classdef featureMatrices < handle % featureMatrices object for ECGwrapper % ------------------------------------- % % Description: % % % Arguments: (specified as ECGwrapper('arg_name1', arg_val1, ... , 'arg_nameN', arg_valN) ) % % a. ECG specification: % % a.1 Recording filename where ECG is stored in a valid format. % % + recording_name: ECG recording to be classified. % + recording_format : Valid ECG format. (MIT, ISHNE, AHA, HES, MAT) % % b. Operating modes % % % c. Modifiers % % % Output: % % Examples: % % % Limits and Known bugs: % Probably a lot :( ... but dont panic! send me feedback if you need % help. % % Author: Mariano Llamedo Soria (llamedom at {;} % Version: 0.1 beta % Birthdate : 20/3/2012 % Last update: 20/3/2012 properties(GetAccess = private, Constant) sampling_rate = 360; %Hz fnPayload = {'featMat_clust' 'featMat_ldc' 'ECG' 'QRS_locations' 'RR_intervals'}; fnFMfile = {'featMat_clust' 'featMat_ldc'}; fnECGfile = {'ECG' 'QRS_locations' 'RR_intervals'}; SmallValue = 0.0001; end properties ( Access = private ) delayLP autovec q_filters LP LPsize scale_idx scales global_struct end properties (SetAccess = private, GetAccess = public) %read-only name class_labeling true_labels %auxiliary indexes file_count = 1; File_list = []; File_idx = []; QRS_idx = []; end properties %read-write recording_name recording_format progress_hdl tmp_path bCache cant_pids this_pid cant_iteration this_iteration end methods function obj = featureMatrices(class_labeling) %% Constants and definitions = 'feat_matrix_construction'; obj.class_labeling = class_labeling; end function Start(obj) %% Calculate accesories signals %load low-pass preprocessing filter. load( ['LP Fs ' num2str(obj.sampling_rate) 'Hz - Fc 35Hz - 80db stop.mat' ]); obj.LPsize = length(LP.numerator); obj.delayLP = round((obj.LPsize-1)/2); obj.LP = LP; clear LP % Wavelet transform filter bank design obj.scales = 1:6; CantScales = length(obj.scales); MaxScales = max(obj.scales); obj.scale_idx= nan(MaxScales,1); filters_cache_filename = ['wt_filters_' num2str(MaxScales) ' scales_' num2str(obj.sampling_rate) ' Hz.mat' ]; if( exist(filters_cache_filename, 'file') ) aux = load( filters_cache_filename ); obj.q_filters = aux.q_filters; clear aux else obj.q_filters = qs_filter_design(MaxScales, obj.sampling_rate); end for ii = 1:CantScales %indice para saber que escala corresponde a cada columna de MyWavelets obj.scale_idx(obj.scales(ii)) = ii; end % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('PCA projection'); % obj.autovec = PCA_proj_basis(obj.recording_name, obj.recording_format, obj.q_filters); obj.autovec = [-0.696609733483207 -0.403719836632163 -0.593081084444745;-0.487887339191286 -0.339521516938205 0.804171053814316;-0.526023595928265 0.849550135686930 0.0395441965529324;]; % data structure to keep data through all iterations. obj.global_struct = []; end function payload = Process(obj, ECG, this_header, this_iter_ECG_relative_start_end_idx, this_iter_annotations) obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Label parsing'); [QRS_locations, obj.true_labels ] = Annotation_process(this_iter_annotations, obj.recording_format, obj.class_labeling); % RR interval sequence RR_intervals = diff(QRS_locations, 1); RR_intervals = colvec([ RR_intervals(1); RR_intervals ]); dRR_intervals = diff(RR_intervals, 1); dRR_intervals = colvec([ dRR_intervals(2); dRR_intervals(2); dRR_intervals(2:end) ]); % interval resampling. RR_intervals = RR_intervals * obj.sampling_rate / this_header.freq; dRR_intervals = dRR_intervals * obj.sampling_rate / this_header.freq; %% Preprocessing % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Resampling'); cant_QRS_locations = length(QRS_locations); this_iter_QRS_seq_idx = 1:cant_QRS_locations; %resample to obj.sampling_rate Hz ECG = resample(ECG, obj.sampling_rate, this_header.freq); QRS_locations = colvec(round(QRS_locations * obj.sampling_rate / this_header.freq)); % this_iter_true_labels = true_labels(this_iter_QRS_seq_idx); this_iter_ECG_resampled_size = size(ECG,1); if( this_header.nsig > 2 ) %multilead approach. % project ECG and wtECG to obtain PCA components ECG = ECG * obj.autovec(:,1:2); % wtECG = cellfun(@(a)( a * obj.autovec(:,1:2) ), mat2cell(wtECG, this_iter_ECG_resampled_size, obj.ECG_header.nsig, ones(1,CantScales) ), 'UniformOutput', false); % wtECG = cell2mat(wtECG); end % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Filtering'); %Low pass filtering @ 35Hz => ECG recovery ECG = filter(obj.LP, ECG); %delay compensation. ECG = [ zeros(obj.delayLP, size(ECG,2) ) ;ECG(obj.LPsize:end,:) ; zeros(obj.delayLP, size(ECG,2))]; %Quito la linea de base. % ECG = BaselineWanderRemovalMedian( ECG, obj.sampling_rate); ECG = BaselineWanderRemovalSplines( ECG, QRS_locations, obj.sampling_rate); % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Wavelet transform calculation'); wtECG = qs_wt(ECG, obj.scales, obj.sampling_rate, obj.q_filters); %% Features Calculation % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); this_iter_seq_idx = 1:length(QRS_locations); % log(RRactual) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% featMat_ldc = log(colvec(RR_intervals(this_iter_QRS_seq_idx))/obj.sampling_rate); % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % log(RRpost) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% featMat_ldc = [ featMat_ldc log(colvec(RR_intervals(min(cant_QRS_locations, this_iter_QRS_seq_idx+1)))/obj.sampling_rate)]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % log(RRmean1) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% aux_idx = arrayfun(@(a)( find( QRS_locations >= (QRS_locations(a) - 1*60*obj.sampling_rate) & ... QRS_locations <= QRS_locations(a) )), ... this_iter_seq_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)(mean(RR_intervals(a))/obj.sampling_rate), aux_idx); featMat_ldc = [ featMat_ldc colvec(log(aux_featval)) ]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % log(RRmean20) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% aux_idx = arrayfun(@(a)( find( QRS_locations >= (QRS_locations(a) - 20*60*obj.sampling_rate) & ... QRS_locations <= QRS_locations(a) )), ... this_iter_QRS_seq_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)(mean(RR_intervals(a))/obj.sampling_rate), aux_idx); featMat_ldc = [ featMat_ldc colvec(log(aux_featval)) ]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % AutoCorr1PlanoWTZeroCross %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % AutoCorr1PlanoWTModMaxPos %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% aux_idx = arrayfun(@(a)( max(1, QRS_locations(a) - round(0.08*obj.sampling_rate)): ... min(this_iter_ECG_resampled_size, QRS_locations(a) + round(0.08*obj.sampling_rate))) , ... this_iter_seq_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)(squeeze(wtECG(a,:,obj.scale_idx(4)))), aux_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); %calculate PCA matrix in this slices for feature %AutoCorr1PlanoWTModMaxPos autovec_slices = cellfun(@(a)(autovec_calculation(a)), aux_featval, 'UniformOutput', false ); aux_idx = arrayfun(@(a)( max(1, QRS_locations(a) - round(0.13*obj.sampling_rate)): ... min(this_iter_ECG_resampled_size, QRS_locations(a) + round(0.2*obj.sampling_rate))) , ... this_iter_seq_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); aux_featval = cellfun(@(a,b)(squeeze(wtECG(a,:,obj.scale_idx(4))) * b), aux_idx, autovec_slices, 'UniformOutput', false); [ aux_mp aux_zc ] = cellfun(@(a)(CalcModMaxPos(a(:,1))), aux_featval ); featMat_ldc = [ featMat_ldc colvec(aux_zc) colvec(aux_mp) ]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % AutoCorr2PlanoWTZeroCross %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % AutoCorr2PlanoWTModMaxPos %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [ aux_mp aux_zc ] = cellfun(@(a)(CalcModMaxPos(a(:,2))), aux_featval ); featMat_ldc = [ featMat_ldc colvec(aux_zc) colvec(aux_mp) ]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); %clear some auxiliar variables. clear aux* %calculate clustering features. % log(RRactual) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% featMat_clust = featMat_ldc(:,1); % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % log(RRant) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% featMat_clust = [ featMat_clust log(colvec(RR_intervals(max(1, this_iter_QRS_seq_idx-1)))/obj.sampling_rate)]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % log(Prematuridad_loc) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% aux_idx = arrayfun(@(a)(max(1,a-1):min(cant_QRS_locations,a+1)), this_iter_QRS_seq_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); %tengo que contemplar los casos extremos if( length(aux_idx{1}) < 3 ) aux_idx{1} = [1 aux_idx{1}]; end if( length(aux_idx{end}) < 3 ) aux_idx{end} = [aux_idx{end} cant_QRS_locations]; end aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)( RR_intervals(a(2))/sum(RR_intervals(a)) ), aux_idx); featMat_clust = [ featMat_clust colvec(log(aux_featval)) ]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % log(AbsRRlocalVar) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% aux_idx = arrayfun(@(a)(max(1,a-1):min(cant_QRS_locations,a+1)), this_iter_QRS_seq_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); if( length(aux_idx{1}) < 3 ) aux_idx{1} = [1 aux_idx{1}]; end if( length(aux_idx{end}) < 3 ) aux_idx{end} = [aux_idx{end} cant_QRS_locations]; end aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)(obj.SmallValue+sum(abs(dRR_intervals(a)))/obj.sampling_rate), aux_idx); featMat_clust = [ featMat_clust colvec(log(aux_featval)) ]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % log(RRmean20) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% featMat_clust = [ featMat_clust featMat_ldc(:,4) ]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % log(QRS_max_scale_proj12) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% aux_idx = arrayfun(@(a)( max(1, QRS_locations(a) - round(0.08*obj.sampling_rate)): ... min(this_iter_ECG_resampled_size, QRS_locations(a) + round(0.08*obj.sampling_rate))) , ... this_iter_seq_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)(wtECG(a,:,:)), aux_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)(squeeze(sum(abs(a(:,1,:))))'), aux_featval, 'UniformOutput', false ); aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)(obj.scales * colvec(a) ./ sum(a)), aux_featval ); % iAreaAbs = squeeze(sum(abs(wtAux)))'; % MaxProjArea = obj.scales * iAreaAbs ./ sum(iAreaAbs); featMat_clust = [ featMat_clust colvec(log(aux_featval)) ]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % AutoCorr1PlanoWTModMaxPos %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% aux_idx = arrayfun(@(a)( max(1, QRS_locations(a) - round(0.13*obj.sampling_rate)): ... min(this_iter_ECG_resampled_size, QRS_locations(a) + round(0.2*obj.sampling_rate))) , ... this_iter_seq_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); aux_featval = cellfun(@(a,b)(squeeze(wtECG(a,:,obj.scale_idx(4))) * b), aux_idx, autovec_slices, 'UniformOutput', false); aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)(CalcModMaxPos(a(:,1))), aux_featval); featMat_clust = [ featMat_clust colvec(aux_featval) ]; % Update point obj.progress_hdl.checkpoint('Features calculation'); % CrossCorr_QRST_ModMaxVal13 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% aux_idx = arrayfun(@(a)( max(1, QRS_locations(a) - round(0.13*obj.sampling_rate)): ... min( [ this_iter_ECG_resampled_size, ... QRS_locations(a) + round(0.4*obj.sampling_rate), ... QRS_locations(a) + RR_intervals(a) - round(0.13*obj.sampling_rate) ] ) ), ... this_iter_seq_idx, 'UniformOutput', false); if( this_header.nsig > 2 ) % wtECG already projected in obj.autovec. aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)( CalcModMaxVal( squeeze(wtECG(a,:,obj.scale_idx(3))) ) ), aux_idx); else aux_featval = cellfun(@(a)( CalcModMaxVal( squeeze(wtECG(a,:,obj.scale_idx(3))) * obj.autovec ) ), aux_idx); end featMat_clust = [ featMat_clust colvec(aux_featval) ]; %save ECG for user interface and cluster analysis for ii = 1:length(obj.fnPayload) payload.