function robpcareg=robpcaregres(x,y,w,cutoffWeights) %ROBPCAREGRES is a function for robust multivariate regression, based on % the output from RSIMPLS and ROBPCA. % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix of the explanatory variables % (n observations in rows, p variables in columns). % y : Data matrix of the response variables % (n observations in rows, q variables in columns). % w : Weight vector, which is zero for the outliers, and one for the % regular observations. % cutoffWeights : the cutoff to decide on the weights. % % I/O: robpcareg=robpcaregres(x,y,w,cutoffWeights); % % The output is a structure containing % % robpcareg.x : The original explanatory variables % robpcareg.y : The original respons(es) % robpcareg.coeffs : The estimated regression coefficients % robpcareg.resids : The residuals % robpcareg.cov : Estimated variance-covariance matrix of the errors % robpcareg.weights : Final weights % : Robust center of [x,y]; % robpcareg.sigma : Robust covariance estimate of [x,y] % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Karlien Vanden Branden % Last update: 05/12/2002. dat=[x,y]; [n,m]=size(dat); intercept=ones(n,1); q=size(y,2); k=size(x,2); if nargin < 4 cutoffWeights = sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,q)); end %calculation of reweighted covariance and center rawclasscov=cov(dat(w==1,:)) ; rawclasscenter=mean(dat(w==1,:)); rawcentx=rawclasscenter(1:k)'; rawcenty=rawclasscenter((k+1):k+q)'; rawsigmax=rawclasscov(1:k,1:k); rawsigmay=rawclasscov(k+1:k+q,k+1:k+q); rawsigmaxy=rawclasscov(1:k,(k+1):k+q); rawsigmayx=rawsigmaxy'; %calculation of slope and intercept + residuals rawbeta=[inv(rawsigmax)*rawsigmaxy; (rawcenty-(rawsigmayx*inv(rawsigmax)*rawcentx))']; rawcovE=rawsigmay-rawbeta(1:k,1:q)'*rawsigmax*rawbeta(1:k,1:q); rawfitted=[x,intercept]*rawbeta(1:(k+1),:); rawresid=y-rawfitted; %calculation of the reweighted weights based on the residuals of the reweighted beta-coefficients rewweights=zeros(n,1); for j=1:n if (sqrt(rawresid(j,1:q)*pinv(rawcovE)*rawresid(j,1:q)')) <= cutoffWeights rewweights(j)=1; end end %regression reweighting part rewclasscov=cov(dat(rewweights==1,:)); rewclasscenter=mean(dat(rewweights==1,:)); rewcenterx=rewclasscenter(1:k)'; rewcentery=rewclasscenter((k+1):m)'; rewsigmax=rewclasscov(1:k,1:k); rewsigmaxy=rewclasscov(1:k,(k+1):m); rewsigmayx=rewsigmaxy'; rewsigmay=rewclasscov((k+1):m,(k+1):m); rewbetarew=[inv(rewsigmax)*rewsigmaxy; (rewcentery-(rewsigmayx*inv(rewsigmax)*rewcenterx))']; rewE2=rewsigmay-rewbetarew(1:k,1:q)'*rewsigmax*rewbetarew(1:k,1:q); rewfittedrew=[x,intercept]*rewbetarew(1:(k+1),:); rewresidrew=y-rewfittedrew; %output robpcareg.x=x; robpcareg.y=y; robpcareg.coeffs=rewbetarew; robpcareg.cov=rewE2; %based on location/scale and regression reweighting robpcareg.resids=rewresidrew; robpcareg.weights=rewweights; robpcareg.sigma=rawclasscov;;