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Seconds Minutes Hours Time Date Sample # Time Sample # Time Sample # %s %7ld%9.3lf %9.5lf %9.7lf%6s%5d%5d%5d %s%s usage: %s -r RECORD -a ANNOTATOR [OPTIONS ...] where RECORD and ANNOTATOR specify the input, and OPTIONS may include: -c CHAN print annotations with specified CHAN only -e * show annotation times as elapsed times -f TIME start at specified TIME -h print this usage summary -n NUM print annotations with specified NUM only -p TYPE [TYPE ...] print annotations of specified TYPEs only -s SUBTYPE print annotations with specified SUBTYPE only -t TIME stop at specified TIME -v print column headings -x * use alternate time format (seconds, minutes, hours)* Only one of -e and -x can be used.Type Sub Chan Num Aux 44u4 @ @ !XzRx ,^ AC M$LX7AC B$tp$AC C    ",6@JT^hr|"UC`@___stderrpQr8@dyld_stub_binderr@@_annopenrH@_annstrrP@_getannrX@_iannsettimer`@_mstimstrrh@_sampfreqrp@_setsampfreqrx@_strannr@_strtimr@_atoir@_atolr@_exitr@_fprintfr@_printfr@_putcharr@_putsr@_strchrr@_strlen__mh_execute_header@@<BEa#,4:@FOWdnv  @  __mh_execute_header___stderrp_annopen_annstr_atoi_atol_exit_fprintf_getann_iannsettime_mstimstr_printf_putchar_puts_sampfreq_setsampfreq_strann_strchr_strlen_strtimdyld_stub_binderradr://5614542