function result=rda(x,group,varargin) %RDA performs linear and quadratic robust discriminant analysis % on the data matrix x with known group structure. It is based on the % MCD estimator (see mcdcov.m), hence it has to be applied to % low-dimensional data. % % The Robust Discriminant method is described in: % Hubert, M., Van Driessen, K. (2004), % "Fast and Robust Discriminant Analysis," % Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 45, 301-320. % % Required input arguments: % x : training data set (matrix of size n by p). % group : column vector containing the group numbers of the training % set x. For the group numbers, any strict positive integer is % allowed assuming that the first group is the one with the smallest group number. % % Optional input arguments: % alpha : (1-alpha) measures the fraction of outliers the MCD-algorithm should % resist. Any value between 0.5 and 1 may be specified. (default = 0.75) % method : String which indicates whether a 'linear' (default) or 'quadratic' % discriminant rule should be applied % misclassif : String which indicates how to estimate the probability of % misclassification. It can be based on the % training data ('training'), a validation set ('valid'), % or cross-validation ('cv'). Default is 'training'. % membershipprob : Vector which contains the membership probability of each % group (sorted by increasing group number). If no priors are given, they are estimated as the % proportions of regular observations in the training set. % valid : If misclassif was set to 'valid', this field should contain % the validation set (a matrix of size m by p). % groupvalid : If misclassif was set to 'valid', this field should contain the group numbers % of the validation set (a column vector). % predictset : Contains a new data set (a matrix of size mp by p) from which the % class memberships are unknown and should be predicted. % plots : If equal to 1, one figure is created with the training data and the % MCD tolerance ellipses for each group. This plot is % only available for bivariate data sets. For technical reasons, a maximum % of 6 groups is allowed. Default is one. % classic : If equal to one, classical linear or quadratic discriminant analysis will be performed % (see also cda.m). (default = 0) % compare : If equal to one, the classical CDA analysis will be performed % with the same weights and the same priors as the robust analysis % has been performed. This is especially useful to compare the robust % and classical result on the same data with the same priors. (default = 0) % % I/O: result=rda('alpha',0.5,'plots',0,'misclassif','training','method','linear',... % 'membershipprob',proportions,'valid',y,'groupvalid',groupy,'classic',0); % The user should only give the input arguments that have to change their default value. % The name of the input arguments needs to be followed by their value. % The order of the input arguments is of no importance. % % Examples: out=rda(x,group,'method','linear') % out=rda(x,group,'plots',0) % out=rda(x,group,'valid',y,'groupvalid',groupy) % % The output is a structure containing the following fields: % % result.assignedgroup : If there is a validation set, this vector contains the assigned group numbers % for the observations of the validation set. Otherwise it contains the % assigned group numbers of the original observations based on the discriminant rules. % result.scores : If there is a validation set, this columnvector of size m contains the maximal discriminant % scores for each observation from the validation set. Otherwise it is a columnvector of size n % containing the maximal discriminant scores of the training set. % result.method : String containing the method used to obtain the discriminant rules (either 'linear' or 'quadratic'). % This is the same as the input argument method. % result.cov : If method equals 'linear', this is a matrix containing the estimated common covariance matrix. % If method equals 'quadratic', it is a cell array containing the covariances per group. % : A vector in which the rows contain the estimated centers of the groups. % result.rd : A vector of length n containing the robust distances of each observation from the training set % to the center of its group. % result.flagtrain : Observations from the training set whose robust distance exceeds a certain cut-off value % can be considered as outliers and receive a flag equal to zero. % The regular observations receive a flag 1. (See also mcdcov.m) % result.flagvalid : Observations from the validation set whose robust distance (to the center of their group) % exceeds a certain cut-off value can be considered as outliers and