function [tmcd,smcd,weights,initmean,initcov,res,raww,Hopt]=unimcd(y,h) %UNIMCD computes the MCD estimator of a univariate data set. This % estimator is given by the subset of h observations with smallest variance. % The MCD location estimate is then the mean of those h points, % and the MCD scale estimate is their standard deviation. Based on these raw estimates, % a reweigthing step is applied as in the FASTMCD algorithm (see mcdcov.m). % We recommend to use the function mcdcov.m, which calls unimcd.m. % % The MCD method was introduced in: % % Rousseeuw, P.J. (1984), "Least Median of Squares Regression," % Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 79, pp. 871-881. % % The algorithm to compute the univariate MCD is described in % % Rousseeuw, P.J., Leroy, A., (1988), "Robust Regression and Outlier Detection," % John Wiley, New York. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by: Katrien Van Driessen %Revision by S. Verboven %Last update ncas=length(y); len=ncas-h+1; if len==1 tmcd=mean(y); smcd=sqrt(var(y)); weights=ones(length(y),1); else [y,I]=sort(y); ay(1)=sum(y(1:h)); for samp=2:len ay(samp)=ay(samp-1)-y(samp-1)+y(samp+h-1); end ay2=ay.^2/h; sq(1)=sum(y(1:h).^2)-ay2(1); for samp=2:len sq(samp)=sq(samp-1)-y(samp-1)^2+y(samp+h-1)^2-ay2(samp)+ay2(samp-1); end sqmin=min(sq); ii=find(sq==sqmin); Hopt = I(ii:ii+h-1); ndup=length(ii); slutn(1:ndup)=ay(ii); initmean=slutn(floor((ndup+1)/2))/h; %initial mean initcov=sqmin/(h-1); %initial variance % calculating consistency factor res=(y-initmean).^2/initcov; sortres=sort(res); factor=sortres(h)/chi2inv(h/ncas,1); initcov=factor*initcov; res=(y-initmean).^2/initcov; %raw_robdist^2 quantile=chi2inv(0.975,1); weights=res