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shouldn't call Huffdecode with section = %d Amplitude value multiplier: %g nanovolts per unit Sample time interval: %d microseconds Warning: section 5 and 6 sample intervals don't match Encoding type: %d Compression type: %d Lead %d:%5d bytes Error: %d data byte%s missing from section %d Warning: %d extra byte%s in section %d Lead %d data %02x %5d %5d %5d %5d Error: %ld sample%s missing in lead %d Warning: %ld extra bit%s in lead %d Error: section 7 is too short (len = %d) Error: section 7 is too short (nmb = %d, nps = %d) QRS complexes measured: %d Measurement blocks: %d Number of measurement blocks: %d Number of pacemaker spikes: %d Mean RR interval: %d ms Mean PP interval: %d ms Block %d P onset: %d ms P end: %d ms QRS onset: %d ms QRS end: %d ms T end: %d ms P axis: %d degrees QRS axis: %d degrees T axis: %d degrees Spike %d: %u ms, %d microvolts (unknown spike type, (triggers neither P nor QRS, (triggers a QRS, (triggers a P, (spike type %d, source unknown, internal, external, source type %d, not linked to a QRS, linked to QRS #%d, %d microseconds ) sec7qrs = <%d> QRS type information (%d beats) QRS %d: reference beat type %d %d bytes remaining in section 7 %5d [%3d] Status: %d Date: %4d/%02d/%02d Time: %02d:%02d:%02d Number of statements: %d Statement %2d: (%d bytes) [%%%ds] Data: n/comp rej absent%8dParameter Units%8s <%4d> P duration ms PR interval ms QRS duration ms QT interval ms Q duration ms R duration ms S duration ms R' duration ms S' duration ms Q amplitude uV R amplitude uV S amplitude uV J amplitude uV P+ amplitude uV P- amplitude uV T+ amplitude uV T- amplitude uV ST slope uV/s P morphology -- T morphology -- Isoelec (I) ms Isoelec (K) ms Intrins defl ms Quality -- ST (J+20ms) uV ST (J+60ms) uV ST (J+80ms) uV ST (J+RRm/16) uV ST (J+RRm/8) uVError: too many (%d) leads Results for %d leads Calculating lead aVF Calculating lead aVL Calculating lead aVR Calculating lead I Calculating lead II Calculating lead III Universal statement codes resulting from the interpretation Lead measurement results Manufacturer specific diagnostic and overreading data Textual diagnosis from the interpretive device Global measurements Residual signal after reference beat subtraction (if reference beats are stored); otherwise, encoded rhythm data Encoded reference beat data QRS locations ECG lead definition Huffman tables used in encoding of ECG data Header information - Patient data/ECG acquisition data [skipped] Pointers to data areas in the record Warning: section length exceeds amount of remaining data This section will not be parsedHex dump of data area: Error: section 0 overlaps the next section Error: section 0 contains no data Warning: SCPECG identifier is missing in header Error: time of acquisition (tag 26) is missing Error: date of acquisition (tag 25) is missing Error: device ID number (tag 14) is missing Error: header terminator (tag 255) is missingoops! undefined variable type Free text medical history Time zone Electrode configuration code Medical history codes Sequence number Free text field (comments) Filter bit map Low-pass filter Baseline filter Time of acquisition Date of acquisition Stat code (urgency) Room Technician Latest confirming physician Referring physician Analyzing department