function e = testcost(x,w,C,lablist) %TESTCOST compute the error using the cost matrix C % % Be Aware! This routine needs a lot of maintenance!! (RD) % % E = TESTCOST(A,W,C,LABLIST) % E = TESTCOST(A*W,C,LABLIST) % E = A*W*TESTCOST([],C,LABLIST) % % INPUT % A Dataset % W Trained classifier mapping % C Cost matrix % LABLIST Labels corresponding to the entries of C % % OUTPUT % E Total classification cost % % DESCRIPTION % Compute the misclassification cost using the cost matrix C. In % LABLIST the corresponding classes should be listed. Note that % classifier W should be a 'genuine' classifier, in the sense that the % output of the classifier should be transformed using CLASSC. See % for an example the help of costm.m. % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % TESTD, COSTM, SETCOST, GETCOST % Copyright: D.M.J. Tax, % Faculty of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands if nargin < 4 lablist = []; end if nargin < 3 C = []; end % Do it the same as testc: % When no input arguments are given, we just return an empty mapping: if (nargin == 0) | (isempty(x)) % No mercy: all parameters have to be defined: if isempty(C) error('Lablist should be defined for empty mapping'); end if isempty(w) error('C-matrix should be defined for empty mapping'); end % Sometimes Prtools is crazy, but fun!: e = prmapping(mfilename,'fixed',{w,C}); return elseif (~isempty(w)) & (ismapping(w)) % we first have to map the data using the classifier: ismapping(w); istrained(w); e = feval(mfilename,x*w,C,lablist); else % Now we are doing the actual work: % find out where the cost-matrix and lablist are: lablist = C; C = w; if isempty(C) cost = getuserdata(x); C = cost.C; lablist = cost.lablist; end % Check if everything is defined: if isempty(C) error('Cost matrix is not defined!'); end if isempty(lablist) error('Lablist is not defined!'); end % true labels: [nlab1,lablist1]=getnlab(x); % match with C-lablist I1 = matchlablist(lablist1,lablist); % give a warning if it does not fit: if any(I1==0) error('Some objects have labels which are not defined in C!'); end % and fix it: nlab1 = I1(nlab1); % estimated labels: [mx,nlab2] = max(x,[],2); lablist2 = getfeatlab(x); %La= lablist2(nlab2,:); % match with C-lablist I2 = matchlablist(lablist2,lablist); % give a warning if it does not fit: if any(I2==0) error('The classifier outputs a label which are not defined in C!'); end % and fix it: nlab2 = I2(nlab2); %Lb= lablist(nlab2,:); %[La Lb] % finally, we can compute the cost: e = 0; n = length(nlab1); for i=1:n %DXD: to make the cost matrix definition consistent with that one %used in costm.m, this should be the order of the lab1 and lab2: e = e + C(nlab1(i),nlab2(i)); end % return the average cost (i.e. normalized by the number of objects): e = e/n; end return