function result=robpca(x,varargin) %ROBPCA is a 'ROBust method for Principal Components Analysis'. % It is resistant to outliers in the data. The robust loadings are computed % using projection-pursuit techniques and the MCD method. % Therefore ROBPCA can be applied to both low and high-dimensional data sets. % In low dimensions, the MCD method is applied (see mcdcov.m). % % The ROBPCA method is described in % Hubert, M., Rousseeuw, P.J., Vanden Branden, K. (2005), ROBPCA: a % new approach to robust principal components analysis, Technometrics, 47, 64-79. % % % To select the number of principal components, a robust PRESS (predicted % residual sum of squares) curve is drawn, based on a fast algorithm for % cross-validation. This approach is described in: % % Hubert, M., Engelen, S. (2007), % "Fast cross-validation of high-breakdown resampling algorithms for PCA", % Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 5013-5024. % % ROBPCA is designed for normally distributed data. If the data are skewed, % a modification of ROBPCA is available, based on the adjusted outlyingness % (see adjustedoutlyingness.m). This method is described in: % % Hubert, M., Rousseeuw, P.J., Verdonck, T. (2008), % "Robust PCA for skewed data and its outlier map", Computational Statistics % and Data Analysis, in press. % % For the up-to-date reference, please consult the website: % % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix (observations in the rows, variables in the % columns) % % Optional input arguments: % k : Number of principal components to compute. If k is missing, % or k = 0, a scree plot and a press curve are drawn which allows you to select % the number of principal components. % kmax : Maximal number of principal components to compute (default = 10). % If k is provided, kmax does not need to be specified, unless k is larger % than 10. % alpha : (1-alpha) measures the fraction of outliers the algorithm should % resist. Any value between 0.5 and 1 may be specified (default = 0.75). % h : (n-h+1) measures the number of outliers the algorithm should % resist. Any value between n/2 and n may be specified. (default = 0.75*n) % Alpha and h may not both be specified. % mcd : If equal to one: when the number of variables is sufficiently small, % the loadings are computed as the eigenvectors of the MCD covariance matrix, % hence the function 'mcdcov.m' is automatically called. The number of % principal components is then taken as k = rank(x). (default) % If equal to zero, the robpca algorithm is always applied. % plots : If equal to one, a scree plot, a press curve and a robust score outlier map are % drawn (default). If the input argument 'classic' is equal to one, % the classical plots are drawn as well. % If 'plots' is equal to zero, all plots are suppressed (unless k is missing, % then the scree plot and press curve are still drawn). % See also makeplot.m % labsd : The 'labsd' observations with largest score distance are % labeled on the outlier map. (default = 3) % labod : The 'labod' observations with largest orthogonal distance are % labeled on the outlier map. default = 3) % classic : If equal to one, the classical PCA analysis will be performed % (see also cpca.m). (default = 0) % scree : If equal to one, a scree plot is drawn. If k is given as input, the default value is 0, else the default value is one. % press : If equal to one, a plot of robust press-values is drawn. % If k is given as input, the default value is 0, else the default value is one. % If the input argument 'skew' is equal to one, no plot is % drawn. % robpcamcd : If equal to one (default), the whole robpca procedure is run (computation of outlyingness and % MCD). % If equal to zero, the program stops after the computation of the outlyingness. The % robust eigenvectors then correspond with the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix % of the h observations with smallest outlyingness. This yields the same % PCA