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usage summary -i include intervals bounded by any QRS annotations -p TYPE [ TYPE ... ] include intervals bounded by annotations of listed TYPEs only -t TIME stop at specified TIME -x exclude intervals adjacent to abnormal beatsEach line of output contains data derived from a single interbeat interval: * Elapsed time (in seconds) from the beginning of the record to the beginning of the interval (may be modified by -v or -V options below) * Instantaneous heart rate (in beats per minute) * Interval type (1 if the interval was bounded by normal beats, otherwise 0 (this column does not appear in the output if the -x option is used)Use one of the following options to modify the format of the first column: -v print times of beginnings of intervals as sample numbers -vh same as -v, but print times in hours -vm same as -v, but print times in minutes -vs same as -v, but print times in seconds [default] -V print times of ends of intervals as sample numbers -Vh same as -V, but print times in hours -Vm same as -V, but print times in minutes -Vs same as -V, but print times in seconds 44f4 00111'''''''( (( (*(*C****+Q++++,b,,,%-q--.K.z...#/R//"UC`&!. ppQ@___stderrpQr@dyld_stub_binderr$@_annopenr(@_getannr,@_iannsettimer0@_sampfreqr4@_setsampfreqr8@_strannr<@_strtimr@@_atofrD@_exitrH@_fprintfrL@_printfrP@_strlen__mh_execute_header@@<BEa#,28AIV^hu}  @  __mh_execute_header___stderrp_annopen_atof_exit_fprintf_getann_iannsettime_printf_sampfreq_setsampfreq_strann_strlen_strtimdyld_stub_binderradr://5614542( H__PAGEZEROx__TEXT __text__TEXT` s ` __stubs__TEXTH__stub_helper__TEXT__const__TEXTr__cstring__TEXT""__unwind_info__TEXT`__eh_frame__TEXTXXx__DATA  __program_vars__DATA ( __nl_symbol_ptr__DATA( (  __got__DATA8 8 __la_symbol_ptr__DATA@ `@ __const__DATA  __bss__DATAp!H__common__DATA!(H__LINKEDIT00"000080013 P2 /usr/lib/dyldcp;^z$ *`    /Users/admin/Documents/workspace/wfdb-app-toolbox/mcode/nativelibs/macosx/build//lib/libwfdb.10.dylib 8/usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib 8/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib&1)1jHHH}HuHHHH9uH i UHAWAVAUATSHADmHIHM H Hxfffff.9/tHH9sHHH oAM1HE ALL H91HEHE1E+AE9sIcIH9fff.H0wB f1Ɉ HH2ummu ^1WhDlAE9EIcMI| MDELL DlhAE9IcHEDlhEEt$E9IcLH<IۍH1HH AD$D9DlEl$AIcIMH;?-txEH0w HH EuHAD;mE|AFJAE9bIcIHEAE9fIcHEDAE9|e]AEEDlMDmD9ELL t HcI ˀ9-uD ADHhAIcI À9-Q1`BVAAhQs>fffff.ŸwiIcLL5;I>HHH5@ 1L%|L=" DII>1LHHu1HH8HvHH51dLuMLmHCt H HuaL5I>HH51LL%L=|ffffff.II>1LHHuAMEDlLPfWf.vPDhZH5KLjMHEHLt!HIIHL HH51mL% L=II>1LIHHu[A\A^A_]Ð%f %h %j %l %n %p %r %t %v %x %z %| L AS%hhhh0h@hShahoh{hhhx$@@o@N@Q@%s: annotator must follow -a %s: tolerance must follow -d %s: starting time must follow -f %s: annotation mnemonic(s) must follow -p %s: input record name must follow -r %s: end time must follow -t %s: unrecognized option %s %s: unrecognized argument %s %ld %.3lf %.5lf %.7lf %g %g %d %s usage: %s -r RECORD -a ANNOTATOR [OPTIONS ...] where RECORD and ANNOTATOR specify the input, and OPTIONS may include: -d TOL reject beat-to-beat HR changes > TOL bpm (default: TOL = 10) -f TIME start at specified TIME -h print this usage summary -i include intervals bounded by any QRS annotations -p TYPE [ TYPE ... ] include intervals bounded by annotations of listed TYPEs only -t TIME stop at specified TIME -x exclude intervals adjacent to abnormal beatsEach line of output contains data derived from a single interbeat interval: * Elapsed time (in seconds) from the beginning of the record to the beginning of the interval (may be modified by -v or -V options below) * Instantaneous heart rate (in beats per minute) * Interval type (1 if the interval was bounded by normal beats, otherwise 0 (this column does not appear in the output if the -x option is used)Use one of the following options to modify the format of the first column: -v print times of beginnings of intervals as sample numbers -vh same as -v, but print times in hours -vm same as -v, but print times in minutes -vs same as -v, but print times in seconds [default] -V print times of ends of intervals as sample numbers -Vh same as -V, but print times in hours -Vm same as -V, but print times in minutes -Vs same as -V, but print times in seconds` 444 @   XzRx ,() AC P$L7AC B,tcAC G!!!!,6@JT^hr|Q1TT0cF$a"UC`%@___stderrpQr8@dyld_stub_binderr@@_annopenrH@_getannrP@_iannsettimerX@_sampfreqr`@_setsampfreqrh@_strannrp@_strtimrx@_atofr@_exitr@_fprintfr@_printfr@_strlen__mh_execute_header@@<BEa#,28AIV^hu}  @  __mh_execute_header___stderrp_annopen_atof_exit_fprintf_getann_iannsettime_printf_sampfreq_setsampfreq_strann_strlen_strtimdyld_stub_binderradr://5614542