function [S,P,t,kmax,med]= rstep(X,k,center,r); %RSTEP is an auxiliary function for 'rapca.m'. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Created by Sabine Verboven and Mia Hubert (October 2000) % Part of the code is based on S-PLUS code from C. Croux. % % Last Update: 01/22/2002 % warning on; if nargin<2 k=0; end if nargin<3 center=1; end if nargin<4 r=rank(X); end [n,p]=size(X); if k==0 p1=min(floor(n/2),r); else p1=min([k,r,floor(n/2)]); end if k==0 | k > p1 disp(['The maximum number of principal components is ',num2str(p1),'.']) disp(['This is the minimum of (number of data points/2) and the rank of the data matrix.']) end S=zeros(p1,1); V=zeros(p,p1); switch center case 0 med=median(X); Xcentr=X-repmat(med,n,1); case 1 med=l1median(X); Xcentr=X-repmat(med,n,1); end Xnewcentr=Xcentr; kmax=0; Transfo=eye(p); for l=1:p1, B=Xnewcentr; Bnorm=zeros(n,1); for i=1:n Bnorm(i)=norm(B(i,:),2); end Bnormr=Bnorm(Bnorm > 1.e-12); B=B(Bnorm > 1.e-12,:); %Searching in directions A A=diag(1./Bnormr)*B; if size(Xnewcentr,2)==1 %case l=p1 V(1:l-1,l)=0; V(l:p,l)=1; Vorigin(:,l)=Transfo*V(:,p1); t=Xcentr*Vorigin(:,p1); %last step needs extraction of scale directly in p-dim space if n>40 S(p1)=A_scale(t); else S(p1)=qnm(t); end kmax=kmax+1; break else Y=Xnewcentr*A'; %projected points in columns end if n>40 s=A_scale(Y); else s=qnm(Y); end [c,vj]=sort(s); j=vj(length(s)); S(l)=s(j); if (S(1)/S(l) > 10^3) &(kmax 1.e-12 if V(l:p,l)'*Base(:,1) < 0 V(l:p,l)=(-1)*V(l:p,l); end u=(1./norm(Base(:,1)-V(l:p,l)))*(Base(:,1)-V(l:p,l)); U=Base-2*repmat(u'*Base,p-l+1,1).*repmat(u,1,p-l+1); else U=Base; end % Transforming eigenvectors to the original pxp dimensional space if l==1 Vorigin(:,l)=V(:,l); Transfo=U; else Edge=eye(p); Edge(l:p,l:p)=U; Vorigin(:,l)=Transfo*V(:,l); Transfo=Transfo*Edge; end Xnewcentr=Xnewcentr*U; %Reflection of data Xnewcentr=removal(Xnewcentr,0,1); end [S,I]=greatsort(real(S(1:kmax))); P=Vorigin(:,I); t=Xcentr*P; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [A_est]=A_scale(Z) % A_SCALE calculates the A estimate of scale of the columns of Z % % I/O: [A_est]=A_scale(Z); % Z=Z'; U=(Z - repmat(median(Z,2),1,size(Z,2)))./(repmat(madc(Z')',1,size(Z,2))); [n,p]=size(U); for i=1:n Ui=U(i,:); if any(isnan(Ui)) scale(i)=0; else Zi=Z(i,:); med=median(Zi); m=madc(Zi-med); Zi=Zi(abs(Ui)<3.85); Ui=Ui(abs(Ui)<3.85); Ti=sqrt(sum((Ui.^2).*((3.85^2-Ui.^2).^4)))*sqrt(p)*0.9471*m; Ni=abs(sum((3.85^2-Ui.^2).*(3.85^2-5*(Ui.^2)))); scale(i)=Ti/Ni; end end A_est=scale;