subspace as the full robpca, but not the same eigenvectors and eigenvalues. % skew : If equal to zero the regular robpca is run. If equal to % one, the adjusted robpca algorithm for skewed data is run. % % I/O: result=robpca(x,'k',k,'kmax',10,'alpha',0.75,'h',h,'mcd',1,'plots',1,'labsd',3,'labod',3,'classic',0); % The user should only give the input arguments that have to change their default value. % The name of the input arguments needs to be followed by their value. % The order of the input arguments is of no importance. % % Examples: % result=robpca(x,'k',3,'alpha',0.65,'plots',0) % result=robpca(x,'alpha',0.80,'kmax',15,'labsd',5) % % The output of ROBPCA is a structure containing % % result.P : Robust loadings (eigenvectors) % result.L : Robust eigenvalues % result.M : Robust center of the data % result.T : Robust scores % result.k : Number of (chosen) principal components % result.kmax : Maximal number of principal components % result.alpha : see interpretation in the list of input arguments % result.h : The quantile h used throughout the algorithm % result.Hsubsets : A structure that contains H0, H1 and Hfreq: % H0 : The h-subset that contains the h points with the smallest outlyingness. % H1 : The optimal h-subset of mcdcov. % Hfreq : The subset of h points which are the most frequently selected during the mcdcov % algorithm. % : Robust score distances within the robust PCA subspace % result.od : Orthogonal distances to the robust PCA subspace % result.cutoff : Cutoff values for the robust score and orthogonal distances % result.flag : The observations whose score distance is larger than (==> % or whose orthogonal distance is larger than result.cutoff.od (==> result.flag.od) % can be considered as outliers and receive a flag equal to zero (result.flag.all). % The regular observations receive a flag 1. % result.class : 'ROBPCA' % result.classic : If the input argument 'classic' is equal to one, this structure % contains results of the classical PCA analysis (see also cpca.m). % % Short description of the method: % % Let n denote the number of observations, and p the number of original variables, % then ROBPCA finds a robust center (p x 1) of the data M and a loading matrix P which % is (p x k) dimensional. Its columns are orthogonal and define a new coordinate % system. The scores (n x k) are the coordinates of the centered observations with % respect to the loadings: T=(X-M)*P. % Note that ROBPCA also yields a robust covariance matrix (often singular) which % can be computed as % cov=out.P*out.L*out.P' % % To select the number of principal components, it is useful to look at the scree plot which % shows the eigenvalues, and the press curve which displays a weighted sum of the squared % cross-validated orthogonal distances. % The outlier map visualizes the observations by plotting their orthogonal % distance to the robust PCA subspace versus their robust distances % within the PCA subspace. This allows to classify the data points into 4 types: % regular observations, good leverage points, bad leverage points and % orthogonal outliers. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Mia Hubert, Sabine Verboven, Karlien Vanden Branden, Sanne Engelen, Tim Verdonck % Last Update: 17/06/2003, 03/07/2006, 31/07/2007 % Last Revision: 27/03/2008, 09/06/2008 % % initialization with defaults % data=x; [n,p]=size(data); % First Step: classical PCA on data if n < p [P1,T1,L1,r,Xc,clm]=kernelEVD(data); else [P1,T1,L1,r,Xc,clm]=classSVD(data); end % dim(P1): p x r if r==0 error('All data points collapse!') end niter=100; counter=1; kmax=min([10,floor(n/2),r]); k=0; alfa=0.75; h=min(floor(2*floor((n+kmax+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmax+1)/2))*alfa),n); labsd=3; labod=3; plots=1; scree = 1; press = 1; mcd=1; % user wants the mcd approach (in case n>>p) robpcamcd = 1; cutoff = 0.975; skew=0; % default is a structure needed for input checking default=struct('alpha',alfa,'h',h,'labsd',labsd,'labod',labod,... 