5 PE D 8__PAGEZERO__TEXT __text__TEXT __symbol_stub__TEXTB'TB__stub_helper__TEXT'__const__TEXT0(0__cstring__TEXT8(t8__unwind_info__TEXT/H__DATA0 __program_vars__DATA0 __nl_symbol_ptr__DATA0D __la_symbol_ptr__DATAX08X __data__DATA0 __bss__DATA0__common__DATA08__LINKEDIT@0"000<T0,1P34 P44- /usr/lib/dyld~KIS?fFK$ P   /Users/admin/Documents/workspace/wfdb-app-toolbox/mcode/nativelibs/macosx/build//lib/libwfdb.10.dylib 4/usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib 4/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib&<3)P3j]$ML$ˉ\$u\$ $ USWV ^E D$E$b^;|JHffff.BX\YXu~9Ћ~|9~xffffff.u99uK{uv;u4fff.62._9|Ӌ6)+ 9}.f.2N$% $& @UWV^?|$$ uHfC<u;kuӋ?7Gt@$ o 37^_]ffff.UWV^|$$D uJf<u;uӋct@$$ Cc^_]fUXEhXh\EYX``]USWV<^E $ <xffff.?/tO9sGE؉8}RE@EfM 9-Q`8LX;]~M DDŸJFH;MM ˋLv LJ@;EX;]M D$ =raX;]M D?X;]~%@;Ez C;]EvM܋ lUz t#j|$ L$$E$]Wf.ErGjM؋ L$ L$$D$@o@D$ D$@o@$H}tM $7yN $tM $ yR $ ȉUMA AEL$$D$I<^_[]ËjL$ |$ L$$$$}jL$ |$ 뽉j|$ 막j|$| 둉j|$ xj|$ _j|$ Fj|$S -j|$s j|$ ;jM؋ L$T $o&s,IfzUSWV,^^b  "rEWf.uzJ]*D$<$tmV D$<$ti$}* L$$ku9 *T$ L$ s**X L$$  L$ L$$ZL$ L$$L$1 L$$OL$J L$$E8jb*t^QL$ *YrY^QYL$d L$$D$r*b^D$ u2ZL$o L$$ L$$M9 j*bt3^Qr^T$L$ L$ L$$DYr(Y^QY^T$L$ L$$L$ ,^_[]Ë ZT$ L$Q Z? 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REF is reference annotator name; TEST isthe test annotator name; and OPTIONS may include any of: -f TIME begin comparison at specified TIME (default: 5 minutes after beginning of record) -h print this usage summary -l FILE append line-format reports to FILE -L FILE same as -l FILE -m TYPE specify measurement type to be compared (-128 to 127; default: 0) -s FILE append standard-format reports to FILE -t TIME stop comparison at specified TIME (default: end of record if defined, end of reference annotation file otherwise; if TIME is 0, the comparison ends when the end of either annotation file is reached) -u calculate unnormalized RMS measurement error 44B4 00000001111 1$1(1,10141''''''''''(((&(8("UBSB`BQ!. ppQ@___stderrpQr(@___stdoutp@dyld_stub_binderrX@_annopenr\@_getannr`@_sampfreqrd@_setsampfreqrh@_strtimrl@_wfdbquitrp@_atofrt@_atoirx@_exitr|@_fcloser@_fopen$UNIX2003r@_fprintfr@_strcmpr@_strlen__mh_execute_header@@ <BEa#.7=CIQajr|  @  __mh_execute_header___stderrp___stdoutp_annopen_atof_atoi_exit_fclose_fopen$UNIX2003_fprintf_getann_sampfreq_setsampfreq_strcmp_strlen_strtim_wfdbquitdyld_stub_binderradr://5614542( H__PAGEZEROx__TEXT00__text__TEXT0w 0__stubs__TEXT%T%__stub_helper__TEXT%%__const__TEXT&&__cstring__TEXT&t&__unwind_info__TEXT.x.__eh_frame__TEXT.h.x__DATA00__program_vars__DATA0(0__nl_symbol_ptr__DATA(0(0__got__DATA8080__la_symbol_ptr__DATAH0pH0__data__DATA00__bss__DATA00__common__DATA1H__LINKEDIT@@"0@@@H@A@CD PpD  /usr/lib/dyld.";Fc͑$ *0   /Users/admin/Documents/workspace/wfdb-app-toolbox/mcode/nativelibs/macosx/build//lib/libwfdb.10.dylib 8/usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib 8/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib&(C)@CjHHH}HuHHHH9uH m