function UpdStructure = pls_updstruct(OldStructure, NewStructure) % % Structure update % % UpdStructure = updstruct(OldStructure, NewStructure) % % In the result UpdStructure all new filed from NewStructure will be added, % coinciding fields will be replaced, fields which do not exist in the NewStruct % will be preserved % Copyright: S.Verzakov, % Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands UpdStructure = OldStructure; if nargin < 2 | isempty(NewStructure) | ~isstruct(NewStructure) return; end fn = fieldnames(NewStructure); for i=1:length(fn) v = getfield(NewStructure,fn{i}); if isa(v,'struct'); if isfield(UpdStructure, fn{i}) w = getfield(UpdStructure, fn{i}); if isa(w,'struct') v = updstruct(w,v); end end end UpdStructure = setfield(UpdStructure,fn{i},v); end return;