'k',k,'plots',plots,'kmax',kmax,'mcd',mcd,'classic',0,'scree',scree,'press',press,'robpcamcd',robpcamcd,'cutoff',cutoff,'skew',0); list=fieldnames(default); options=default; %input by user IN=length(list); i=1; % if nargin==2 error('Incorrect number of input arguments!') end dummy = 0; %Assume we didn't get h or alpha, unless we find it below. if nargin>2 % %placing inputfields in array of strings % for j=1:nargin-2 if rem(j,2)~=0 chklist{i}=varargin{j}; i=i+1; end end dummy=sum(strcmp(chklist,'h')+2*strcmp(chklist,'alpha')); %checking if h and alpha are provided both or not switch dummy case 0 % Take on default values options.alpha=alfa; if any(strcmp(chklist,'kmax')) for j=1:nargin-2 % searching the index of the accompanying field if rem(j,2)~=0 % fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp('kmax',varargin{j}) I=j; end end end options=setfield(options,'kmax',varargin{I+1}); kmax = max(min([floor(options.kmax),floor(n/2),r]),1); %acceptable kmax options.h=min(floor(2*floor((n+kmax+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmax+1)/2))*alfa),n); %depends on kmax, so if kmax is given by user, get it first! else %kmax is not given by user options.h=h; end case 3 error('Both inputarguments alpha and h are provided. Only one is required.') end % % Checking which default parameters have to be changed % and keep them in the structure 'options'. % while counter<=IN index=strmatch(list(counter,:),chklist,'exact'); if ~isempty(index) % in case of similarity for j=1:nargin-2 % searching the index of the accompanying field if rem(j,2)~=0 % fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp(chklist{index},varargin{j}) I=j; end end end options=setfield(options,chklist{index},varargin{I+1}); index=[]; end counter=counter+1; end options.h=floor(options.h); options.kmax=floor(options.kmax); options.k=floor(options.k); kmax=max(min([options.kmax,floor(n/2),r]),1); labod=max(0,min(floor(options.labod),n)); labsd=max(0,min(floor(options.labsd),n)); k=options.k; if k<0 k=0; elseif k > kmax k=kmax; mess=sprintf(['Attention (robpca.m): The number of principal components, k = ',num2str(options.k)... ,'\n is larger than kmax= ',num2str(kmax),'; k is set to ',num2str(kmax)]); disp(mess) end if dummy==1 % checking input variable h options.alpha=options.h/n; if k==0 if options.h < floor((n+kmax+1)/2 ) options.h=floor((n+kmax+1)/2); options.alpha=options.h/n; mess=sprintf(['Attention (robpca.m): h should be larger than (n+kmax+1)/2.\n',... 'It is set to its minimum value ',num2str(options.h)]); disp(mess) end else if options.h < floor((n+k+1)/2) options.h=floor((n+k+1)/2); options.alpha=options.h/n; mess=sprintf(['Attention (robpca.m): h should be larger than (n+k+1)/2.\n',... 'It is set to its minimum value ',num2str(options.h)]); disp(mess) end end if options.h > n options.alpha=0.75; if k==0 options.h=floor(2*floor((n+kmax+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmax+1)/2))*options.alpha); else options.h=floor(2*floor((n+k+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+k+1)/2))*options.alpha); end mess=sprintf(['Attention (robpca.m): h should be smaller than n. \n',... 'It is set to its default value ',num2str(options.h)]); disp(mess) end elseif dummy==2 %checking input variable alpha if options.alpha < 0.5 options.alpha=0.5; mess=sprintf(['Attention (robpca.m): Alpha should be larger than 0.5.\n',... 'It is set to 0.5.']); disp(mess) end if options.alpha > 1 options.alpha=0.75; mess=sprintf(['Attention (robpca.m): Alpha should be smaller than 1. \n',... 