4 P5  8__PAGEZERO__TEXT __text__TEXT  __symbol_stub__TEXT *f __stub_helper__TEXTt*t__cstring__TEXT*+*__unwind_info__TEXT/H__DATA0 __program_vars__DATA0 __nl_symbol_ptr__DATA0 __la_symbol_ptr__DATA(0D( __common__DATAl0__bss__DATA08__LINKEDIT@0"000<P0l1,23 P43' /usr/lib/dyld%|k:#~V:$ P   /Users/admin/Documents/workspace/wfdb-app-toolbox/mcode/nativelibs/macosx/build//lib/libwfdb.10.dylib 4/usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib 4/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib& 2 ),2j]$ML$ˉ\$u\$ $ USWVL_}؋E 04$ xf.9/tI9sA}؉EĉD$@o@$}NE1E1E}  9-qQqK]܃6}؋} HM;MWD$!Eԋ]܋EpruH;MNDEЉT@tx;}GD$Ɖ} $H;MEDEȋ]܉fff.@;E&Mȅ@/ۉ]܋] $EL8M̍ D$ $xt D$Ẻ$[uHE?u؋UċL$ T$z L$$ $E D$ $t&D$ D$<$_}Ѕu?lj<$ xffff.9/tI9syt A<.uA<$}u/GЀs <w $ƅuZMċ L$ L$$D$ , $D$D$.[ $uԉ|$}Ѝc D$ }<$D$ D$~BBǍj Fǃy@ǃǃRy@ǃNǃǃ^ǃ ǃj <$D$}td1}~+]$uG;}|ffff.]$u$~G9|ߋEЉ$|$k $D$Wq1ۋ}ԅ~<$Cb}<$"u}t<$*~C9|ًEЉ$ fff.<$y $ u؋UċL$ T$ U؋Mċ L$ U؋Mċ L$= U؋Mċ L$] {U؋Mċ L$ \;u$RMċ |$ L$ L$$1$$$$R.@USWV_1tZÀtڃ@Ez Ãt+t!فÀD~ z fD$ .$D$D$;Oz 4 @L DΉz ~ ‰~ t ~ E‰ ~ B^_[]fDUVPu4$x8/tH9s@^]ffffff.USWV ^NV L$L$$Y&L$\$$;eL$\$$#~L$\$$ L$\$$ L$\$$PL$\$$pL$\$$L$\$$L$\$${aL$\$$cL$\$$K ^_[]Ð%(0%,0%00%40%80%<0%@0%D0%H0%L0%P0%T0%X0%\0%`0%d0%h0h0%0hhhh1hBhShahthhhh|hrhhh^hThJ%s: start time must follow -f %s: name of AHA-format input file must follow -i %s: record name must follow -r %s: end time must follow -t %s: unrecognized option %s %s: unrecognized argument %s .CMP.cmp-rb%s: can't read input file `%s' 35:03:0:0%s: warning: end time not specified, output may be truncated rerun with -t TIME to override 100:0:0%s.dat16unexpected EOF in input file %s usage: %s -i AHAFILE [ OPTIONS ... ] where AHAFILE is the name of the AHA-format input signal file,and OPTIONS may include: -c process a compressed input file (default if AHAFILE ends with .CMP or .cmp; otherwise old AHA tape format assumed) -f TIME begin at specified TIME (default: 0, i.e., the beginning of the input file) -h print this usage summary -r RECORD specify the name of the output RECORD (default: use the, input file name, less path info and extension, as RECORD) -t TIME stop at specified TIME (default: 35 minutes after the starting time if RECORD=x2xx or x3xx, 3 hours if RECORD=x0xx or x1xx, or the end of the input file)44 4 l0p0t0x0|0*************+ ++ +"UD`!4ppQ@___stderrpQr@___stdinp@dyld_stub_binderr(@_getvecr,@_isigopenr0@_isigsettimer4@_newheaderr8@_osigfopenr<@_putvecr@@_setsampfreqrD@_strtimrH@_wfdbquitrL@___sprintf_chkrP@_exitrT@_fprintfrX@_freopen$UNIX2003r\@_fwrite$UNIX2003r`@_getcharrd@_strcmprh@_strlen__mh_execute_header!