import json import os import re import cv2 import numpy as np import pandas as pd from utils import process_depth_frame, xsens_joint_names, \ frames_original_shape, multiple_cams_merge_pointcloud, \ draw_img_keypoints def read_walker_data( dataset_root_path, subj_ids, seq_ids, rep_ids, frames_shape=(320, 240), undersample_rate=1, ignore_error=True): """ Function to read/use walker data. Args: dataset_root_path(str): path to root of the walker dataset. subj_ids(Iterable[str]): selected subjects read data. seq_ids(Iterable[str]): selected sequences read data. rep_ids(Iterable[str]): selected repetitions read data. frames_shape(tuple[int]): target size for camera frames. undersample_rate(int): Undersample rate to apply to data. 1 means no undersample. ignore_error(bool): if errors should be ignored while parsing. """ dataset_raw_path = dataset_root_path + "/raw_data" dataset_proc_path = dataset_root_path + "/processed_data" print("Extracting dataset data, this will take a while!") for subj_id in sorted(subj_ids): for seq_id in sorted(seq_ids): for rep_id in sorted(rep_ids): seq_path_name = subj_id + "_" + seq_id rep_path_name = seq_path_name + "_" + rep_id data_tree_path = "/{}/{}/{}/" \ .format(subj_id, seq_path_name, rep_path_name) if not os.path.isdir(dataset_raw_path + data_tree_path): # ignores data combinations which dont exist or are not available #print("Requested data does not exist: {} | {} | {}" # .format(subj_id, seq_id, rep_id)) continue try: ''' # (pointcloud) load extrinsic referential transforms + intrinsic camera params extrinsic_calib_path = dataset_raw_path + "/{}/{}_extrinsic_calibration.json"\ .format(subj_id, subj_id) with open(extrinsic_calib_path, "r") as f: extrinsic_ref_transforms = json.load(f) intrinsic_calib_path = dataset_raw_path + "/{}/{}_intrinsic_calibration.json"\ .format(subj_id, subj_id) with open(intrinsic_calib_path, "r") as f: cam_intrinsics = json.load(f) for k in cam_intrinsics: cam_intrinsics[k] = np.array(cam_intrinsics[k]) ''' # load data alignment file align_idx = pd.read_csv(dataset_proc_path + data_tree_path + "synchronized_data_idx.csv", index_col=0) # load 3D skeleton data and reshape to [N, J, 3] qpos3d_norm = pd.read_csv(dataset_proc_path + data_tree_path + "normalized_skeleton_3d.csv", index_col=0) qpos3d_norm = qpos3d_norm.values.reshape(-1, len(xsens_joint_names), 3) qpos3d_camref = pd.read_csv(dataset_proc_path + data_tree_path + "aligned_skeleton_3d.csv", index_col=0) qpos3d_camref = qpos3d_camref.values.reshape(-1, len(xsens_joint_names), 3) # load 2D skeleton data and reshape to [N, J, 2] qpos2d_gait = pd.read_csv(dataset_proc_path + data_tree_path + "aligned_skeleton_2d_gait.csv", index_col=0) qpos2d_gait = qpos2d_gait.values.reshape(-1, len(xsens_joint_names), 2) qpos2d_posture = pd.read_csv(dataset_proc_path + data_tree_path + "aligned_skeleton_2d_posture.csv", index_col=0) qpos2d_posture = qpos2d_posture.values.reshape(-1, len(xsens_joint_names), 2) depth_g_path = dataset_raw_path + data_tree_path + "gait_depth_registered" depth_p_path = dataset_raw_path + data_tree_path + "posture_depth_registered" # get depth camera files depth_fnum_pattern = re.compile("[a-zA-Z]+_[a-zA-Z]+_(\d+)_\d+_\d+.png") depth_g_frame_ids = sorted( os.listdir(depth_g_path), key=lambda s: int(, s).group(1))) depth_p_frame_ids = sorted( os.listdir(depth_p_path), key=lambda s: int(, s).group(1))) for f_i, (f_dpt_p_idx, f_dpt_g_idx, _) \ in enumerate(zip(*align_idx.values.transpose())): if not (f_i % undersample_rate == 0): continue # get 3D joint data f_qpos3d_norm = qpos3d_norm[f_i] # in normalized referential f_qpos3d_camref = qpos3d_camref[f_i] # in posture camera referential # get 2D joint data f_qpos2d_gait = qpos2d_gait[f_i] f_qpos2d_posture = qpos2d_posture[f_i] # example of how to get/visualize video frames, # pointcloud and visualized overlaid keypoint data f_dpt_g = process_depth_frame( cv2.imread(depth_g_path + "/" + depth_g_frame_ids[f_dpt_g_idx], cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH), save_shape=frames_shape).astype(np.float32) f_dpt_p = process_depth_frame( cv2.imread(depth_p_path + "/" + depth_p_frame_ids[f_dpt_p_idx], cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH), save_shape=frames_shape).astype(np.float32) ''' # extract pointcloud from multiple cameras and merge it # no pointcloud or 3D joint data visualization as it needed # extra requirements for the repo, if this is really needed # feel free to request it. pointcloud, pc_color = multiple_cams_merge_pointcloud( depth_data=(f_dpt_p, f_dpt_g), intrinsic_matrix=[cam_intrinsics["posture_camera"], cam_intrinsics["gait_camera"]], extrinsic_matrix=[np.eye(4), extrinsic_ref_transforms[ "CamGaitToPostureTransform"]], n_points=4096, depth_range=(0.1, 2.0)) ''' ################ visualize data ################ # resize keypoints 2D to match resized frames f_qpos2d_data_gait_show = np.round( f_qpos2d_gait * np.divide(frames_shape, frames_original_shape) ).astype(np.int32) f_qpos2d_data_posture_show = np.round( f_qpos2d_posture * np.divide(frames_shape, frames_original_shape) ).astype(np.int32) # draw keypoints on depth frames depth_gait_frame_show = draw_img_keypoints( f_dpt_g * 0.1, f_qpos2d_data_gait_show, color=(0, 1, 0, 1), radius=2) depth_posture_frame_show = draw_img_keypoints( f_dpt_p * 0.1, f_qpos2d_data_posture_show, color=(0, 1, 0, 1), radius=2) # show data cv2.imshow("Depth gait frame", depth_gait_frame_show) cv2.imshow("Depth posture frame", depth_posture_frame_show) cv2.waitKey(1) ################################################ except Exception as e: if not ignore_error: raise e else: print("Could not read data from: {} | {} | {}" .format(subj_id, seq_id, rep_id), " ---------------------------------------> Error: ", e) cv2.destroyAllWindows() if __name__ == "__main__": dataset_path = "../.." # subject data to extract subj_ids = ["participant{0:02d}".format(i) for i in range(14)] # sequence data to extract for each subject seq_ids = ["left_0.3", "left_0.5", "left_0.7", "right_0.3", "right_0.5", "right_0.7", "straight_0.3", "straight_0.5", "straight_0.7"] rep_ids = ["corner1", "corner2", "corner3", "corridor1", "corridor2", "corridor3"] read_walker_data( dataset_root_path=dataset_path, subj_ids=subj_ids, seq_ids=seq_ids, rep_ids=rep_ids, frames_shape=(320, 240), undersample_rate=1, ignore_error=True)