This MATLAB m-code software in this directory (see links near the end of this
page) reimplements the algorithms used by the Fortran version of
ecgpuwave for detecting the onsets, peaks, and ends of P,
QRS, and T waves in the ECG. The main function is limits.m.
Its required input parameters are:
- dirhea
- directory where the record header file is
- dirsig
- directory where the record data file is
- dirann
- directory where the record annotation file is
- ecgnr
- name of the record
- anot
- name of the annotator (the suffix of the annotation file
name, such as 'atr')
- typerec
- type of record format (0=MIT format, 1=Lund format)
In addition, these optional input parameters can be used to override the
program's default values:
- res
- results format (0=structure, 1=text; default: 0)
- nl
- number corresponding to the processing lead (default: 1)
- ti
- beginning of the processing (default: '0:00')
- tf
- end of the processing (default: 'end')
- nbo_flag
- include (0) or exclude (1) abnormal beats (default: 0)
- Kq
- threshold for Q wave beginning (default: 1.5)
- Kr
- threshold for R wave beginning and end (default: 5)
- Ks
- threshold for S wave end (default: 3)
- Krr
- threshold for R' wave end in case of QRS complexes with RSR'
morphology (default: 5)
- Kpb
- threshold for P wave beginning (default: 1.35)
- Kpe
- threshold for P wave end (default: 2)
- Ktb
- threshold for T wave beginning (default: 2)
- Kte
- threshold for T wave end (default: 3.5)
- pco
- threshold for T wave morphology classification (default: 8)
The output parameters are:
- banot
- annotation structures, containing:
- banot.time: position of the annotation (in samples)
- banot.anntyp: type of annotation (one of: '(': wave beginning,
')': wave end, 'p': P peak, 'N': position of the QRS given in the input
annotation file, 'Q': Q peak, 'R': R peak, 'S': S peak, 't': T peak
- banot.subtyp: reserved field
- banot.chan: channel to which annotations correspond
- banot.num: one of: 0: beginning, peak, or end of P wave, QRS position, or normal T wave; 1: beginning or end of QRS, or inverted T wave;
2: beginning or end of T wave, or up T wave; 3: down T wave;
4: biphasic negative-positive T wave; 5: biphasic positive-negative T wave
- QT
- structure with the value of QT interval (QT.val)
and the position of the corresponding beat (QT.pos)
- structure with the values of the QT interval corrected by
Bazett's formula and the position of the corresponding beat (QTC.val, QTC.pos)
- QW
- structure with Q wave amplitude and peak position
(QW.val, QW.pos)
- RW
- structure with R wave amplitude and peak position
(RW.val, RW.pos)
- SW
- structure with S wave amplitude and peak position
(SW.val, SW.pos)
- structure with the value of the QRS interval and the position
of the corresponding beat (QRS.val, QRS.pos)
The function limits.m can be divided in the following blocks:
- First, it reads the record header and data from the corresponding directories. The input functions included here (readheader.m, opensig.m,
and getvec.m) read most
PhysioBank-compatible formats. The functions gethdsig.m and getsig.m (available from the authors) can be used to read Lund formats.
- Second, it reads the annotation file from its corresponding
directory to obtain the QRS position given by an external
annotator. If the annotator used is Aristotle, the input parameter
anot='ari'. If no annotation file is supplied, limits.m
attempts to use basicECG.m and qrsdet.m to detect the
QRS complexes, but these files have not been contributed by their authors
and are not available here, so this attempt will fail unless you have
obtained or reimplemented these functions. PhysioToolkit includes several
QRS detectors that can generate an annotation file if necessary; these
include gqrs,
and wqrs (all written in C and
included in the WFDB Software Package,
as well as the original Fortran version of ecgpuwave,
which includes its own QRS detector.
- The detection of the beginning, peak and end of the ECG waves is
accomplished with the following functions:
- lynfilt.m: filters the ECG signal to obtain intermediate signals
- proces.m: processes the intermediate signal to obtain the wave
- qrsbound.m: classifies QRS complexes based on their morphology
and obtains the position and limits of the different QRS waves using
buscaR.m, buscaQ.m and buscaS.m
- buscaR.m: determines the morphology of the QRS complex; if it
is of RSR' type it obtains the significant points, otherwise, it gives the
position of the R wave
- buscaQ.m: obtains the beginning of the Q wave
- buscaS.m: obtains the end of the S wave
- pbound.m: detects the P wave, giving its position, beginning and
end, and its classification (normal or inverted)
- tbound.m: classifies the T wave based on its morphology
(normal, inverted, upward, downward, biphasic negative-positive, biphasic
positive-negative); and obtains the position, beginning and end of the T wave
- buscacero.m: returns the first zero-crossing in a signal segment
- buscapic2.m: returns the position and value of the peaks in a
signal segment, avoiding peaks of only one sample
- buscaruido.m: returns the mean level of noise in a signal segment
- calc_rr.m: computes the mean RR interval for each beat
- crearumbral.m: gives the position of the first sample of a signal
segment that crosses an specific threshold
- testpic.m: checks if the position of a wave peak obtained by the
derivative criterion corresponds to a peak in the ECG signal