# waveform-django This directory houses all of the code for the annotator and static content for the website. ## export - Contains all of the setup and testing for the GraphQL API. ## static - Contains all of the static content for the website (e.g. packages, favicons, CSS, JS, etc.) ## templates - Contains all of the base Django templates (augmented HTML) for the website. ## waveforms - Contains the waveform annotator code and Django template for its rendering. ## website - Contains all of the Django templates for the visible website except for the annotator itself. ## manage.py - Allows the user to interact with the Django database. Examples include:
./manage.py runserver
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py makemigrations
## schema.py
- Sets up the interaction between the Django models / database and the GraphQL API. For example, this line specifies that we should base our queries off of the Query
class and prevent the conversion of snake_case class names to CamelCase:
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, auto_camelcase=False)
- The URL defined to interact with this endpoint is waveform-django/export/urls.py