UHAWAVAUATSPL=6H'ffffff.IH;|HL%L-L57D hXA\ WYXC;HHH~HH9I~~H9~yff.Hu+HHuH9IH9uJuf.HueHSH;Du%SHA$AE\H%IH9|H)H+ H9}AEA$H8g 1 ff.UHSPH51 u/Hf<u;t#1H{ tHzH{H[]H}HfH=HtH^ HHfffff.UHSPH5K u?H6fffff.f)<u;It)H tHH HH[]HH HH=HtH H2HDUHX\YX]fffff.UHAWAVAUATSPIAIHW L$HxA<$/tII9sIHL AAWAH5@HcHAE9HIH RHAIcIHAAE9IcH mHAE9IcIH5b1MI>HHH5^12I>HSH5b1A?I>\HMH*t^QH5x'Y 9Y^QYH5 I> H* ^H5VH[A^A_]Au(H51wH;H51fH;A?HHH*t^Q ^H5 .Y o(Y^QY^H5H[A^A_]H- HHHH5~1HωH HH\H HL%H HH6H H L@H5K1HωQ5AH HH HH5@1HHT HH HH H591HHf.UHAVSL5 I>Hp HH51I>HH1HI>H1HrI>H#1H^I>HP1HJI>Hb1H6I>Hq1H"I>H1HI>H1HI>H1HI>H1HI>H1HI>HD1HI>Ht1HI>H1H[A^]~@UHSPHxHH HxfD8/tHH9sHH[]Ð% % % % % % % % % % % % % % L- AS% hhhh-h@hNh^hjhwhhhxhnhd@o@Y@-%s: reference and test annotator names must follow -a %s: start time must follow -f %s: output file name must follow -l %s: measurement number must follow -m %s: measurement number must be between -128 and 127 %s: record name must follow -r %s: output file name must follow -s %s: end time must follow -t %s: unrecognized option %s %s: unrecognized argument %s %s: (warning) nonstandard comparison selected %s: (warning) %g Hz sampling frequency assumed 5:0e%s: improper interval specified %s: no measurements of type %d in either input file %s: no measurements of type %d for annotator %s %s: reference measurements have zero mean rw%s: can't create %s (Measurement errors) Measurement %d Record RMS error (%%) Mean reference measurement a%s: can't modify %s Measurement-by-measurement comparison results for record %s Measurement number %d Reference annotator: %s Test annotator: %s Normalized RMS error: %7.4lf%% (n = %ld) Unnormalized RMS error: %7.4lf (n = %ld) Mean reference measurement: %g %6s %7.4lf %g %6s %7.4lf %g (unnormalized) %s usage: %s -r RECORD -a REF TEST [OPTIONS ...] where RECORD is the record name; REF is reference annotator name; TEST isthe test annotator name; and OPTIONS may include any of: -f TIME begin comparison at specified TIME (default: 5 minutes after beginning of record) -h print this usage summary -l FILE append line-format reports to FILE -L FILE same as -l FILE -m TYPE specify measurement type to be compared (-128 to 127; default: 0) -s FILE append standard-format reports to FILE -t TIME stop comparison at specified TIME (default: end of record if defined, end of reference annotation file otherwise; if TIME is 0, the comparison ends when the end of either annotation file is reached) -u calculate unnormalized RMS measurement error$$X0<<%< ,@P @ !azRx ,uAC J$LAC B$tAC B$2AC , _AC J$AC F$hLAC C$D7AC B1111 && &*&4&>&H&R&\&f&p&z&&&&"UD^BQ@___stderrpQr8@___stdoutp@dyld_stub_binderrH@_annopenrP@_getannrX@_sampfreqr`@_setsampfreqrh@_strtimrp@_wfdbquitrx@_atofr@_atoir@_exitr@_fcloser@_fopenr@_fprintfr@_strcmpr@_strlen__mh_execute_header0@@ <BEa#.7=CIQXais  @  __mh_execute_header___stderrp___stdoutp_annopen_atof_atoi_exit_fclose_fopen_fprintf_getann_sampfreq_setsampfreq_strcmp_strlen_strtim_wfdbquitdyld_stub_binderradr://5614542