receive a % flag equal to zero. The regular observations receive a flag 1. % If there is no validation set, this field is equal to zero. % result.grouppredict : If there is a prediction set, this vector contains the assigned group numbers % for the observations of the prediction set. % result.flagpredict : Observations from the new data set (predict) whose robust distance (to the center of their group) % exceeds a certain cut-off value can be considered as overall outliers and receive a % flag equal to zero. The regular observations receive a flag 1. % If there is no prediction set, this field is equal to zero. % result.membershipprob : A vector with the membership probabilities. % result.misclassif : String containing the method used to estimate the misclassification probabilities % (same as the input argument misclassif) % result.groupmisclasprob : A vector containing the misclassification probabilities for each group. % result.avemisclasprob : Overall probability of misclassification (weighted average of the misclassification % probabilities over all groups). % result.class : 'RDA' % result.classic : If the input argument 'classic' is equal to one, this structure % contains results of the classical discriminant analysis (see also cda.m). % : If the input argument 'compare' is equal to one, this strucuture % contains results for the classical discriminant analysis with the same weights % and priors as in the robust analysis. % result.x : The training data set (same as the input argument x). % : The group numbers of the training set (same as the input argument group). % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Nele Smets and Sabine Verboven on 01/03/2004 % Last Update: 01/07/2005 % if nargin<2 error('There are too few input arguments.') end % assigning default-values [n,p]=size(x); if size(group,1)~=1 group=group'; end if n ~= length(group) error('The number of observations is not the same as the length of the group vector!') end g=group; countsorig=tabulate(g); %contingency table (outputmatrix with 3 colums): value - number - percentage [lev,levi,levj]=unique(g); %Redefining the group number if any(lev~= (1:length(lev))) lev=1:length(lev); g=lev(levj); counts=tabulate(g); else counts=countsorig; end if ~all(counts(:,2)) %some groups have zero values, omit those groups disp(['Warning: group(s) ', num2str(counts(counts(:,2)==0,1)'), 'are empty']); empty=counts(counts(:,2)==0,:); counts=counts(counts(:,2)~=0,:); else empty=[]; end if any(counts(:,2)<5)%some groups have less than 5 observations error(['Group(s) ', num2str(counts(counts(:,2)<5,1)'), ' have less than 5 observations.']); end proportions = zeros(size(counts,1),1); y=0; %initial values of the validation data set and its groupsvector groupy=0; counter=1; default=struct('alpha',0.75,'plots',1,'misclassif','training','method','linear','membershipprob',proportions,... 'valid',y,'groupvalid',groupy,'classic',0,'compare',0,'predictset',[]); list=fieldnames(default); options=default; IN=length(list); i=1; %reading the user's input if nargin>2 % %placing inputfields in array of strings % for j=1:nargin-2 if rem(j,2)~=0 chklist{i}=varargin{j}; i=i+1; end end % %Checking which default parameters have to be changed % and keep them in the structure 'options'. % while counter<=IN index=strmatch(list(counter,:),chklist,'exact'); if ~isempty(index) %in case of similarity for j=1:nargin-2 %searching the index of the accompanying field if rem(j,2)~=0 %fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp(chklist{index},varargin{j}) I=j; end end end options=setfield(options,chklist{index},varargin{I+1}); index=[]; end counter=counter+1; end end %Checking prior (>0 ) prior=options.membershipprob; if size(prior,1)~=1 prior=prior'; end epsilon=10^-4; if sum(prior) ~= 0 if (any(prior < 0) | (abs(sum(prior)-1)) > epsilon) error('Invalid membership probabilities.') end end ng=length(proportions); if length(prior)~=ng error('The number of membership probabilities is not the same as the number of groups.') end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%MAIN FUNCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Checking if a validation set is given if strmatch(options.misclassif, 'valid','exact') if options.valid==0 error(['The misclassification error will be estimated through a validation set',... 