name ,description,unit,data_type,example subject_id,An identifier for the subject which aligns across the,,int,"001, 002" file_name,The Name of the files which corresponds to the subject,,string,"x001, x002" gender,The gender of the subject. M for male and F for female,,char,"M, F" age,The exact age of the subject.,years,float,5.5 diagnosis,The diagnosis provided for the subject.,,string,AVRT ap_loacation,The location of the Accessory Pathway,,string,right posteroseptal ecg_duration,The duration of the ecg that is provided for the subject in H:m:s.SSS,,string,2:25:29.201 H,hours,h,int,2 m,minutes,m,int,25 s,seconds,s,int,29 SSS,millisecond,ms,int,201