'It is set to 0.75.']); disp(mess) end if k==0 options.h=floor(2*floor((n+kmax+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmax+1)/2))*options.alpha); else options.h=floor(2*floor((n+k+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+k+1)/2))*options.alpha); end end alfa=options.alpha; dummyh = strcmp(chklist,'h'); dummykmax = strcmp(chklist,'kmax'); % if all(dummyh == 0) & any(dummykmax) & k==0 % h = min(floor(2*floor((n+kmax+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmax+1)/2))*alfa),n); % end if all(dummyh == 0)&& any(dummykmax) %kmax was given by the user if k==0 options.h=floor(2*floor((n+kmax+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmax+1)/2))*options.alpha); else options.h=floor(2*floor((n+k+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+k+1)/2))*options.alpha); end elseif all(dummyh == 0) && ~any(dummykmax) %kmax is the default value if k==0 options.h=floor(2*floor((n+kmax+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmax+1)/2))*options.alpha); else options.h=floor(2*floor((n+k+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+k+1)/2))*options.alpha); end end h=options.h; dummyscree = strcmp(chklist,'scree'); dummypress = strcmp(chklist,'press'); if all(dummyscree == 0) if k~=0 options.scree = 0; end end if all(dummypress == 0) if k~=0 = 0; end end scree = options.scree; press =; labsd=floor(max(0,min(options.labsd,n))); labod=floor(max(0,min(options.labod,n))); plots=options.plots;; robpcamcd = options.robpcamcd; cutoff = options.cutoff; skew = options.skew; if skew==1 press=0; %press curve not available for skewed data end end % % MAIN PART % X=T1; center=clm; rot=P1; % Depending on n and p, perform MCD or ROBPCA: % p << n => MCD p1=size(X,2); if p1<=min(floor(n/5),kmax) && mcd && (skew==0) options.h=h; [res,raw]=mcdcov(X,'h',h,'plots',0); [U,S,P]=svd(res.cov,0); L=diag(S); if k~=0 options.k=min(k,p1); else bdwidth=5; topbdwidth=30; set(0,'Units','pixels'); scnsize=get(0,'ScreenSize'); pos1=[bdwidth, 1/3*scnsize(4)+bdwidth, scnsize(3)/2-2*bdwidth, scnsize(4)/2-(topbdwidth+bdwidth)]; pos2=[pos1(1)+scnsize(3)/2, pos1(2), pos1(3), pos1(4)]; if press == 1 outcvMcd = cvMcd(X,p1,res,h); figure('Position',pos1) set(gcf,'Name', 'PRESS curve','NumberTitle', 'off'); plot(1:p1,,'o-') title('MCD') xlabel('number of LV') ylabel('R-PRESS') end if scree == 1 figure('Position',pos2) screeplot(L,'MCD'); end if (scree == 1) || (press == 1) cumperc = cumsum(L)./sum(L); disp(['The cumulative percentage of variance explained by the first ',num2str(kmax),' components is:']); disp(num2str(cumperc')); disp(['How many principal components would you like to retain? Max = ',num2str(kmax),'. ']); k=input(''); end % to close the figures. if scree == 1 close end if press == 1 close end end options.k = k; T=(X-repmat(,size(X,1),1))*U;*rot'; out.L=L(1:options.k)'; out.P=rot*U(:,1:options.k); out.T=T(:,1:options.k); out.h=h; out.k=options.k; out.alpha=alfa; out.Hsubsets.H0 = res.Hsubsets.Hopt; out.Hsubsets.H1 = []; out.Hsubsets.Hfreq = res.Hsubsets.Hfreq; out.skew=skew; else % p > n => ROBPCA niter=100; seed=0; if h~=n if skew==0 B=twopoints(T1,250,seed); %n*ri for i=1:size(B,1) Bnorm(i)=norm(B(i,:),2); end Bnormr=Bnorm(Bnorm > 1.e-12); %ndirect*1 B=B(Bnorm > 1.e-12,:); %ndirect*n A=diag(1./Bnormr)*B; %ndirect*n %projected points in columns Y=T1*A';%n*ndirect m=length(Bnormr); Z=zeros(n,m); for i=1:m [tmcdi,smcdi,weights]=unimcd(Y(:,i),h); if smcdi<1.e-12 r2=rank(data(weights,:)); if r2==1 error(['At least ',num2str(sum(weights)),' obervations are identical.']); end else Z(:,i)=abs(Y(:,i)-tmcdi)/smcdi; end end d=max(Z,[],2); else %adjusted robpca for skewed data outAO=adjustedoutlyingness(T1,'ndir',min(250*p,2500)); d=outAO.adjout; end [ds,is]=sort(d); Xh=T1(is(1:h),:); % Xh contains h (good) points out of Xcentr [P2,T2,L2,r2,Xm,clmX]=classSVD(Xh); out.Hsubsets.H0 = is(1:h); Tn=(T1-repmat(clmX,n,1))*P2; else P2=eye(r); Tn=T1; L2=L1; r2=r; out.Hsubsets.H0=1:n; Xm=T1; clmX=zeros(1,size(T1,2)); end %dim(P2) = r x r2 L=L2; kmax=min(r2,kmax); % choice of k: %------------- bdwidth=5; topbdwidth=30; set(0,'Units','pixels'); scnsize=get(0,'ScreenSize'); pos1=[bdwidth, 1/3*scnsize(4)+bdwidth, scnsize(3)/2-2*bdwidth, scnsize(4)/2-(topbdwidth+bdwidth)]; pos2=[pos1(1)+scnsize(3)/2, pos1(2), pos1(3), pos1(4)]; if press == 1 disp('The robust press curve