'but no validation set is given!']) else validx = options.valid; validgrouping = options.groupvalid; if size(validx,1)~=length(validgrouping) error('The number of observations in the validation set is not the same as the length of its group vector!') end if size(validgrouping,1)~=1 validgrouping = validgrouping'; end countsvalidorig=tabulate(validgrouping); countsvalid=countsvalidorig(countsvalidorig(:,2)~=0,:); if size(countsvalid,1)==1 error('The validation set must contain observations from more than one group!') elseif any(ismember(empty,countsvalid(:,1))) error(['Group(s) ' ,num2str(empty(ismember(empty,countsvalid(:,1)))), 'was/were empty in the original dataset.']) end end elseif options.valid~=0 validx = options.valid; validgrouping = options.groupvalid; if size(validx,1) ~= length(validgrouping) error('The number of observations in the validation set is not the same as the length of its group vector!') end if size(validgrouping,1)~=1 validgrouping = validgrouping'; end options.misclassif='valid'; countsvalidorig=tabulate(validgrouping); countsvalid=countsvalidorig(countsvalidorig(:,2)~=0); if size(countsvalid,1)==1 error('The validation set must contain more than one group!') elseif any(ismember(empty,countsvalid(:,1))) error(['Group(s) ' , num2str(empty(ismember(empty,countsvalid(:,1)))), ' was/were empty in the original dataset.']) end end %Discriminant rule based on the training set x result1 = rawrule(x, g, prior, options.alpha, options.method); %Apply discriminant rule on validation set if strmatch(options.misclassif,'valid','exact') result2 = rewrule(validx, result1); finalgroup = result2.class; else result2 = rewrule(x, result1); finalgroup = result2.class; end %Estimating the misclassification error switch options.misclassif case 'valid' [v,vi,vj]=unique(validgrouping); %Redefining the group number if any(v~= (1:length(v))) v=1:length(v); validgrouping=v(vj); end if any(countsvalidorig(:,2)==0) empty=setdiff(countsvalidorig(find(countsvalidorig(:,2)==0),1), countsorig(find(countsorig(:,2)==0))); disp(['Warning: the test group(s) ' , num2str(empty), ' are empty']); else empty=[]; end misclas=-ones(1,length(lev)); for i=1:size(validx,1) if strmatch(options.method,'quadratic','exact') dist(i) = libra_mahalanobis(validx(i,:),,:),'invcov',result1.invcov{vj(i)}); else dist(i) = libra_mahalanobis(validx(i, :),,:),'invcov',result1.invcov); end end weightsvalid=zeros(1,length(dist)); weightsvalid(dist <= chi2inv(0.975, p))=1; for i=1:length(v) if ~isempty(intersect(i,v)) misclas(i)=sum((validgrouping(weightsvalid==1)==finalgroup(weightsvalid==1)') & (validgrouping(weightsvalid==1)==repmat(lev(i),1,sum(weightsvalid)))); ingroup(i) = sum((validgrouping(weightsvalid == 1) == repmat(lev(i),1, sum(weightsvalid)))); misclas(i) = 1 - (misclas(i)./ingroup(i)); end end if any(misclas==-1) misclas(misclas==-1)=0; end misclasprobpergroup=misclas; misclas=misclas.*result1.prior; misclasprob=sum(misclas); case 'training' for i=1:ng misclas(i) = sum((g(result1.weights==1)==finalgroup(result1.weights==1)')&(g(result1.weights==1)==repmat(lev(i),1,sum(result1.weights)))); ingroup(i) = sum((g(result1.weights == 1) == repmat(lev(i),1,sum(result1.weights)))); end misclas = (1 - (misclas./ingroup)); misclasprobpergroup = misclas; misclas = misclas.*result1.prior; misclasprob = sum(misclas); weightsvalid=0;%only available with validation set case 'cv' finalgroup=[]; for i=1:length(x) if (result1.weights(i) == 1) xnew=removal(x,i,0); groupnew=removal(group,0,i); functie1res = rawrule(xnew, groupnew,prior,options.alpha, options.method); functie2res = rewrule(x(i, :), functie1res); finalgroup = [finalgroup; functie2res.class(1)]; end end for i=1:ng misclas(i) = sum((g(result1.weights == 1) == finalgroup') & (g(result1.weights == 1) == repmat(lev(i),1,sum(result1.weights)))); ingroup(i) = sum(g(result1.weights == 1) == repmat(lev(i),1,sum(result1.weights))); end misclas = (1 - (misclas./ingroup)); misclasprobpergroup= misclas; misclas = misclas.* result1.prior; misclasprob = sum(misclas); weightsvalid=0; %only available with validation set end %classify the new observations (predict) if ~isempty(options.predictset) resultpredict = rewrule(options.predictset, result1); finalgrouppredict = resultpredict.class; for i=1:size(options.predictset,1) for j = 1:ng if strmatch(options.method,'quadratic','exact') distpredict(i,j) = libra_mahalanobis(options.predictset(i,:),,:),'invcov',result1.invcov{j}); else distpredict(i,j) = libra_mahalanobis(options.predictset(i, :),,:),'invcov',result1.invcov); end end end weightspredict = zeros(1,size(distpredict,1)); weightspredict(min(distpredict,[],2) <= chi2inv(0.975, p))=1; else finalgrouppredict = 0; weightspredict = 0; end if options.classic classicout=cda(x,g,'method',result2.method,'misclassif',options.misclassif,'membershipprob',options.membershipprob,'valid',options.valid,... 'groupvalid',options.groupvalid,'plots',0,'predictset',options.predictset); else classicout=0; end if compareout=cda(x,g,'method',result2.method,'misclassif',options.misclassif,'membershipprob',result1.prior,'valid',options.valid,... 