Acquiring department Analyzing institution Acquiring institution ID of the analyzing device(60 Hz)(50 Hz)(unspecified) ID of the acquiring device Diagnosis or referral indication Diastolic blood pressure Systolic blood pressure Drug Race Sex Weight Height Date of birth Age Second last name Patient ID number First name Last name Error: section 1 contains no data Using standard Huffman table only Error: section 2 contains no data All leads recorded simultaneously Reference beat subtraction not used for compression Reference beat subtraction used for compression Error: section3 contains no data Error: QRS locations are missing QRS locations: Error: reference beat subtraction zones are missing Error: start and end should be zero for beats of non-zero types Reference beat subtraction zones: Error: section 4 contains no data Error: section 5 contains no dataHuffman encoding error Error: section 6 contains no dataError: sampling frequency not specified; assuming 500 Hz Error: no leads recorded Error: number of leads undefined -- section 3 missing or out of order(bimodal)(non-bimodal)(second differences)(first differences)(amplitudes) (Measurements for each reference beat type)width unknown) Pacemaker spike measurement data T axis: undefined QRS axis: undefined P axis: undefined (First measurement block contains measurements for reference beat type 0; Others contain measurements for each individual beat) Error: section 7 contains no data Error: data missing in section 8(overread report, but not confirmed)(confirmed report)(original report, not confirmed) Error: section 8 contains no data Error: section 9 contains no data Error: section 10 contains no data Error: section 11 contains no data0 44b4  @T0:DNXblvƯЯگ  *4>HR\fmorvz~ мؼ mo#&*.26:>@BDHLU_hrtvxz|~)6DJPV\brv~zhmpsw{!@_~  <=|},"UF`A0PRG`b0xR!ppQ@___stack_chk_guardQr@___stderrp@___stdinp@___stdoutp@dyld_stub_binderr@_newheaderr@_osigfopenr@_putinfor@_putvecr@_setbasetimer@_setsampfreqr@_wfdbquitr@___sprintf_chkr@___stack_chk_failr@___strcpy_chkr@_atoir@_callocr@_exitr@_fcloser@_ferrorr@_fopen$UNIX2003r@_fprintfr@_freadr@_freer@_fwrite$UNIX2003r@_isprintr@_mallocr@_memcpyr@_memsetr@_printfr@_putcharr@_putsr@_qsortr@_strcmpr@_strlenr@_strncmpr@_strncpy__mh_execute_header@ 0 !`:P'`;@<BEa'9LWalz &,4;HU]enw % !"#$&@ % !"#$__mh_execute_header___sprintf_chk___stack_chk_fail___stack_chk_guard___stderrp___stdinp___stdoutp___strcpy_chk_atoi_calloc_exit_fclose_ferror_fopen$UNIX2003_fprintf_fread_free_fwrite$UNIX2003_isprint_malloc_memcpy_memset_newheader_osigfopen_printf_putchar_putinfo_puts_putvec_qsort_setbasetime_setsampfreq_strcmp_strlen_strncmp_strncpy_wfdbquitdyld_stub_binderradr://5614542x H__PAGEZEROx__TEXT__text__TEXT'__stubs__TEXT__stub_helper__TEXTxPx__const__TEXTȚXȚ__cstring__TEXT . __unwind_info__TEXT__eh_frame__TEXTH__DATA`__program_vars__DATA(__got__DATA( ( __nl_symbol_ptr__DATAHH$__la_symbol_ptr__DATAXX&__const__DATA```__data__DATA __common__DATAh(__bss__DATAP<-H__LINKEDIT0"0Xpp@'p P%XF /usr/lib/dyld0*0;Ǵ]$ *   /Users/admin/Documents/workspace/wfdb-app-toolbox/mcode/nativelibs/macosx/build//lib/libwfdb.10.dylib 8/usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib 8/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib&8)jHHH}HuHHHH9uH|5UHG ]ff.UHf]UHOHH WHH GHH ]DUHH~aHDHDE1DA1Dʃ EAAAAE 