based on cross-validation is now computed.') outprMCDkmax = projectMCD(Tn,L,kmax,h,niter,rot,P1,P2,center,cutoff); if size(out.Hsubsets.H0,2)==1 out.Hsubsets.H0=out.Hsubsets.H0'; end outprMCDkmax.Hsubsets.H0 = out.Hsubsets.H0; outpress = cvRobpca(data,kmax,outprMCDkmax,0,h); figure('Position',pos1) set(gcf,'Name', 'PRESS curve','NumberTitle', 'off'); plot(1:kmax,,'o-') title('ROBPCA') xlabel('Number of LV') ylabel('R-PRESS') else if size(out.Hsubsets.H0,2)==1 out.Hsubsets.H0=out.Hsubsets.H0'; end end if scree == 1 figure('Position',pos2) screeplot(L(1:kmax),'ROBPCA') end if (scree == 1)||(press == 1) cumperc = (cumsum(L(1:kmax))./sum(L))'; disp(['The cumulative percentage of variance explained by the first ',num2str(kmax),' components is:']); disp(num2str(cumperc)); disp(['How many principal components would you like to retain? Max = ',num2str(kmax),'.']); k=input(''); k=max(min(min(r2,k),kmax),1); % we compute again the robpca results for a specific k value. alpha % and h can change again, because until now they were based on the kmax % value. if dummy == 2 options.h=floor(2*floor((n+k+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+k+1)/2))*alfa); %if dummy == 1 no changes needed elseif dummy~=1 options.h=floor(2*floor((n+k+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+k+1)/2))*options.alpha); end h=options.h; % to close the figures. if scree == 1 close end if press == 1 close end else k=min(min(r2,k),kmax); end if k~=r % extra reweighting step XRc=T1-repmat(clmX,n,1); Xtilde=XRc*P2(:,1:k)*P2(:,1:k)'; Rdiff = XRc-Xtilde; for i=1:n odh(i,1)=norm(Rdiff(i,:)); end if skew==0 [m,s]=unimcd(odh.^(2/3),h); cutoffodh = sqrt(norminv(cutoff,m,s).^3); else %adjusted robpca for skewed data mcodh=mc(odh); if mcodh>0 cutoffodh = prctile(odh,75)+1.5*exp(3*mcodh)*iqr(odh); else cutoffodh = prctile(odh,75)+1.5*iqr(odh); end ttup = sort(-odh(odhrh k = rh; end end center=center+clmX*rot'; rot=rot*P2(:,1:k); Tn=(T1-repmat(clmX,n,1))*P2; % if only the subspace is important, not the PC themselves: do not % perform MCD anymore. if ~robpcamcd out.P = rot; %=P1*P2(:,1:k); out.T = Tn(:,1:k); out.M = center; out.L = Lh; out.k = k; out.h = h; out.alpha = alfa; out.kmax=kmax; out.skew=skew; end % projection, mcd %----------------- if skew==0 outpr = projectMCD(Tn,L,k,h,niter,rot,P1,P2,center,cutoff); else %adjusted robpca for skewed data outpr = projectAO(Tn,k,h,rot,center); end out.T = outpr.T; out.P = outpr.P; out.M = outpr.M; out.L = outpr.L; out.k = k; out.kmax=kmax; out.h = h; out.alpha = alfa; out.skew = skew; if skew==0 out.Hsubsets.H1 = outpr.Hsubsets.H1; out.Hsubsets.Hfreq = outpr.Hsubsets.Hfreq; else out.AO=outpr.AO; out.cutoff.AO=outpr.cutoff.AO; end end % Classical analysis if options.classic==1 out.classic.P=P1(:,1:out.k); out.classic.L=L1(1:out.k)'; out.classic.M=clm; out.classic.T=T1(:,1:out.k); out.classic.k=out.k; out.classic.Xc=Xc; end outpr = out; % Calculation of the distances, flags %------------------------------------- if options.classic == 1 outDist = CompDist(data,r,outpr,cutoff,robpcamcd,out.classic); else outDist = CompDist(data,r,outpr,cutoff,robpcamcd); end =; =; out.od = outDist.od; out.cutoff.od = outDist.cutoff.od; out.flag = outDist.flag; out.class = outDist.class; out.classic = outDist.classic; if options.classic == 1 =; out.classic.od = outDist.classic.od; =; out.classic.cutoff.od = outDist.classic.cutoff.od; out.classic.class = outDist.classic.class; out.classic.flag = outDist.classic.flag; end result=struct('P',{out.P},'L',{out.L},'M',{out.M},'T',{out.T},'k',{out.k},'kmax',{kmax},'alpha',{out.alpha},... 'h',{out.h},'Hsubsets',{out.Hsubsets},'sd', {},'od',{out.od},'cutoff',{out.cutoff},'flag',out.flag',... 