance matrix (often singular) which % can be computed as % cov=result.P*result.L*result.P' % % The screeplot shows the eigenvalues and is helpful to select the number of % principal components. % The outlier map visualizes the observations by plotting their orthogonal % distance to the robust PCA subspace versus their robust distances % within the PCA subspace. This allows to classify the data points into 4 types: % regular observations, good leverage points, bad leverage points and % orthogonal outliers. Remark that the RAPCA algorithm by construction passes % through 'result.k' data points. The orthogonal distance of these data points is thus zero. % % The outlier map (or diagnostic plot) is described in % Hubert, M., Rousseeuw, P.J., Vanden Branden K. (2005), % "ROBPCA: a new approach to robust principal components analysis", % Technometrics, 47, 64--79. % % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Sabine Verboven and Mia Hubert % % Last Update: 23/12/2003 [n,p]=size(data); counter=1; default=struct('k',0,'center',1,'plots',1,'labsd',3,'labod',3,'h',floor(0.75*n),'classic',0); list=fieldnames(default); options=default; IN=length(list); i=1; % if nargin>1 % %placing inputfields in array of strings % for j=1:nargin-1 if rem(j,2)~=0 chklist{i}=varargin{j}; i=i+1; end end % %Checking which default parameters have to be changed % and keep them in the structure 'options'. % while counter<=IN index=strmatch(list(counter,:),chklist,'exact'); if ~isempty(index) %in case of similarity for j=1:nargin-2 %searching the index of the accompanying field if rem(j,2)~=0 %fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp(chklist{index},varargin{j}) I=j; end end end options=setfield(options,chklist{index},varargin{I+1}); index=[]; end counter=counter+1; end end k=options.k;; plots=options.plots; if k<0 warning(['The number of principal components should be positive!']); end % First Step: classical SVD on the data % This step reduces the data space to the affine subspace % spanned by r=min(n-1,p) observations. if n < p [loads,scores,lambda,r,centerX,clm]=kernelEVD(data); else [loads,scores,lambda,r,centerX,clm]=classSVD(data); end X=scores; % Second Step: Rstep on X % computes the robust eigenvectors and eigenvalues [S,P,out.T,kmax,Rm]=rstep(X,k,center,r); L=S'.^2; out.P=loads*P; if center==1 % Retransforming the robust location to the original space out.M=clm+Rm*loads'; else out.M=median(data); datacentr=data-repmat(out.M,size(data,1),1); out.T=datacentr*out.P; end % Making screeplot to decide on the number of principal components if plots==1 & k==0 screeplot(L,'RAPCA'); k=input(['How many principal components would you like to retain?\n']); k=max(min(k,kmax),1); elseif plots==1 screeplot(L,'RAPCA'); k=min(k,kmax); elseif k~=0 k=min(k,kmax) else disp(['The number of principal components is defined by the algorithm.']); disp(['It is set to ',num2str(kmax),'.']); k=kmax; end % shrinking to k-dimensional subspace out.P=out.P(:,1:k); out.T=out.T(:,1:k); out.L=L(1:k); disp(['The outlier map is based on ',num2str(k),' principal component(s).']) out.k=k; out.h=options.h; % Computing distances % Robust score distances in robust PCA subspace,zeros(size(out.T,2),1),'cov',out.L))';,out.k)); % Orthogonal distances to robust PCA subspace XRc=data-repmat(out.M,n,1); Xtilde=out.T*out.P'; Rdiff=XRc-Xtilde; for i=1:n out.od(i,1)=norm(Rdiff(i,:)); end % Robust cutoff-value for the orthogonal distance if k~=r [m,s]=unimcd(out.od.^(2/3),out.h); out.cutoff.od = sqrt(norminv(0.975,m,s).^3); else out.cutoff.od=0; end % Classical analysis if options.classic==1 out.classic.P=loads(:,1:out.k); out.classic.L=lambda(1:out.k); out.classic.M=clm; out.classic.T=scores(:,1:out.k); out.classic.k=out.k; % Mahalanobis distance in classical PCA subspace Tclas=centerX*loads(:,1:out.k);,zeros(size(Tclas,2),1),'cov',out.classic.L))';,out.k)); % Orthogonal distances to classical PCA subspace Xtilde=Tclas*loads(:,1:out.k)'; Cdiff=centerX-Xtilde; for i=1:n out.classic.od(i,1)=norm(Cdiff(i,:)); end % Classical cutoff-values if k~=r m=mean(out.classic.od.