1D1%D1H ]UHSPAH~]HDHDE1DA1DЃ EAAAAE 1D1ہD1H fD9‹5ut9H=݇1H&tAH=ԇ1HΉޅ1ۃ=t H[]ÿxUHAWAVAUATSHE1<L5?H`M&K<L+K|HK<*Y̆O*ĆYXOW*YX,fW*YOW*%YXOW*YXOW*YX,fHOTIIAAr~IAMGEHfffff.OW*YTO\OTOtO*YXW*YX,fHHIL9rALAIHc OW*YAIHcO*YXBGW*YXAIc4WW*Y \X,fB4@ OW*YB GW*YX WW*YX,f PKN޻IA9H[A\A]A^A_]H,HH=X"H[A\A]A^A_]DUH)]fUHAWAVAUATSHhL-йIEHEH8uecgH HpH}1IJH H}1I+H لH}1I =/t#H LH}1H5H}IMH5H}HHEH5cH}ǁI1M^ =tH5<H}蠁IM/ H==L虁H5:HKH $LM1L[ H5"1LDH=LCH wrH t HcHH= `HH8HHH5y1HM LHH8HbHH5K1HM H=L謀H5H1L|H5H1LdJtH51LIH=jLFHH5k1L=tHH5s1LH=GLLuHϸH5N1LtH5^1LH=1L1ۃ=~3L5L=3I 1LLUH;T|*"YH5L#H= L"tH= L~ɷH]tH=҂ L~tH=L~tH=L~\tH= Lo~9uH=LL~H=zL3~նH5^1L~¶H5X1L}H5N1L}H5B1L}H5:1L}vH501L}bH5#1Ly}LH51La}6H5 1LI}L ]L'}H= H8}H5HH ûL1H|H5ǁH$1H|H5H1H|H|=ùWHLE1HfAfDKH=GAH AH J PLBLHH!tRHvHt+H1vHTH8HҴHH5x1HM!H1H8HHH5x1HM1uIEH;EuHh[A\A]A^A_]uH=x&H=xH=x @UHAWAVAUATSH8L%pI$HEH=)uHxguHHH &{L=E1H1HMtLtvtH1L(H5zHi@HJHPHp@(Hx@4HHPH`uH=: .tE1 *H uzL&L O1Lu*1LtLsL=FIH8FL- L5ff.HIMHHHH5H4H=Ht#HGLH)1HH=YtXiH߻LH)H9I=t H=8iE1H Ħfff.HJ<+H˦L0K<hHtJH HHH5vp1lfI>HH5zl1XfIH=lWffHFHH=rh"-f=, MHHHxEH~HHEH0HuHcHEAL HHH0HuHH(AJHhK H`1E1fMIfB<2Aj}A]J2HPN|2LHJ\2HpHEH4HH`B9HH)HuB9HHHhN8B9HHE1HL)H;E9JD2K)HMDHcHMLl L9iHhB9)HcH`B49HMIIIIH0NHH=lAH&HH=l)fH HxH=rl H=Bl!_Lef=Иff ff =tH=&_ r5fwHH=bH?H4HHH9HGHH4H7HH= H? 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Institution #: %d Report %d: %s Bandwidth: %g-%d Hz Filtering: 60 Hz notch 50 Hz notch Artifact filter Baseline filter RR interval: %d P onset: %d P end: %d QRS onset: %d QRS end: %d T end: %d P axis: %d QRS axis: %d T axis: %d #ECG/1.0 key Name: %s MRN: %s samp# I II III aVR aVF aVL V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6%5d%7d#ECG/1.0 signals Record: %s (%s %s) #ECG/1.0 signals Record: %s (%s %s) Low-pass filtered IIIIIIaVRaVFaVLV1V2V3V4V5V6insufficient memory in write_wfdb_record %s.datmV%s %s : %d : %cusage: %s -o RECORD [OPTIONS ...] Manufacturer code: %d Text model description: [%d] SCP-ECG protocol revision number: %g SCP-ECG protocol compatibility level: %d Language support code: %d Device capabilities: %d AC mains frequency environment: %d Analyzing program revision number: [%s] Serial number of acquisition device: [%s] Acquisition device system software ID: [%s] Acquisition device SCP implementation ID: [%s] Manufacturer of acquisition device: [%s] Tag%3d (%2d bytes): [%%%ds] Error: incorrect date format (%d bytes) %4d/%02d/%02d Error: incorrect time format (%d bytes) %02d:%02d:%02d Error: incorrect format (%d bytes instead of 1) %d Error: incorrect format (%d bytes instead of 2) Error: incorrect format (%d bytes instead of 3) %d (code %d)%d, \%03o%d %s %d%s, %sPatient name (%s, %s) is too long Name not available -- too long Number of Huffman tables defined: %d Number of code structures in table 1: %d V7V2RV3RV4RV5RV6RV7RXYZCC5CM5Left ArmRight ArmLeft LegI (Frank)ECAMFHI-calII-calV1-calV2-calV3-calV4-calV5-calV6-calV7-calV2R-calV3R-calV4R-calV5R-calV6R-calV7R-calX-calY-calZ-calCC5-calCM5-calLeft Arm-calRight Arm-calLeft Leg-calI-cal (Frank)E-calC-calA-calM-calF-calH-cal-aVRV8V9V8RV9RD (Nehb - Dorsal)A (Nehb - Anterior)J (Nehb - InferiorDefibrillator lead: anterior-lateralExternal pacing lead: anterior-posteriorA1 (Auxiliary unipolar lead 1)A2 (Auxiliary unipolar lead 2)A3 (Auxiliary unipolar lead 3)A4 (Auxiliary unipolar lead 