function scaledData = coarsegrain(data,tau) % scaledData = coarsegrain(data,tau) % % OVERVIEW: generate the consecutive coarse-grained time series % % INPUTS: % data : Vector containing the original seires % tau : scale factor (if tau = 1 returs the original series) % OUTPUTS: % scaledData : the coarse-grained time series at the scale factor tau % % Written by: Giulia Da Poian % REPO: % % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information if nargin < 2 error('Wrong number of input arguments'); end L = length(data); J = fix(L/tau); scaledData = zeros(1,J); if tau < 1 error('The scale factor must be a positive integer number'); elseif tau == 1 scaledData = data; % return orignal series return else for idx=1:J scaledData(idx) = mean(data((idx-1)*tau+1:idx*tau)); end end