(obj.fnPayload{ii}) = eval(obj.fnPayload{ii}); end end function allPayloads = Concatenate(obj, allPayloads, payload ) if( isempty(allPayloads) ) for ii = 1:length(obj.fnFMfile) allPayloads.(obj.fnFMfile{ii}) = payload.(obj.fnFMfile{ii}); end else for ii = 1:length(obj.fnFMfile) allPayloads.(obj.fnFMfile{ii}) = [allPayloads.(obj.fnFMfile{ii}); payload.(obj.fnFMfile{ii})]; end end [~, rec_filename] = fileparts(obj.recording_name); for ii = 1:length(obj.fnECGfile) aux_payload.(obj.fnECGfile{ii}) = payload.(obj.fnECGfile{ii}); end save([obj.tmp_path 'tmpfile_' rec_filename '_ECG_cantpids_' num2str(obj.cant_pids) '_' num2str(obj.this_pid) '_' num2str(obj.this_iteration) '_' num2str(obj.cant_iteration) '.mat'], '-struct', 'aux_payload' ); aux_ECG_filename = [obj.tmp_path 'tmpfile_' rec_filename '_ECG_cantpids_' num2str(obj.cant_pids) '_thispid_' num2str(obj.this_pid) '_iteration_' num2str(obj.this_iteration) '_of_' num2str(obj.cant_iteration) '.mat']; %do this for cluster supercomputers reasons movefile( [obj.tmp_path 'tmpfile_' rec_filename '_ECG_cantpids_' num2str(obj.cant_pids) '_' num2str(obj.this_pid) '_' num2str(obj.this_iteration) '_' num2str(obj.cant_iteration) '.mat'], ... aux_ECG_filename, 'f' ); cant_QRS = length(payload.QRS_locations); obj.QRS_idx = [obj.QRS_idx; uint16(colvec(1:cant_QRS))]; obj.File_idx = [obj.File_idx; repmat(uint16(obj.file_count), cant_QRS, 1)]; obj.File_list = [obj.File_list; cellstr(aux_ECG_filename)]; obj.file_count = obj.file_count + 1; end end end function autovec = autovec_calculation(wtECGslice) mean_wtECGslice = mean(wtECGslice); wtECGslice_cov = cov( bsxfun( @minus, wtECGslice, mean_wtECGslice )); [autovec autoval] = eig(wtECGslice_cov); [~, autoval_idx] = sort(diag(autoval), 'descend'); autovec = autovec(:,autoval_idx); end function [ ModMaxPos ZeroCross ] = CalcModMaxPos( wtSignal ) ModMaxPos = nan; ZeroCross = nan; lwtSignal = size(wtSignal, 1); if( all( wtSignal == 0 ) ) return end ac1 = conv(wtSignal(:,1), flipud(wtSignal(:,1))); ac1 = ac1(lwtSignal:end); ac1 = 1/ac1(1)*ac1; interp_idx = (1:0.1:lwtSignal)'; ac1_interp = spline( 1:lwtSignal, ac1, interp_idx ); iZeroCrossPos_ac1 = myzerocros(ac1); if( isempty(iZeroCrossPos_ac1)) return else if( iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1) < lwtSignal ) if( sign(ac1(iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1))) ~= sign(ac1(iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1)+1)) ) ZeroCross = iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1) - ac1(iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1)) / ( ac1(iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1)+1) - ac1(iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1)) ); else ZeroCross = (iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1)-1) - ac1(iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1)-1) / ( ac1(iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1)) - ac1(iZeroCrossPos_ac1(1)-1) ); end else return end end ModMaxPos_ac1 = modmax( ac1_interp, 2, 0, 0 ); if( ~isempty(ModMaxPos_ac1) ) valid_ac1_max_idx = find(interp_idx(ModMaxPos_ac1) > ZeroCross); if( ~isempty(valid_ac1_max_idx) ) ModMaxPos = interp_idx(ModMaxPos_ac1(valid_ac1_max_idx(1))); else return end else return end end function ModMaxVal = CalcModMaxVal( wtSignal ) % std_wtSignal = std(wtSignal); % wtSignal = bsxfun( @times, wtSignal, 1./std_wtSignal); cc = conv(wtSignal(:,1), flipud(wtSignal(:,2))); [~, max_pos] = max(abs(cc)); ModMaxVal = cc(max_pos); end