4)V8-calV9-calV8R-calV9R-calD-cal (Nehb - Dorsal)A-cal (Nehb - Anterior)J-cal (Nehb - Inferior) Number of leads: %d Error: too many (%ld) leads Flag byte: %xH %d leads recorded simultaneously %s : ID %d, samples %d to %d Length of reference beat type 0 data: %d msec Sample # of fiducial relative to start of ref beat type 0: %d Number of QRS complexes in the entire record: %d Error: too many (%d) beats %2d Type: %2d start: %7d fiducial: %7d end: %7d %2d start: %7d end: %7d Error: too many (%d) leads oops! shouldn't call Huffdecode with section = %d Amplitude value multiplier: %g nanovolts per unit Sample time interval: %d microseconds Warning: section 5 and 6 sample intervals don't match Encoding type: %d Compression type: %d Lead %d:%5d bytes Error: %d data byte%s missing from section %d Warning: %d extra byte%s in section %d Lead %d data %02x %5d %5d %5d %5d Error: %ld sample%s missing in lead %d Warning: %ld extra bit%s in lead %d Error: section 7 is too short (len = %d) Error: section 7 is too short (nmb = %d, nps = %d) QRS complexes measured: %d Measurement blocks: %d Number of measurement blocks: %d Number of pacemaker spikes: %d Mean RR interval: %d ms Mean PP interval: %d ms Block %d P onset: %d ms P end: %d ms QRS onset: %d ms QRS end: %d ms T end: %d ms P axis: %d degrees QRS axis: %d degrees T axis: %d degrees Spike %d: %u ms, %d microvolts (unknown spike type, (triggers neither P nor QRS, (triggers a QRS, (triggers a P, (spike type %d, source unknown, internal, external, source type %d, not linked to a QRS, linked to QRS #%d, %d microseconds ) sec7qrs = <%d> QRS type information (%d beats) QRS %d: reference beat type %d %d bytes remaining in section 7 %5d [%3d] Status: %d Date: %4d/%02d/%02d Time: %02d:%02d:%02d Number of statements: %d Statement %2d: (%d bytes) [%%%ds] Data: n/comp rej absent%8dParameter Units%8s <%4d> P duration ms PR interval ms QRS duration ms QT interval ms Q duration ms R duration ms S duration ms R' duration ms S' duration ms Q amplitude uV R amplitude uV S amplitude uV J amplitude uV P+ amplitude uV P- amplitude uV T+ amplitude uV T- amplitude uV ST slope uV/s P morphology -- T morphology -- Isoelec (I) ms Isoelec (K) ms Intrins defl ms Quality -- ST (J+20ms) uV ST (J+60ms) uV ST (J+80ms) uV ST (J+RRm/16) uV ST (J+RRm/8) uVError: too many (%d) leads Results for %d leads Calculating lead aVF Calculating lead aVL Calculating lead aVR Calculating lead I Calculating lead II Calculating lead III Universal statement codes resulting from the interpretation Lead measurement results Manufacturer specific diagnostic and overreading data Textual diagnosis from the interpretive device Global measurements Residual signal after reference beat subtraction (if reference beats are stored); otherwise, encoded rhythm data Encoded reference beat data QRS locations ECG lead definition Huffman tables used in encoding of ECG data Header information - Patient data/ECG acquisition data [skipped] Pointers to data areas in the record Warning: section length exceeds amount of remaining data This section will not be parsedHex dump of data area: Error: section 0 overlaps the next section Error: section 0 contains no data Warning: SCPECG identifier is missing in header Error: time of acquisition (tag 26) is missing Error: date of acquisition (tag 25) is missing