function res = removeObsRobpca(data,i,k,Hsets_min_i,same,factor_ind,csteps) %REMOVEOBSROBPCA is an auxiliary function to perform cross-validation with ROBPCA, % RPCR, RSIMPLS, RSIMCA (see cvRobpca.m, cvRpcr.m, cvRsimpls.m). % % Input: % data : the data set % i : the observation that is removed, index with respect to the whole data set. % k : the number of principal components that has to be calculated. % Hsets_min_i : contains H0_min_i, H1_min_i and Hfreq_min_i as first, second and third row respectively. % The h-subsets are implemented by means of indices of the observations in data_min_i, which is % is the original data set minus sample i. % same : structure : % same.value : indicates whether some part of this algorithm can be skipped (= 1) or not ( = 0). % same.res : if same.value = 1, then some additional information is needed. % factor : optional. default = 0, then the original consistency factor is used. % Else factor = 1, the consistency factor is adapted to the kmax approach. % csteps : optional structure: % csteps.value : 1 (default, then csteps are performed within robpca), 0 (no csteps are performed within robpca) % csteps.number : the number of csteps that need to be performed (default = 2). % % Output: % res is the result structure. It contains: % Pk_min_i : update of the loadingmatrix for a certain k when observation i is deleted. % Lk_min_i : update of the eigenvalues for a certain k when observation i is deleted. % muk_min_i : update of the center for a certain k when observation i is deleted. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by S. Engelen rot = []; center = []; P1 = []; n = size(data,1); p = size(data,2); h = size(Hsets_min_i,2) + 1; if nargin < 6 factor_ind = 0; csteps.number = 2; csteps.value = 1; elseif nargin == 6 csteps.number = 2; csteps.value = 1; end data_min_i= removal(data,i,0); mu0 = mean(data); center = mu0; H0_min_j = Hsets_min_i(1,:); H1_min_t = Hsets_min_i(2,:); if ~same.value [PH0_min_i,TH0,LH0_min_i,rH0_min_i,centerX,mu1trafo]=kernelEVD(data_min_i(H0_min_j,:)); LH0_min_i = diag(LH0_min_i); % calculation of the projection % res.T2tilde = T2tilde; center = mu1trafo; rot = PH0_min_i; T2tilde = (data_min_i - repmat(mu1trafo,n-1,1))*PH0_min_i; T2tilde = T2tilde(:,1:k); rot = rot(:,1:k); % defining the outputstructure res: res.PH0_min_i = PH0_min_i; res.LH0_min_i = LH0_min_i; res.mu1trafo = mu1trafo; else % defining the input structure input res = same.res; PH0_min_i = res.PH0_min_i; LH0_min_i = res.LH0_min_i; mu1trafo = res.mu1trafo; T2tilde = (data_min_i - repmat(mu1trafo,n-1,1))*PH0_min_i; center = mu1trafo; rot = PH0_min_i; rot = rot(:,1:k); T2tilde = T2tilde(:,1:k); end mah = libra_mahalanobis(T2tilde,zeros(1,k),'invcov',1./diag(LH0_min_i(1:k,1:k))); oldobj = prod(diag(LH0_min_i(1:k,1:k)));P4 = eye(k); if csteps.value oldobj = prod(diag(LH0_min_i(1:k,1:k))); for j = 1:csteps.number [mahsort, indsort] = sort(mah); dataH1 = T2tilde(indsort(1:(h-1)),:); [P,T,L,r3,Xm,clmX] = classSVD(dataH1); obj = prod(L); T2tilde = (T2tilde - repmat(clmX,n-1,1))*P; center = center + clmX*rot'; rot = rot*P; mah = libra_mahalanobis(T2tilde,zeros(1,size(T2tilde,2)),'invcov',1./L); P4 = P4*P; if abs(oldobj - obj) > 1.e-12 oldobj = obj; else break end end else obj = oldobj; end % extra reweighting: if k~=r3 XRc= data_min_i-repmat(center,n-1,1); Xtilde = T2tilde*rot'; Rdiff = XRc-Xtilde; for i=1:n odh(i,1)=norm(Rdiff(i,:)); end [m,s]=unimcd(odh.^(2/3),h); cutoffodh = sqrt(norminv(0.975,m,s).^3); indexset = find(odh<=cutoffodh)'; [P,Threw,Lrew,rrew,Xmrew,clmX]=kernelEVD(data_min_i(indexset,:)); center = clmX; rot = P(:,1:k); end T2tilde = (data_min_i - repmat(center,n-1,1))*rot; % Perform mcdcov on some H-subsets: [res_min_i,raw_min_i] = mcdcov(T2tilde,'Hsets',Hsets_min_i,'h',h-1,'ntrial',250,'plots',0,'factor',1); % perform the last part of ROBPCA: if raw_min_i.objective < obj z = res_min_i; else sortmah = sort(mah); if h==n factor=1; else if factor_ind == 1 factor = sortmah(h-1)/chi2inv((h-1)/size(T2tilde,1),size(T2tilde,2)/2); % adjusted factor. else factor = sortmah(h-1)/chi2inv((h-1)/size(T2tilde,1),size(T2tilde,2)); % non adjusted factor end end mah = mah/factor; weights = mah <= chi2inv(0.975,size(T2tilde,2)); [center_noMCD,cov_noMCD] = weightmecov(T2tilde,weights); mah = libra_mahalanobis(T2tilde,center_noMCD,'cov',cov_noMCD); z.flag = (mah <= chi2inv(0.975,size(T2tilde,2))); = center_noMCD; z.cov = cov_noMCD; end covf=z.cov;; % The final PC: [P6tilde,L6]=eig(covf); [L6,I]=greatsort(diag(L6)); P6tilde=P6tilde(:,I); T_min_i=(T2tilde-repmat(centerf,n-1,1))*P6tilde; Pk_min_i=rot(:,1:k)*P6tilde; Lk_min_i = L6; res.Pk_min_i = Pk_min_i; res.Lk_min_i = Lk_min_i; res.muk_min_i = center + centerf*rot';