Abbreviations,Definition,Notes 2v cabg,2V Coronary artery bypass graft ,"I think ""2v"" might be a reference to 2 vessels, but I can't be 100% sure without the EMR" aaa,Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm? ,Can't be 100% sure without the EMR ablation,n/a,Not an abbrv. acute renal failure,n/a,Not an abbrv. af,Atrial fibrillation, af/aflutter,Atrial fibrillation/Atrial flutter, af/flutter,Atrial fibrillation/Atrial flutter, aflutter,Atrial flutter, aki,Acute kidney injury, aki on ckd,AKI on Chronic kidney disease , aki on ckd3,AKI on Chronic kidney disease stage 3, as,Aortic stenosis? ,Can't be 100% sure without the EMR asd/pfo,Atrial Septal Defect/Patent Foramen Ovale , atrial arrhythmias,n/a,Not an abbrv. atrial switch,n/a,Not an abbrv. avj ablation,Atrioventricular Junction Ablation, avr,Aortic valve replacement, biv hfref 2/2 nicm,Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction Secondary To Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy,Per Dr. Klein BiV HFrEF (Biventricular HFrEF) should be listed as just HFrEF blalock hanlon & mustard procedure,n/a,Not an abbrv. blt,[Unknown],Unknown unless I have more context cabg,Coronary artery bypass graft , cabg & multiple pci,CABG & multiple Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, cabg & pci,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , cabg + pci,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , cad,Coronary Artery Disease , cardioMEMS,n/a,Not an abbrv. carotid body simulator,n/a,Not an abbrv. chb,Congenital heart block, chronic af,chronic atrial fibrillation, cirrhosis,n/a,Not an abbrv. ckd,Chronic Kidney disease , ckd 5,Chronic Kidney disease stage 5, ckd3,Chronic kidney disease stage 3, closoure,Need more context/not an abbrv, closure,Need more context/not an abbrv, congestive hepatopathy,n/a,Not an abbrv. copd,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, copd on o2,COPD on Oxygen , coronary vasospasm,n/a,Not an abbrv. crt-d,Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defribrillator, crt-d and ablation,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , crt-p,Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Pacemaker, cto of lad,Chronic Total Occlusion of Left Anterior Descending , d-tga,Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries, dilated cm,Dilated Cardiomyopathy, dm,Diabetes Mellitus, dm2,Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, esrd on hd,End Stage Renal Disease on Hemodialysis, esrd on pd,End Stage Renal Disease on Peritoneal Dialysis, hcm,Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, hd,[Unknown],"Could be hemodialysis or huntington's disease, but I can't be sure without more context/the EMR" hereditary cm,Hereditary Cardiomyopathy, hf w/borderline ef,Heart Failure with Boderline Ejection Fraction, hfpef,Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction, hfpef (ref was very transient per lk),HFpEF (Reduced Ejection Fraction was very transient per Dr. Liviu Klein),"Patient's EF was probably in the range of HFrEF, but per Dr. Klein's assessment, patient was classifed as HFpEF because the reduced EF was transient" hfpef 2/2 hcm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , hfpef 2/2 icm,HFpEF secondary to Ischemic Cardiomyopathy , hfpef w/hcm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , hfref,Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction, hfref 2/2 familial nicm,HFrEF secondary to familial NICM, hfref 2/2 icm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , hfref 2/2 icm & nicm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , hfref 2/2 nicm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , hfref 2/2 non-obstructive hcm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , hfref 2/2 peripartum cm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , hfref now w/recovering ef,HFrEF now with recovering Ejection Fraction,"Patient was diagnosed with HFrEF, but Ejection Fraction is improving" hfref now w/recovering ef 2/2 peripartum cm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , hfref w/hcm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , high output hf,High Output Heart Failure, htn,Hypertension, icd,Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator, icm,Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, icm/nicm,Ischemic Cardiomyopathy/Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy, kidney transplant,n/a,Not an abbrv. lad stent,Left Anterior Descending Artery stent, lbbb,Left Bundle Branch Block, lv thrombus,Left Ventricular thrombus, lvad,Left ventricular assist device, maze,n/a,Not an abbrv. maze & ablation,n/a,Not an abbrv. maze & laa ligation,Maze & Left Atrial Appendage ligation, maze & tv ring,Maze & Tricuspid Ring, mitral clip,n/a,Not an abbrv. moderate mr,Moderate Mitral Regurgitation, moderate tr,Moderate Tricuspid Regurgitation, mr,Mitral Regurgitation, multiple ablations & maze,n/a,Not an abbrv. multiple intracardiac thrombi,n/a,Not an abbrv. mv annuloplasty,Mitral Valve annuloplasty, mv endocarditis,Mitral Valve endocarditis, mv regurg,Mitral Valve Regurgitation, mv repair & annuloplasty,Mitral Valve Repair & Annuloplasty, mvr,Mitral Valve Replacement, myectomy,n/a,Not an abbrv. nicm,Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy, nicm 2/2 peripartum cm,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , nidcm,Nonischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy, non-obstructive cad,Non-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease , non-occlusive cad,Non-occlusive Coronary Artery Disease, non-rheumatic mitral regurgitation,n/a,Not an abbrv. nsvt,Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, oht,Orthotopic Heart Transplant, ohtx,Orthotopic Heart Transplant, osa,Obstructive Sleep Apnea , osa on cpap,OSA on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, osa on intermittent cpap,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , pad,Peripheral Arterial Disease, paf,Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation, paf/afl,Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter, paf/fluttter,Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter, pancreactectomy,n/a,Not an abbrv. pci,Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, pci to lad,PCI to Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery , peripartum cm,Peripartum Cardiomyopathy, ph,Pulmonary Hypertension, ph - requires supplemental o2,PH requires supplemental oxygen, phtn,Pulmonary Hypertension, pkd,Polycystic Kidney Disease, pm,Pacemaker , post-transplant htn,Definition(s) provided elsewhere , ppm,Permanenet Pacemaker , pvi,Pulmonary Vein Isolation, ra c/b pulmonary fibrosis & phtn,Rheumatoid Arthritis Complicated By pulmonary fibrosis & Pulmonary Hypertension, rhd,Rheumatic Heart Disease, rv dysfunction,Right Ventricular Dysfunction, rv dysfunction w/moderate tr,RV Dysfunction with moderate Tricuspid Regurgitation, severe mitral regurg,Severe mItral Regurgitation, severe mr,Severe Mitral Regurgitation, severe ph,Severe Pulmonary Hypertension, severe tr,Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation, sle,Systemmic Lupus Erythematosus, sss,Sick Sinus Syndrome, systemic htn,Systemic HTN , tavr,Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, torsades de pointes,n/a,Not an abbrv. vad,Ventricular Assist Device, vf,Ventricular Fibrillation, vsd,Ventricular Septal Defect, vsd repair,Ventricular Septal Defect Repair, vt,Ventricular Tachycardia,