Error: device ID number (tag 14) is missing Error: header terminator (tag 255) is missingoops! undefined variable type Free text medical history Time zone Electrode configuration code Medical history codes Sequence number Free text field (comments) Filter bit map Low-pass filter Baseline filter Time of acquisition Date of acquisition Stat code (urgency) Room Technician Latest confirming physician Referring physician Analyzing department Acquiring department Analyzing institution Acquiring institution ID of the analyzing device(60 Hz)(50 Hz)(unspecified) ID of the acquiring device Diagnosis or referral indication Diastolic blood pressure Systolic blood pressure Drug Race Sex Weight Height Date of birth Age Second last name Patient ID number First name Last name Error: section 1 contains no data Using standard Huffman table only Error: section 2 contains no data All leads recorded simultaneously Reference beat subtraction not used for compression Reference beat subtraction used for compression Error: section3 contains no data Error: QRS locations are missing QRS locations: Error: reference beat subtraction zones are missing Error: start and end should be zero for beats of non-zero types Reference beat subtraction zones: Error: section 4 contains no data Error: section 5 contains no dataHuffman encoding error Error: section 6 contains no dataError: sampling frequency not specified; assuming 500 Hz Error: no leads recorded Error: number of leads undefined -- section 3 missing or out of order(bimodal)(non-bimodal)(second differences)(first differences)(amplitudes) (Measurements for each reference beat type)width unknown) Pacemaker spike measurement data T axis: undefined QRS axis: undefined P axis: undefined (First measurement block contains measurements for reference beat type 0; Others contain measurements for each individual beat) Error: section 7 contains no data Error: data missing in section 8(overread report, but not confirmed)(confirmed report)(original report, not confirmed) Error: section 8 contains no data Error: section 9 contains no data Error: section 10 contains no data Error: section 11 contains no data00X! HHH \@ `34PGGSTU@ffPgPazRx $GAC $DF AC $lF+AC $FxAC $@GAC B,GAC M$hJAC ,<PJ3 AC M,lWGAC M$ZGAC B,ZAC P,vAC J,$wXAC J$THx6AC C,|`xAC P$AC C,AC M,AC J,4(AC M$dAC F$6AC ,(AC M,/AC M,`AC M,DبAC G$tXZAC ,AC J,`WAC G$4AC B$$7AC BęΙؙ (2<FPZdnxžƞʞΞҞ՞؞۞ޞ\\ (17=AFKR\dm`Ҟ՞؞۞ޞsvz~¬ĬƬȬʬ̬άԬ۬ $,4<BHNV^kyžƞΞʞíǭ˭ݭ)Rqήծܮ  <=|}P"UF` A\JRD`b0R@___stack_chk_guardQr(@___stderrp@___stdinp@___stdoutp@dyld_stub_binderrX@_newheaderr`@_osigfopenrh@_putinforp@_putvecrx@_setbasetimer@_setsampfreqr@_wfdbquitr@___sprintf_chkr@___stack_chk_failr@___strcpy_chkr@_atoir@_callocr@_exitr@_fcloser@_ferrorr@_fopenr@_fprintfr@_fputcr@_freadr@_freer@_fwriter@_isprintr@_mallocr@_memsetr@_printfr@_putcharr@_putsr@_qsortr@_strcmpr@_strlenr@_strncmpr@_strncpy__mh_execute_header#@ 0P8@& @`8@<BEa'9LWalz !(5BJR[dn % !"#$&@ % !"#$__mh_execute_header___sprintf_chk___stack_chk_fail___stack_chk_guard___stderrp___stdinp___stdoutp___strcpy_chk_atoi_calloc_exit_fclose_ferror_fopen_fprintf_fputc_fread_free_fwrite_isprint_malloc_memset_newheader_osigfopen_printf_putchar_putinfo_puts_putvec_qsort_setbasetime_setsampfreq_strcmp_strlen_strncmp_strncpy_wfdbquitdyld_stub_binderradr://5614542