^(2/3)); s=sqrt(var(out.classic.od.^(2/3))); out.classic.cutoff.od = sqrt(norminv(0.975,m,s)^3); else out.classic.cutoff.od=0; end,out.k)); out.classic.flag.od=(out.classic.od<=out.classic.cutoff.od);<; out.classic.class='CPCA'; out.classic.classic=1; else out.classic=0; end if k~=r out.flag.od=(out.od<=out.cutoff.od);<; out.flag.all=(out.flag.od)&(; if options.classic==1 out.classic.flag.all=(out.classic.flag.od)&(; end else out.flag.od=(out.od<=out.cutoff.od);<;; if options.classic==1; end end % The output result=struct('P',{out.P},'L',{out.L},'M',{out.M},'T',{out.T},'k',{out.k},... 'sd', {},'od',{out.od},'cutoff',{out.cutoff},'flag',out.flag',... 'class',{'RAPCA'},'classic',{out.classic}); % Making outlier map try if plots & options.classic makeplot(result,'classic',1) elseif plots makeplot(result) %figure, scorediagplot(,out.od,out.k,,out.cutoff.od,'RAPCA',options.labsd,options.labod) end catch %output must be given even if plots are interrupted %> delete(gcf) to get rid of the menu end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [S,P,t,kmax,med]= rstep(X,k,center,r); %RSTEP: this is an auxiliary function for 'rapca.m'. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Created by Sabine Verboven and Mia Hubert % Part of the code is based on S-PLUS code from C. Croux. % % Last Update: 01/22/2002 % warning on; if nargin<2 k=0; end if nargin<3 center=1; end if nargin<4 r=rank(X); end [n,p]=size(X); if k==0 p1=min(floor(n/2),r); else p1=min([k,r,floor(n/2)]); end if k==0 | k > p1 disp(['The maximum number of principal components is ',num2str(p1),'.']) disp(['This is the minimum of (number of data points/2) and the rank of the data matrix.']) end S=zeros(p1,1); V=zeros(p,p1); switch center case 0 med=median(X); Xcentr=X-repmat(med,n,1); case 1 med=l1median(X); Xcentr=X-repmat(med,n,1); end Xnewcentr=Xcentr; kmax=0; Transfo=eye(p); for l=1:p1, B=Xnewcentr; Bnorm=zeros(n,1); for i=1:n Bnorm(i)=norm(B(i,:),2); end Bnormr=Bnorm(Bnorm > 1.e-12); B=B(Bnorm > 1.e-12,:); %Searching in directions A A=diag(1./Bnormr)*B; if size(Xnewcentr,2)==1 %case l=p1 V(1:l-1,l)=0; V(l:p,l)=1; Vorigin(:,l)=Transfo*V(:,p1); t=Xcentr*Vorigin(:,p1); %last step needs extraction of scale directly in p-dim space if n>40 S(p1)=A_scale(t); else S(p1)=qnm(t); end kmax=kmax+1; break else Y=Xnewcentr*A'; %projected points in columns end if n>40 s=A_scale(Y); else s=qnm(Y); end [c,vj]=sort(s); j=vj(length(s)); S(l)=s(j); if (S(1)/S(l) > 10^3) &(kmax 1.e-12 if V(l:p,l)'*Base(:,1) < 0 V(l:p,l)=(-1)*V(l:p,l); end u=(1./norm(Base(:,1)-V(l:p,l)))*(Base(:,1)-V(l:p,l)); U=Base-2*repmat(u'*Base,p-l+1,1).*repmat(u,1,p-l+1); else U=Base; end % Transforming eigenvectors to the original pxp dimensional space if l==1 Vorigin(:,l)=V(:,l); Transfo=U; else Edge=eye(p); Edge(l:p,l:p)=U; Vorigin(:,l)=Transfo*V(:,l); Transfo=Transfo*Edge; end Xnewcentr=Xnewcentr*U; %Reflection of data Xnewcentr=removal(Xnewcentr,0,1); end [S,I]=greatsort(real(S(1:kmax))); P=Vorigin(:,I); t=Xcentr*P; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [A_est]=A_scale(Z) % A_SCALE calculates the A estimate of scale of the columns of Z % % I/O: [A_est]=A_scale(Z); % Z=Z'; U=(Z - repmat(median(Z,2),1,size(Z,2)))./(repmat(madc(Z')',1,size(Z,2))); [n,p]=size(U); for i=1:n Ui=U(i,:); if any(isnan(Ui)) scale(i)=0; else Zi=Z(i,:); med=median(Zi); m=madc(Zi-med); Zi=Zi(abs(Ui)<3.85); Ui=Ui(abs(Ui)<3.85); Ti=sqrt(sum((Ui.^2).*((3.85^2-Ui.^2).^4)))*sqrt(p)*0.9471*m; Ni=abs(sum((3.85^2-Ui.^2).*(3.85^2-5*(Ui.^2)))); scale(i)=Ti/Ni; end end A_est=scale;