function [wmean,wcov]=weightmecov(data,weights) %WEIGHTMECOV computes the reweighted mean and covariance matrix of multivariate data. % % Required input arguments: % data : data matrix % weights : weights of the observations % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % %Written by Katrien Van Driessen and Carlos Lopez %Implemented on 29 July 2005 %Last updated: 05 March 2007 n = size(data,1); nvar = size(data,2); if ~(isempty(find(weights<0))) error('The weights are negative'); end if size(weights,1)==1 weights=weights'; end %Using sparse matrix; the expression is valid even for non-double data type q=find(weights); wmean=sum(spdiags(double(weights/sum(weights)),0,length(weights),length(weights))*double(data)); wcov=(data(q,:)-repmat(wmean,length(q),1))'*(data(q,:)-repmat(wmean,length(q),1))/(sum(weights.^2)-1);