'groupvalid',options.groupvalid,'plots',0,'predictset',options.predictset,'weightstrain',result1.weights,'weightsvalid',weightsvalid); else compareout=0; end %Output structure result=struct('assignedgroup',{finalgroup'},'scores',{result2.scores'},'method',{result2.method},'cov',{result1.cov}, ... 'center',{},'rd',{result1.dist'},'flagtrain',{result1.weights},... 'flagvalid',weightsvalid,'grouppredict',finalgrouppredict,'flagpredict',weightspredict','membershipprob',{result1.prior},... 'misclassif',{options.misclassif},'groupmisclasprob',{misclasprobpergroup},'avemisclasprob',{misclasprob},... 'class',{'RDA'},'classic',{classicout},'compare',{compareout},'x',{x},'group',{group}); if size(x,2)~=2 result=rmfield(result,{'x','group'}); end %Plotting the output try if options.plots & options.classic makeplot(result,'classic',1) elseif options.plots makeplot(result) end catch %output must be given even if plots are interrupted %> delete(gcf) to get rid of the menu end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function result=rawrule(x, g,prior, alfa, method) %computes the discrimination rule based on the training set x. [n,p]=size(x); epsilon=10^-4; counts=tabulate(g); %contingency table (outputmatrix with 3 colums): value - number - percentage [lev,levi,levj]=unique(g); if ~all(counts(:,2)) %some groups have zero values, omit those groups empty=counts(counts(:,2)==0,1); else empty=[]; end ng=size(counts,1); switch method case 'linear' %equal covariances supposed [gun,gi,gj]=unique(g); for j=1:length(gun){j}=mcdcov(x(g==gun(j),:),'alpha',alfa,'plots',0); %covariance of group j,:){j}.center; %center of all groups, matrix of ng x p end for i=1:n zgeg(i,:)=x(i,:),:); end zmcd = mcdcov(zgeg,'alpha',alfa,'plots',0); zmcdcenter =; zmcdcov = zmcd.cov; zgeg = zgeg - repmat(zmcdcenter,length(zgeg),1); = + repmat(zmcdcenter,size(,1),1); dist=zeros(n,1); for j=1:length(gun) dist(g==gun(j))=libra_mahalanobis(x(g==gun(j),:),,:),'invcov',inv(zmcd.cov)); end weights=zeros(n,1); weights(dist <= chi2inv(0.975,p))=1; result.cov=zmcd.cov; %over all group result.invcov=inv(zmcd.cov);; %all groups result.weights=weights'; result.dist=dist; result.method=method; case 'quadratic' [gun,gi,gj]=unique(g); xmcdweights=zeros(n,1); for j=1:length(gun) [{j} raw{j}]=mcdcov(x(g==gun(j),:),'alpha',alfa,'plots',0); group.cov{j}{j}.cov; %covariance of group j group.invcov{j}=inv(group.cov{j});,:){j}.center; %center of all groups xmcdweights(g==gun(j))=raw{j}.wt; end for i=1:n xdist(i)=libra_mahalanobis(x(i,:),,:), 'invcov',group.invcov{gj(i)}); end weights=xmcdweights; result.cov=group.cov; %per group result.invcov=group.invcov; =; %all groups result.weights = xmcdweights'; result.dist = xdist'; result.method = method; end %Define the prior if sum(prior) ~= 0 result.prior = prior; else ngood=sum(weights); %regular points are kept ggood = g(weights==1); countsgood=tabulate(ggood); if empty for i=1:length(empty) countsgood(countsgood(:,1)==empty(i),:)= []; end end if ~any(countsgood(:,2)) disp(['Warning: the group(s) ', num2str(countsgood(countsgood(:,2) == 0,1)'), 'contain only outliers']); countsgood=countsgood(countsgood(:,2)~=0,:); end result.prior = (countsgood(:,3)/100)'; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function result=rewrule(x, rawobject) epsilon=10^-4;; covar=rawobject.cov; invcov=rawobject.invcov; prior=rawobject.prior; method=rawobject.method; if (length(prior) == 0 | length(prior) ~= size(center,1)) error('invalid prior') end if sum(prior) ~= 0 if (any(prior < 0) | (abs(sum(prior)-1)) > epsilon) error('invalid prior') end end ngroup=length(prior); [n,p]=size(x); switch method case 'linear' for j=1:ngroup for i=1:n scores(i,j) = linclassification(x(i,:)', center(j,:)', invcov, prior(j)); end end [maxs,maxsI] = max(scores,[],2); for i=1:n maxscore(i,1) = scores(i,maxsI(i)); end result.scores = maxscore; result.class = maxsI; result.method = method; case 'quadratic' for j=1:ngroup for i=1:n scores(i, j) = classification(x(i,:)', center(j,:)', covar{j}, invcov{j}, prior(j)); end end [maxs,maxsI] = max(scores,[],2); for i=1:n maxscore(i,1) = scores(i,maxsI(i)); end result.scores = maxscore; result.class = maxsI; result.method = method; end %--------------make sure the input variables are column vectors! function out=classification(x, center, covar,invcov, priorprob) out=-0.5*log(abs(det(covar)))-0.5*(x - center)' * invcov *(x - center)+log(priorprob); %------------------- function out=linclassification(x, center, invcov, priorprob) out=center'*invcov*x - 0.5*center'*invcov*center+log(priorprob);