'class',{out.class},'classic',{out.classic}); % Plots try if plots && options.classic makeplot(result,'classic',1,'labsd',labsd,'labod',labod) elseif plots makeplot(result,'labsd',labsd,'labod',labod) end catch %output must be given even if plots are interrupted %> delete(gcf) to get rid of the menu end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function outprMCD = projectMCD(Tn,L,k,h,niter,rot,P1,P2,center,cutoff) % this function performs the last part of ROBPCA when k is determined. % input : % Tn : the projected data % L : the matrix of the eigenvalues % k : the number of components % h : lower bound for regular observations % niter : the number of iterations % rot : the rotation matrix % P1, P2: the different eigenvector matrices after each transformation % center : the classical center of the data X2=Tn(:,1:k); n = size(X2,1); rot=rot(:,1:k); % first apply c-step with h points from first step,i.e. those that % determine the covariance matrix after the c-steps have converged. mah=libra_mahalanobis(X2,zeros(size(X2,2),1),'cov',L(1:k)); oldobj=prod(L(1:k)); P4=eye(k); korig=k; for j=1:niter [mahs,is]=sort(mah); Xh=X2(is(1:h),:); [P,T,L,r3,Xm,clmX]=classSVD(Xh); obj=prod(L); X2=(X2-repmat(clmX,n,1))*P; center=center+clmX*rot'; rot=rot*P; mah=libra_mahalanobis(X2,zeros(size(X2,2),1),'cov',diag(L)); P4=P4*P; if ((r3==k) && (abs(oldobj-obj) < 1.e-12)) break; else oldobj=obj; j=j+1; if r3 < k j=1; k=r3; end end end % dim(P4): k x k0 with k0 <= k but denoted as k % dim X2: n x k0 % perform mcdcov on X2 [zres,zraw]= mcdcov(X2,'plots',0,'ntrial',250,'h',h,'file',0); out.resMCD = zres; if zraw.objective < obj z = zres; out.Hsubsets.H1 = zres.Hsubsets.Hopt; else sortmah = sort(mah); if h==n factor=1; else factor = sortmah(h)/chi2inv(h/n,k); end mah = mah/factor; weights = mah <= chi2inv(cutoff,k); [center_noMCD,cov_noMCD] = weightmecov(X2,weights); mah = libra_mahalanobis(X2,center_noMCD,'cov',cov_noMCD); z.flag = (mah <= chi2inv(cutoff,k)); = center_noMCD; z.cov = cov_noMCD; out.Hsubsets.H1 = is(1:h); end covf=z.cov;; [P6,L]=eig(covf); [L,I]=greatsort(diag(real(L))); P6=P6(:,I); out.T=(X2-repmat(centerf,n,1))*P6; P=P1*P2; out.P=P(:,1:korig)*P4*P6; centerfp=center+centerf*rot'; out.M=centerfp; out.L=L'; out.k=k; out.h=h; % creation of Hfreq out.Hsubsets.Hfreq = zres.Hsubsets.Hfreq(1:h); outprMCD = out; %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function outprAO = projectAO(Tn,k,h,rot,center) % this function performs the last part of ROBPCA when k is determined. % input : % Tn : the projected data % k : the number of components % h : lower bound for regular observations % rot : the rotation matrix % center : the classical center of the data seed=0; X2=Tn(:,1:k); [n,p]=size(X2); outAO=adjustedoutlyingness(X2,'ndir',min(250*p,2500)); AO=outAO.adjout; cutoffAO=outAO.cutoff; indexset = find(AO<=cutoffAO)'; %SVD [P6,T6,L6,r6,Xm6,clmX6]=classSVD(X2(indexset,:)); out.T = (X2-repmat(clmX6,n,1))*P6; out.P = rot*P6; out.M = center+clmX6*rot'; out.L = L6; out.k = k; out.h = h; out.AO=AO; out.cutoff.AO=cutoffAO; outprAO=out; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function outDist = CompDist(data,r,out,cutoff,robpcamcd,classic) % Calculates the distances. % input: data : the original data % r : the rank of the data % out is a structure that contains the results of the PCA. % classic: an optional structure: % classic.P1 % classic.T1 % classic.L1 % classic.clm % classic.Xc if nargin < 6 options.classic = 0; else options.classic = 1; end n = size(data,1); p = size(data,2); k = out.k; skew=out.skew; % Computing distances % Robust score distances in robust PCA subspace if robpcamcd if skew==0,zeros(size(out.T,2),1),'cov',out.L))';,out.k)); else;; end else,1);; end % Orthogonal distances to robust PCA subspace XRc=data-repmat(out.M,n,1); Xtilde=out.T*out.P'; Rdiff=XRc-Xtilde; for i=1:n out.od(i,1)=norm(Rdiff(i,:)); end % Robust cutoff-value for the orthogonal distance if k~=r if skew==0 [m,s]=unimcd(out.od.^(2/3),out.h); out.cutoff.od = sqrt(norminv(cutoff,m,s).^3); else mcod=mc(out.od); if mcod>0 out.cutoff.od = prctile(out.od,75)+1.5*exp(3*mcod)*iqr(out.od); else out.cutoff.od = prctile(out.od,75)+1.5*iqr(out.od); end ttup = sort(-out.od(out.od