@ @<BEa'2<BK]nw  @  __mh_execute_header___sprintf_chk___stderrp___stdinp_exit_fprintf_freopen$UNIX2003_fwrite$UNIX2003_getchar_getvec_isigopen_isigsettime_newheader_osigfopen_putvec_setsampfreq_strcmp_strlen_strtim_wfdbquitdyld_stub_binderradr://5614542 H__PAGEZEROx__TEXT __text__TEXTpp__stubs__TEXT f __stub_helper__TEXT__const__TEXTHH__cstring__TEXTPP__unwind_info__TEXTh__eh_frame__TEXT@@(__DATA  __program_vars__DATA ( __nl_symbol_ptr__DATA( ( __got__DATA8 8 __la_symbol_ptr__DATAH H __common__DATA (__bss__DATA!H__LINKEDIT00"000@H0`1(2 4 P3& /usr/lib/dyldbmG21%^&O$ *p   /Users/admin/Documents/workspace/wfdb-app-toolbox/mcode/nativelibs/macosx/build//lib/libwfdb.10.dylib 8/usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib 8/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib&2)(2jHHH}HuHHHH9uH UHAWAVAUATSH8AHIHH HxD9/tHH9sHHHF =E1D*A1HE1HE11HELffff.AIcH €9-5AqTH,HcHAA9A$IcHHHH51)I>HH1HI>H1HI>H1HI>H11HI>He1HI>H1HI>H1HI>H1HI>H)1HnI>HW1HZI>H1H[A^]B%"%$%&%(%*%,%.%0%2%4%6%8%:%<%>%@%BLAS%hhhh1hBhShahthhhhxhnhdhZhPhF@o@%s: start time must follow -f %s: name of AHA-format input file must follow -i %s: record name must follow -r %s: end time must follow -t %s: unrecognized option %s %s: unrecognized argument %s .CMP.cmp-rb%s: can't read input file `%s' 35:03:0:0%s: warning: end time not specified, output may be truncated rerun with -t TIME to override 100:0:0%s.dat16unexpected EOF in input file %s usage: %s -i AHAFILE [ OPTIONS ... ] where AHAFILE is the name of the AHA-format input signal file,and OPTIONS may include: -c process a compressed input file (default if AHAFILE ends with .CMP or .cmp; otherwise old AHA tape format assumed) -f TIME begin at specified TIME (default: 0, i.e., the beginning of the input file) -h print this usage summary -r RECORD specify the name of the output RECORD (default: use the, input file name, less path info and extension, as RECORD) -t TIME stop at specified TIME (default: 35 minutes after the starting time if RECORD=x2xx or x3xx, 3 hours if RECORD=x0xx or x1xx, or the end of the input file)p44!4  @P`!aXzRx ,PAC M$L0AC F$t7AC B$0AC C    $.8"UD`@___stderrpQr8@___stdinp@dyld_stub_binderrH@_getvecrP@_isigopenrX@_isigsettimer`@_newheaderrh@_osigfopenrp@_putvecrx@_setsampfreqr@_strtimr@_wfdbquitr@___sprintf_chkr@_exitr@_fprintfr@_freopenr@_fwriter@_getcharr@_strcmpr@_strlen__mh_execute_header @ @<BEa'2<BKT\emw  @  __mh_execute_header___sprintf_chk___stderrp___stdinp_exit_fprintf_freopen_fwrite_getchar_getvec_isigopen_isigsettime_newheader_osigfopen_putvec_setsampfreq_strcmp_strlen_strtim_wfdbquitdyld_stub_binderradr://5614542